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Couldn't Believe the Way they talked

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May 17, 2009, 1:07:18 AM5/17/09
to mpolitics
Went to read the story about a protest that's going to happen in Bay
City. About a 15 year old drunk boy who got tasered and somehow died.
Don't want to get into the story but the way people talk in Bay City.
Never been there, is it a "hick" town because everyone talks about
getting drunk and white trash. Don't like how everyone plays a victim
nowadays. Kid got drunk, 3 cops, son's an MP so you can't tell me that
3 guys can't control a situation. But I wasn't there. I hate tasers,
think cops use them too fast.
But these "people" are calling the dead kid names, the parents and
the cops. Plus the community names. And let me expand this if you
don't mind, because I've been thinking about this lately.
I know I'm the token Conservative I'll try to make sense
about this. Jesse and Sharpton, to me, only hang around to keep the
"race card" going. They need and want conflict. I don't like most of
what President Obama is doing. Just like I didn't like a lot of what
Bush was doing. But the other evening was watching O'Reilly and he had
Dr. Hill and a right wing talk guy named Mike Gallagher. This guy
couldn't even give credit to Obama when he won't release any more
pictures. He thinks it is a political move. O'Reilly called him on it.
He stood his ground.
Hate is a strong word, but at that moment I felt it. The same
feeling I get watching Olbermann. I met a women the other day and we
talked for an hour about what's going on in this country. She's a
Liberal, but we share the same values in life. Somehow/body is causing
us to become angry with each other. Bring up say abortion. A lot of
people get pissed at each other. Like Notre Dame with Obama. I'm a
Christian and was a Catholic, gosh let the President speak.
Things like that. Is everyone a Catholic at Notre Dame? Which means
I hope those non-Catholics don't receive Communion. That's a no no. I
just hate the name calling that's all. Watching Matthews the other day
and he says that Palin can't write a book and said other stupid
things. Why? Maybe I'm getting like Donovan and smoking that Mellow


May 17, 2009, 1:30:31 PM5/17/09
to mpolitics
I know it was too long and maybe nobody will response and that's okay
too. Was thinking how I could have made it shorter. When did all this
hate start in this country? I'm almost 59 was involved in the Dem
Machine in Chicago in the 70's and I don't remember the hate speech
from either side like it is now.
Damn we're still Americans and we can't talk about anything because
it always comes down to what side we're on.


May 18, 2009, 7:29:02 AM5/18/09
to mpolitics
Hate has been alive and well for a long, long time Racer. Think about
decades ago when lynchings were the norm in the Deep South. Or the
days when criminals were executed in public, hanged by the neck in
front of tens of thousands of cheering people. Or the Salem witch
hunts, during which many innocent men and women were tried and
executed based on nothing more than hearsay.

I share your beliefs about hate speech in this country. And I also
share your belief that people need to be civil when they discuss their
differences, and that doesn't happen nearly often enough.

But hate has been around probably as long as humans have existed on
this planet. I don't think it's worse now ... it just seems that way
because we're older and wiser. :-)


May 18, 2009, 12:01:06 PM5/18/09
to mpolitics
You may be right may be we hear and see it more now because of
electronics. But it doesn't excuse our "leaders", opinion/news
commentators or any head of an organization calling names to others
they disagree with. These the "educated" ones who has a world of words
to choose from, but instead use second grade words.
Everyone has a past they can talk about and I shared a little
here.Physical things happened to me, but now at 59 the things that
still hurt the most were the words. Just sounds coming out of a very
unhappy person. My older sister always had a weight problem, Dad's
solution? Calling her fat that will help her. And your right we are
getting older. And I'm reflecting more.
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