mpir3.0.0 on or mpir-master on

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Benjie Lu

Jul 7, 2020, 1:18:09 AM7/7/20
to mpir-devel
Hello , everyone, 
The two zip files : 1. mpir3.0.0 on
                             2. mpir-master on 
        are diffirent. And the latter seems to be compatible with the latest visual C++ 2019.
        My question is , there is no guide to use  mpir-master, i.e, from Mr Brian Gladman 's github.

I will be extremly grateful if anyone can help me.  
Thanks in advance. 

Benjie Lu.


Jul 7, 2020, 3:34:22 AM7/7/20
to mpir-devel
If you read the documentation for MPIR available here: use of my repoository is explained on pages 11 to 13.  

Can I ask why you didn't read the MPIR documentation before asking for help.  

I am genuinely interested in your answer since we might be able to do something more to help new users of MPIR.

     with my regards,

         Brian Gladman

Benjie Lu

Jul 7, 2020, 5:41:39 AM7/7/20
to mpir-devel

Thank you for your help.  I made it. The default visual studio solution will use windows 8.1 sdk, while I work on windows 10 with windows 10 sdk,  there is a link error, " can not open file x64\Debug\mpn\add_err1_n.obj " . 
    So, I have to use Windows 8.1 sdk. 
    Thank you once again.  

   Benjie Lu


Jul 7, 2020, 6:13:04 AM7/7/20
to mpir-devel
The default windows SDK that MPIR will use depends on the version of Visual Studio that you are using.  With Visual Studio 2019 the default is the Windows 10 SDK.   You can, of course, change the default if you wish to use a different version.

The error you mention is a build error and is not likely to be caused by the version of the SDK you are using.   

You need to check if the Visual Studio solution includes one of the files add_err1_n.asm or add_err1_n.c and, if it does (as it should) you then need to check why the object file is not being produced. 

Benjie Lu

Jul 7, 2020, 8:55:10 PM7/7/20
to mpir-devel
Thank you so much, I will do more test. 

Benjie Lu

Jul 8, 2020, 12:23:07 AM7/8/20
to mpir-devel
That is true. Both visual studio 2019 and 2017, both windows sdk 8.1 and 10.0 are all OK.  
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