If you love trying the newest technology AND keeping the web open and accessible for all, you’re going to love testing the newest Android browser from Firefox.
Join the Beta BugHunter Campaign and become a beta-tester for the brand new Android web browser - Firefox Preview (Fenix), that’s not currently available to the public.
To participate - download the browser on your Android device using the instructions below, use it every day, and try to make it crash as often as possible. The more people who test it, the better we can make it!
Process for Becoming a Beta-Tester:
Found a Bug? See instructions on how to find and file bugs on the BugHunter Campaign website.
Want to run a BugHunting event? We have a ton of fun event ideas you can run as part of your testing including Bug Hunt-a-thons or Beta BugHunting Crash Parties (make it crash!). Start planning to run events between June 8th - 16th. You can get up to $100 to cover expenses related to your event following these guidelines.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask in our discourse topic.
Keep rockin’ the open web!
Konstantina & the Campaigns Team |