MPIR Support Questions.

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Arthur Dent

Oct 17, 2021, 6:01:25 AM10/17/21
to mpir-devel
Dear MPIR,

I have a few questions to pose in regards to your famous C library.

-Is it possible to pre download already compiled versions of MPIR for Win64, Lin64 Operating Systems?

-Is MPIR library compatible with available Win64 implementations of GCC, for example, TDM (Twilight Dragon Media)?

-Does MPIR support an Arbitrary Precision, or High Precision,
positive, negative, or zero, Base 10 Integer type?

-Does MPIR support an Arbitrary Precision, or High Precision,
positive, negative, or zero, Base 10 Rational Number
(Integer and/or Decimal) type?

-Does MPIR support casting in between two such types?

-Does MPIR Support functions that correspond to the following,
upon Arbitrary Precision Integer, I or Arbitrary Precision Rational, R numbers?

sign(R input)  returns I;
abs(R input)   returns I;
ceil(R input)  returns I;
floor(R input) returns I;
round(R input) returns I;
recip(R input) returns R;
pi(BIGINT precision) returns R;
e(BIGINT precision)  returns R;
power(R base, R exponent) returns R;
sqrt(R input) returns R;
nroot(I theroot, R input) returns R;
log10(R input) returns R;
ln(R input) returns R;
log2(R input) returns R;
factorial(I input) returns I;
nCr(I objects, I selectionSize) returns I;
nPr(I objects, I selectionSize) returns I;

degrees(R input) returns R;
radians(R input) returns R;
sind(R input)    returns R;
cosd(R input)    returns R;
tand(R input)    returns R;
asind(R input)   returns R;
acosd(R input)   returns R;
atand(R input)   returns R;
sinr(R input)    returns R;
cosr(R input)    returns R;
tanr(R input)    returns R;
asinr(R input)   returns R;
acosr(R input)   returns R;
atanr(R input)   returns R;

Many Thanks!


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