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FF shows blank icon in Windows task bar

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B Barnett

Mar 3, 2021, 7:42:38 AM3/3/21
I recently upgraded to Firefox v86 and now when I run FF, in the task bar the FF icon no longer shows, I only see a blank icon.

Is this a known bug? Is there a fix for this I can do? Or do I have to wait for an update?


Ken Blake

Mar 3, 2021, 9:38:43 AM3/3/21
On 3/3/2021 3:27 AM, B Barnett wrote:
> I recently upgraded to Firefox v86 and now when I run FF, in the task bar the FF icon no longer shows, I only see a blank icon.
> Is this a known bug? Is there a fix for this I can do? Or do I have to wait for an update?

No such problem here with v86.

Revvie Quar

Mar 3, 2021, 12:40:51 PM3/3/21
I just had the very same problem yesterday, and this is what will fix it:

Scroll down to fix #8 Rebuild Icon Cache and have at it.

- Run Command Prompt as Administrator
- Type cd %homepath%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer - Enter
- Type taskkill /f /im explorer.exe - Enter
- Type del iconcache* - Enter
- Type Explorer.exe - to restart Explorer

Voila, your taskbar icon should reappear.

You'll very likely have to rearrange your SysTray icons as a result.


Revvie Quar

Gryphons RAWK!

Big Al

Mar 3, 2021, 11:19:50 PM3/3/21
If it's an icon for FF that you pinned to the taskbar, then just unpin it and go back to the menu and re-pin from there. If you have a good
icon on the menu for Firefox, it should appear okay on the taskbar.

Linux Mint Cinnamon 20.1 64bit, Dell Inspiron 5570 laptop
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😉 Good Guy 😉

Mar 4, 2021, 11:31:22 AM3/4/21

It must be operating system related.  what is your operating system?

I understand Linux normally have their own icons but I can't check it without booting up a live DVD.

Have you disabled all Add-ons to see if it makes any difference?  Add-Ons must be the first thing everybody should check as they cause more problems than solve anything useful.  I don't use any Add-Ons but that's me because I have always said that if the App can't do the things for me out of the box,  then that App is not good for me.  Period.


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