Checking the source code of mixtureSummaryTable() we can see that a grepl() function is evaluating if the pattern “mixture” is there in the $analysis sub-list. For this reason it seem that the mixtureSummaryTable() only works with object created from the createMixtures() function and not a manually defined readModels() list.
I would extract the Fit Indices that I need manually from your readModels() object using map() to iterate.
Alexandre Gareau, Ph.D.
Consultant en méthode quantitative/Quantitative method consultant
Consultant en développement d’outil de mesure/ Measure development consultant
Chargé de cours/ Part-time lecturer
Consultant méthode quantitative / Quantitative method consultant
École de psychologie / School of psychology
Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa
Email :
From: 'Catia Oliveira' via MplusAutomation <>
Sent: Monday, February 5, 2024 5:20 PM
Subject: [MplusAutomation] Re: MixtureSummaryTables output issue
In case you'd need a working example of what I am referring to:
res<- createMixtures(classes = 1:3, filename_stem = "iris", rdata = iris)
lpa_a_out <- readModels(target = "C:/Users/oliv/Downloads", filefilter = "iris_([1-9])")
mixtureSummaryTable(lpa_a_out) # does not work
On Mon, 5 Feb 2024 at 16:46, Catia Oliveira <> wrote:
Dear all,
I hope you are all well.
Has anyone ever experienced issues with mixtureSummaryTables()? I have run a loop for all the classes (I did it manually, not using createmixtures), printed the output in the usual Mplus format and then read it using readModels(). When I used mixtureSummaryModels on the list of models that were read it produced an error message:
This is what GMM_linear_ci.output looks like in case it helps.
Does anyone know why this is happening?
Best wishes,
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