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Re:- BOOKMARKS Side Bar WIN 10 Home

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Owen Carlton

Mar 4, 2021, 8:18:05 PM3/4/21



My Wife’s PC uses WIN 10 64bit HOME and quite regularly has issues of losing the Bookmark Sidebar. She has done nothing to cause this to happen and has not, at least knowingly, installed Add Ons.


I am sick and tired of being interrupted from my work, to correct this persistent issue.


It is getting to the point where she will very likely go to Chrome, to get away from these ridiculous problems.

With ridiculous issues like this, it is no wonder that many are turning to other Browsers, of which there is now a good selection available.


My own PC runs on WIN 10 64bit PRO and have never exhibited this problem.


Can you please:_

  1. Inform me as to why this problem continually repeats itself, at least once per week.
  2. What needs to be done to prevent this problem happening.


As a Computer Tech myself, I am of the belief that the Bookmarks on a PC are a Personal Setting and should not ever be changed by anyone or anything, other than by the Individual who owns the machine, and once set, should not ever change.



Owen Carlton

NW Computers.


😉 Good Guy 😉

Mar 4, 2021, 8:54:19 PM3/4/21
On 05/03/2021 00:12, Owen Carlton wrote:


Can you please:_

  1. Inform me as to why this problem continually repeats itself, at least once per week.

It could be that she is clicking the menu item for bookmarks Toolbar by mistake and this can hide and unhide it.

  1. What needs to be done to prevent this problem happening.

I suggest hide the Menu bar so that she doesn't go there ever again.  This might be one solution.  There is no need for her to use a Menu bar if all she is doing is browsing the web and doing her daily shopping, facebook, Twitter etc.


As a Computer Tech myself, I am of the belief that the Bookmarks on a PC are a Personal Setting and should not ever be changed by anyone or anything, other than by the Individual who owns the machine, and once set, should not ever change.

  Bookmarks belong to the user of that account who creates them.  I suggest try this Doc and see if hiding it is a way forward for her and you.


Personally, I would just hide it as she can always make rough notes of her regular weblinks. 




With over 1.2 billion devices now running Windows 10, customer satisfaction is higher than any previous version of windows.

Owen Carlton

Mar 4, 2021, 10:37:23 PM3/4/21
to Firefox help community



Thank you for your response.


This is not the expected answer I was waiting for.


I asked for and was expecting direct answers to the Two Points I made.


My Wife is very pleased with the Bookmark Side Bar, when it stays put on the Side Area for Firefox.


I am very pleased also, as I have something like at least a Hundred Bookmarked Sites – my Wife has only about Ten or so.


Very simply, this just should not be happening and there has to be a reason for it occurring – what is so different about our Two Systems, apart from the fact that my Wife’s is Home and mine is Pro version of Win 10.


It passes through my mind that it may be related to Firefox Updates, upsetting her Personal Settings, or, Windows Updates – neither of which should upset Personal Settings.



Owen Carlton.

NW Computers.


From: support-firefox <> On Behalf Of ?? Good Guy ?? via support-firefox
Sent: Friday, 5 March 2021 12:54 PM
😉 Good Guy 😉 <>
Subject: Re: - BOOKMARKS Side Bar WIN 10 Home


On 05/03/2021 00:12, Owen Carlton wrote:


Can you please:_

  1. Inform me as to why this problem continually repeats itself, at least once per week.

It could be that she is clicking the menu item for bookmarks Toolbar by mistake and this can hide and unhide it.


  1. What needs to be done to prevent this problem happening.

I suggest hide the Menu bar so that she doesn't go there ever again.  This might be one solution.  There is no need for her to use a Menu bar if all she is doing is browsing the web and doing her daily shopping, facebook, Twitter etc.


As a Computer Tech myself, I am of the belief that the Bookmarks on a PC are a Personal Setting and should not ever be changed by anyone or anything, other than by the Individual who owns the machine, and once set, should not ever change.

  Bookmarks belong to the user of that account who creates them.  I suggest try this Doc and see if hiding it is a way forward for her and you.

