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New print dialogue

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Jeff Barnett

Feb 26, 2021, 12:40:34 AM2/26/21
I just updated to FF 86.0, 64 bit, and think the new print dialogue
looks much better and seems to do a decent job on many pages that failed
in the past. However, the description of print (in the blurb shown the
first time I loaded FF after the update) shows a print to pdf that isn't
visible in whatever the updater downloaded. How is that enabled? Is an
addon involved? If so, is that addon supported by Mozilla or is this a
capability that relies entirely on an outsider for continued support?
Jeff Barnett

Jeremy Nicoll

Feb 26, 2021, 6:13:08 AM2/26/21
to ML - mozilla-ff-firefox-support
On Fri, 26 Feb 2021, at 05:40, Jeff Barnett wrote:
> However, the description of print (in the blurb shown the
> first time I loaded FF after the update) shows a print to pdf that
> isn't visible in whatever the updater downloaded.

It's one of the options on the Destination dropdown menu where
you choose where the print is to be sent.

When you actually do it a file-save dialog comes up (at least it
does for me, but maybe that's because I have downloads always
ask me where they should be put).

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

Jeff Barnett

Feb 26, 2021, 2:31:06 PM2/26/21
Jeff Barnett
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