Sailfish <> wrote:
> My bloviated meandering follows what Chris Ilias graced us with on
>>> Are you saying that only items in prefs.js are items that have been
>>> modified? And that would mean all the other settings in about:config
>>> not modified (not highlighted) are defaults, which of course they are,
>>> but are also not in prefs.js?
>> That's correct. The purpose of prefs.js.
> Interesting. My prefs.js file has 770 pref change lines. Since I've
> never made anywhere that many pref changes, can I assume that the
> majority of them were made by add-ons at one time or another?
There are a bunch of things in there that are one time things, and some
preferences will set multiple lines. And internal notes for the browser.
"That's a prefernece?"
user_pref("app.shield.optoutstudies.enabled", false);
user_pref("browser.aboutConfig.showWarning", false);
user_pref("browser.bookmarks.defaultLocation", "unfiled");
Internal notes:
user_pref("app.update.lastUpdateTime.addon-background-update-timer", 1615224513);
user_pref("app.update.lastUpdateTime.blocklist-background-update-timer", 1588905181);
user_pref("app.update.lastUpdateTime.browser-cleanup-thumbnails", 1615253073);
user_pref("app.update.lastUpdateTime.recipe-client-addon-run", 1615247529);
user_pref("app.update.lastUpdateTime.region-update-timer", 1614889592);
user_pref("", 1608226166);
user_pref("", 1615247409);
user_pref("", 1615224393);
user_pref("app.update.lastUpdateTime.telemetry_modules_ping", 1614885992);
user_pref("app.update.lastUpdateTime.xpi-signature-verification", 1615224633);
user_pref("browser.slowStartup.averageTime", 4166);
user_pref("browser.slowStartup.samples", 4);
One time information messages "shown":
user_pref("app.normandy.first_run", false);
user_pref("", true);
user_pref("browser.rights.3.shown", true);
user_pref("toolkit.telemetry.reportingpolicy.firstRun", false)
And for "king of some preferences take up multiple lines" look at the
printer related ones. My current prefs.js is about 20% (61 lines of 306)
printer stuff.
user_pref("print.print_bgcolor", false);
user_pref("print.print_bgimages", false);
user_pref("print.print_duplex", 0);
user_pref("print.print_evenpages", true);
user_pref("print.print_margin_bottom", "0.5");
user_pref("print.print_margin_left", "0.5");
user_pref("print.print_margin_right", "0.5");
user_pref("print.print_margin_top", "0.5");
user_pref("print.print_oddpages", true);
user_pref("print.print_orientation", 0);
user_pref("print.print_page_delay", 50);
user_pref("print.print_paper_data", 0);
user_pref("print.print_paper_height", " 11.00");
user_pref("print.print_paper_name", "na_letter");
user_pref("print.print_paper_size_unit", 0);
user_pref("print.print_paper_width", " 8.50");
user_pref("print.print_scaling", " 1.00");
user_pref("print.print_shrink_to_fit", true);
user_pref("print.print_to_file", false);
Plus I have another 37 lines with details about my current printer, some
of which duplicate those, eg:
user_pref("print.printer_Brother_HL_L6200DW_series.print_bgcolor", false);
user_pref("print.printer_Brother_HL_L6200DW_series.print_bgimages", false);
user_pref("print.printer_Brother_HL_L6200DW_series.print_duplex", 0);
On one system that I had continuously upgraded the browser in place
(starting with Phoenix nightly builds, and progressing to Firebird
nightlies, Firefox nightlies, and then Firefox releases) over ~10 years
I recall inspecting prefs.js and finding half of it was filled with
printer preferences. Over those same ten-plus years, in that office, I
had used maybe ten different printers. And all the settings were in
move desks, print to new local printer, or printer gets replaced, or...