Chris Ilias

Mar 5, 2021, 12:04:51 AM3/5/21
On 2021-03-04 7:12 p.m., Owen Carlton wrote:
> Hello,
> My Wife’s PC uses WIN 10 64bit HOME and quite regularly has issues of
> losing the Bookmark Sidebar. She has done nothing to cause this to
> happen and has not, at least knowingly, installed Add Ons.
> I am sick and tired of being interrupted from my work, to correct this
> persistent issue.
> It is getting to the point where she will very likely go to Chrome, to
> get away from these ridiculous problems.
> With ridiculous issues like this, it is no wonder that many are turning
> to other Browsers, of which there is now a good selection available.
> My own PC runs on WIN 10 64bit PRO and have never exhibited this problem.
> Can you please:_
> 1. Inform me as to why this problem continually repeats itself, at
> least once per week.
> 2. What needs to be done to prevent this problem happening.
> As a Computer Tech myself, I am of the belief that the Bookmarks on a PC
> are a Personal Setting and should not ever be changed by anyone or
> anything, other than by the Individual who owns the machine, and once
> set, should not ever change.

Hi Owen,
From your wording, I get the impression that you think you are directly
contacting developers or Mozilla employees. You are not. This is a
community support forum. The people that answer questions here are users
just like you, volunteering their time.

I've never seen any reports of the bookmarks sidebar disappearing. What
she's experiencing is not normal behaviour. First, let's try refreshing
Firefox. This will purge a lot of your Firefox files, while retaining
most of your personal data. For instructions, check out the following

Mailing list/Newsgroup moderator

Owen Carlton

Mar 5, 2021, 12:46:01 AM3/5/21
to Firefox help community
Hello Moderator,

My apologies if I sounded harsh in regards to our problem.

I am used to dealing the Software Creators when dealing with such matters, but they are rather cunning and use the Volunteers of Forums to support their product, when issues like this happen.

The reason I prefer to go to the Maker, I expect them to know what causes most problems and should be able to provide a correct solution, First Go.

It is not fair on the Volunteers or the Customer, to try to deal with such problems, as it often takes numerous attempts to provide a Solution and Not just a Might Fix solution.

Anyway, I have performed a Refresh of Firefox and I will see how it goes from her on in.

Owen Carlton
NW Computers.

-----Original Message-----
From: support-firefox <> On Behalf Of Chris Ilias
Sent: Friday, 5 March 2021 4:05 PM
Subject: Re: - BOOKMARKS Side Bar WIN 10 Home

On 2021-03-04 7:12 p.m., Owen Carlton wrote:
> Hello,
> My Wife’s PC uses WIN 10 64bit HOME and quite regularly has issues of
> losing the Bookmark Sidebar. She has done nothing to cause this to
> happen and has not, at least knowingly, installed Add Ons.
> I am sick and tired of being interrupted from my work, to correct this
> persistent issue.
> It is getting to the point where she will very likely go to Chrome, to
> get away from these ridiculous problems.
> With ridiculous issues like this, it is no wonder that many are
> turning to other Browsers, of which there is now a good selection available.
> My own PC runs on WIN 10 64bit PRO and have never exhibited this problem.
> Can you please:_
> 1. Inform me as to why this problem continually repeats itself, at
> least once per week.
> 2. What needs to be done to prevent this problem happening.
> As a Computer Tech myself, I am of the belief that the Bookmarks on a
> PC are a Personal Setting and should not ever be changed by anyone or
> anything, other than by the Individual who owns the machine, and once
> set, should not ever change.

Hi Owen,
From your wording, I get the impression that you think you are directly contacting developers or Mozilla employees. You are not. This is a community support forum. The people that answer questions here are users just like you, volunteering their time.

I've never seen any reports of the bookmarks sidebar disappearing. What she's experiencing is not normal behaviour. First, let's try refreshing Firefox. This will purge a lot of your Firefox files, while retaining most of your personal data. For instructions, check out the following

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