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Tbird 1.5 slow message sending via SSH?

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May 7, 2007, 9:53:57 AM5/7/07
I'm having a performance problem with T-bird. It's only in one
particular situation - I use ssh tunnels for IMAP and SMTP
connections. When I hit [send], my accounts are set up to connect to
9025, which is a local ssh tunnel to my remote postfix server. The
connection is _VERY_ slow. sometimes taking 5-6 seconds to complete.

>From a shell, I can do 'telnet localhost 9025' and it's lickety split
fast - right through the entire dialog.

The worst part of this is the [Sending message [##### ] progress bar
is grabbing Xwindows - I can't alt-tab or anything. I could handle
slow if I could background it, but this double-whammy is a real

T-bird (20070403) on Ubuntu linux.

May 7, 2007, 11:50:23 AM5/7/07
On May 7, 9:53 am, wrote:
> I'm having a performance problem with T-bird. It's only in one
> particular situation - I use ssh tunnels for IMAP and SMTP
> connections. When I hit [send], my accounts are set up to connect to
> 9025, which is a local ssh tunnel to my remote postfix server. The
> connection is _VERY_ slow. sometimes taking 5-6 seconds to complete.

Update here (yes, replying to my own post. Sue me)

I reconfigured to set up postfix locally, and had Thunderbird connect
directly to postfix (local port 25), and it's still very slow. No
change in behaviour.

What is happening?

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