mode complete lights

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Ray Scott

Aug 28, 2024, 1:41:59 AMAug 28
to MPF Users
I am able to qualify a mode, turn on a playfield light showing that mode is active and score accordingly for that mode. I can complete the first mode and start a second mode again lighting the playfield light. My issue is that these lights go off at the end of a ball. I want to leave all modes lights that have been qualified to stay on until the end of the game even though the mode can be in a completed or failed state.
it looks to me that the base mode restarts at the end of each ball, thus restarting my qualifier mode. I have my qualified modes set to persist: true so the ones that have been lit can no longer be qualified. however I would still like the light lit to show what has been done. 
I think my question is, how do I persist this light even though the mode it is started from is no longer active.
I hope that makes sense.

Ben Tripoli

Aug 28, 2024, 2:17:37 AMAug 28
to MPF Users
Hi Ray

You are correct, base mode will stop when the ball ends. To keep those lights active you could do something similar to what I do to keep my Segment displays active with the game Scores with a separate mode that runs until game ends, as per below. 
I have the priority low as elsewhere I have a mode with a higher priority that overwrite those lights whilst it is running a light show and when that light show ends the segments return to the original low priority mode and the Scores are showing again. The guru's may have a better solution but this is how I handle it.

  start_events: ball_starting
  stop_events: game_ended
  stop_on_ball_end: false
  game_mode: false
  priority: 300

Hope the above makes sense... :)


Aug 28, 2024, 4:22:35 AMAug 28
to MPF Users
If I understand correctly, Ray want to keep the lights associated when a mode stop.
You can do it by putting all the light_player associated into your base mode.

It will stop briefly when the ball end, but reappears on the next ball.


Aug 28, 2024, 4:24:51 AMAug 28
to MPF Users
I forgot to say that I used some variable to keep track on the lights that need to be lit or not.

Ray Scott

Aug 28, 2024, 10:21:17 AMAug 28
to MPF Users
Thanks. I will dig a bit deeper into this.

Ray Scott

Aug 28, 2024, 10:21:21 AMAug 28
to MPF Users
Thanks. That sounds like I should assign a variable when the mode starts which will carry over into the light_player in the base mode.
You wouldn't happen to have an example of how the light_player is triggered with a variable ?

Ray Scott

Aug 28, 2024, 10:21:26 AMAug 28
to MPF Users
Actually I think I just found an example of this. Will give it a try tomorrow.

On Wednesday, August 28, 2024 at 6:24:51 PM UTC+10 wrote:

Owen Underwood

Aug 28, 2024, 10:58:30 AMAug 28

For your use case, it sounds like you want achievements/achievement groups (these persist their state between balls and are specifically designed for tracking mode qualification and completion.

If you model your game using the mpf example below (which I strongly recommend if your game has depth), you would put these achievements & groups in the base mode.

"Persistence" between balls can be tricky (some mpf configs will let you choose to persist_state). My preference for things I want to persist is to use state machines (making sure to set persist_state to true). Jan has a really good YouTube video about them.

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nick taseris

Aug 29, 2024, 12:16:57 AMAug 29
to MPF Users
Not sure if this is too simpe to accomplish what you are describing, but I have playfield lights to show which modes have been played (playing each mode whether or not it gets completed is part of qualifying my wizard mode). I just use a light player in the base yaml like the one below. You can tie it to a different event if you need to but I just use the mode started event for each of my modes. The lights stay on between balls until end of game.

mode_bill_bulk_and_the_body_buddies_started: #event from MPF monitor for the mode I want to activate the light.
l_bill_1: #name of my light
color: orange

Ray Scott

Aug 29, 2024, 1:32:21 AMAug 29
to MPF Users
I did try using the Addams Family Mansion Awards cookbook, adapted for my game but I kept hitting an error that I couldn't work out. Then thought it might be because I am running MPF 0.59 and that was written for 0.50 so effectively gave up. I will re-visit all the above options as I get chance.
I find with a lot of the examples it only gives you part of the story, the rest you have to try to work out, which also may be my stumbling block.
I have watched a lot of Jans videos with various levels of understanding exactly where the items talked about relate to what I would like to achieve i.e. which should be in the base config, the main config or its own mode. They are not marked as video 1  to X so have jumped around a bit.
The links posted are much appreciated. 

Ray Scott

Oct 7, 2024, 3:00:58 AMOct 7
to MPF Users
I have resolved this by declaring a variable when the mode is complete. Base mode checks the value and keeps completed mode lights lit.

      action: set_machine
      int: 1  

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