Newbie help with OPP and Cobrapin

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Bob P

Jul 17, 2023, 11:16:20 AM7/17/23
to MPF Users
Coil not firing.
config file opens.
Switch works in program.
i have continuity from negative side of coil to pin 0-0-04 on jumper 7
Coil also works when i hit it with power directly (out outside of game).
Any help would be appreciated


Jul 17, 2023, 11:37:42 AM7/17/23
to MPF Users
Hello !
Your coil is connected to 0-0-4.
Is your power coming from HV_B ?

Bob P

Jul 17, 2023, 1:11:48 PM7/17/23
to MPF Users
it wasn't, it was on C but it was powered :( 
 I reattached to B but it still won't fire.
Inside the game it shows the switch activating


Jul 18, 2023, 12:46:44 PM7/18/23
to MPF Users
It looks like you have not enabled the flipper. See step 6 here:

If you do not change the enable_events, it uses the default of "ball_started" meaning you have to start a game in order for the flippers to work. Using "machine_reset_phase_3" will enable the flipper as soon as MPF boots.

Were the yellow LEDs firing on the switch hits? Always check coil logical functionality using the yellow LEDs on CobraPin BEFORE applying coil power. You can do this with only USB power.


Jul 18, 2023, 12:55:12 PM7/18/23
to MPF Users
Also, what flipper mechs are you using? That config looks like one for an older flipper with a high current EOS. If you use that on a newer mech, you may burn a fuse/coil/FET/etc.

Bob P

Jul 18, 2023, 9:47:58 PM7/18/23
to MPF Users
Thanks so much for helping.
I noticed the line  "machine_reset_phase_3" was missing after my last post and some researching. I added it but no difference :(
I didn't see any yellow lights. Is this on the cobra board? only see blue lights on the connectors.
Not sure about the coil logical functionality using the yellow LEDs on CobraPin. Where was that lesson?!

Bob P

Jul 18, 2023, 9:50:43 PM7/18/23
to MPF Users
not sure what you mean by flipper mechs. the flipper assembly is out of an old pinball machine. It does work when I connect directly to 48V.
It is getting power (verified with meter) to the + side. The switch is also shown as working on the console when I activate.
I also have continuity on the ground side of het coil from the coil to the pin 


Jul 19, 2023, 1:44:06 AM7/19/23
to MPF Users
The yellow LEDs are on the CobraPin board. They are next to the coil numbers in the silkscreen on the board. There is a note in this section about them:

If you see blue lights, you have coil power on that bank through active power or residual power stored in the capacitors. Again, until you are confident in your coil config and have verified things are firing as expected with the yellow LEDs, I recommend you do not apply coil power.

Could you move the flipper coil to a different coil channel to see if there is something unique about that channel? Do you see the yellow LED fire on the new coil channel?

You are using an actual switch to fire the flipper not a virtual switch, right? Virtual switches do not work for flippers.

If you still have problems, could you share your revised config?


Jul 19, 2023, 1:52:39 AM7/19/23
to MPF Users
Also note that the coil connector is a 9pin connector and that there are only 8 coil outputs. Leave the pin marked with a * unconnected. 0-0-4 is right next to a * so it is possible you are a pin off.

Todd Legere

Jul 19, 2023, 11:53:46 AM7/19/23
to MPF Users
My favorite way to test coils and switches is by using mpf service cmd.

I open up two mpf sessions. So on terminal session one I type mpf both.
On a second session  type mpf service

On the service menu I use List_coils cmd
then I pulse_coil c_coil_name.
I exercise each coil using that method.
I also exercise my leds, switch, etc here.

Todd Legere

Jul 19, 2023, 12:03:06 PM7/19/23
to MPF Users
See cobraboard here with my flipper attached. Notice bank A and bank C with the key pin 9 pins only 8 usable.

Bob P

Jul 19, 2023, 12:31:51 PM7/19/23
to MPF Users
thanks to everyone for the help, greatly appreciated. I found the problem 
After I noticed the line  "machine_reset_phase_3" was missing when I added it I left the # sign on the line.
Once I removed it everything is working now.

Didn't know about the yellow lights. Appreciate the advisement on that
I do know about the extra pin (8 vs 9)

thanks for all the help.  I'm sure I'll back again at some point! lol 
I should be ok now until I have to program how the scoring works.
eg one contact sets off a series of actions and if statements.
dreading that one...  
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