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Looking like two frost coming before June yet

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May 13, 2009, 1:43:30 AM5/13/09
to mpolitics
For those that have planted annuals it is still May. Way to save -
hose off plants at dawn. Yep about 6 a.m. is about right. My son was
antsy to help get the garden in early. I said nope. Looking like the
last day of May to the first weekend in June to play it safe this year
once again. Only once in 40 years have I been off. We had frost the
second weekend of June, so go figure.


May 13, 2009, 9:46:04 AM5/13/09
to mpolitics
I REMEMBER that June Frost! Everyone scrambling back to the
greenhouses for more tomatoes and peppers.....Luckily, Weesies had

I've tried planting early and discovered I end up with just as many
tomatoes as planting late. They sit there until the ground is warmed
up enough for their liking, no matter what the air temperature.

Now with seeds, I'll plant those early-ish. Planted nastursium seeds
yesterday because its supposed to rain a lot today. Would have
planted morning glory seeds but forgot to soak 'em
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