Cute. Are those WoW characters?
Also, it never ceases to amaze me when I hear women react with either
shock or surprise when they realize that a major online activity for
many, if not most, men is surfing porn. I wonder: are these chicks
living in a bubble, or a convent or something? (The land of Make-
Believe, perhaps?)
As I said sometime last week, men are visual. That's neither good nor
bad, it just "is".
On Apr 27, 10:04 am, Omni <> wrote:
> On Apr 24, 2:11 pm, Lake Shore Girl <> wrote:
> > LOL! Sorry, I keep the pics carefully guarded.
> > Omni? How about I see if I can capture you a screen shot of Kim
> > Basinger and send you that?
> Offer accepted. :o)
> I would like to offer this to anyone needing a monday laugh.