First game with Godot... stuck in initial setup, no MPFSlide option / folder path question

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Oct 12, 2024, 4:38:28 PMOct 12
to MPF Users
Hi all,

I'm trying to get MPF 0.80.x setup with Godot 4.3 so I can try it out on a new game. I'm following the instructions here:

I got to the part where I'm supposed to set up the attract slide, but I can't find the MPFSlide class to extend it from. I do see other MPF stuff there, just not the MPFSlide class. I pulled the mpf-gmc project (v0.1.0) just a couple days ago and copied the /addons/mpf-gmc folder into the Godot project's addons folder, which must've worked or I wouldn't expect to see any MPF stuff at all in Godot. But when I search for the MPF classes, MPFSlide just isn't there. See below. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Screenshot 2024-10-12 132252.png

And while I'm at it, I have another question... Should my Godot project be the same folder as the main MPF machine folder, or a subfolder thereof? I ask because when I look at the MPF tab in Godot, it says the machine folder is my Godot project (which is in a subfolder of the machine) and won't let me change it. Is this going to be a problem the way I have it? It wasn't exactly clear to me which way it was supposed to be set up. See below.

Screenshot 2024-10-12 133337.png
(D:/dev/OutpostKodelia_Volcano is the machine folder, D:/dev/OutpostKodelia_Volcano  /outpostkodelia_volcano is the Godot project subfolder). Is this set up wrong?

Thanks in advance,


Oct 12, 2024, 6:18:05 PMOct 12
Hi Kaydee,  I had similar troubles when trying GMC. I ended up using file explorer to create folders named slides in a few locations.  Seemed to me slides were created in

virtenv/mpf/MyGame/modes/modename/slides   for mode specific slides

it's a while ago and I'm very much a beginner, but I recall having trouble with attract mode slides and I ended up placing them in a higher level directory


so I guess slides here are available from anywhere within MyGame

To work out where they were coming from I created multiple slides with the same name, but within each individual slide was some text informing me of where the slide was stored.  Not a very sophisticated approach, but I got there :)  Good luck David.
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