David McRitchie, extensions I use are briefly documented on my site
Firefox Custom: http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/firefox/firefox.htm
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9) Gecko/2008052906
Firefox/3.0 ID:2008052906
You can turn off the "tips" entirely:
config editor - filter on:
set it to "false"
Normally,it appears to go off after a short time.
But I can not find any setting for the time.
Thanks Roland exactly what I wanted, I would not want to give tooltips
as I rely on them and that leaves them intact. I can see why I had so much trouble
with this as the pointer on the mouse is not as accurate as I thought it was, but when
you can can hardly tell where the tip is, it makes things so much worse, and
it is so annoying to look at in any case.
There were a lot of complaints when it was added to Fx3 Betas but I never saw any
solution, and even searching on the answer nothing in newsgroups but a few
mentions on web forums but not until middle of June after Fx3 actually came out.
Added reference to my mouse.htm so I won't forget. Thanks again.
David McRitchie, http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/firefox/firefox.htm
You might want to check out this experimental extension.
Ron Hunter rphu...@charter.net
Never seen an extension like that, that fixes a lot of problems that
I have no idea of whether I have or not, and would not be able to
tell if I have such problems or not.. I spend most of my time in
Nightlies and at least some are marked as fixed or are duplicates
of something fixed so those are probably already there.
Are they hot fixes -- can you turn them on or off by enabling/disabling
the extension. Most items of interest to me are fixed, and I create
very few bookmarks with tags, and from reading
bug: 429350, am glad I don't. use tags much. The two bugs for
dragging are fixed much better by eliminating the ghostly image entirely.
This thread -- Re: Drag a link want to drop excess baggage of visible package
(so anyone can quickly access a link, or use Linky extension to bring all up at once)
Patch For Library :: Firefox Add-ons
Bug 312852 - Tooltip should not appear during a drag (e.g., dragging favicon results in tooltip, blocking part of the bookmarks
Bug 399944 - Work around tooltip covering bookmarks bar while dragging proxy icon
Bug 409704 - copied tags containers do not live update correctly
Bug 418141 - The Library should persist expanded details pane status
Bug 419324 - Places needs to unescape URLs in the UI (library tree/edit, bookmark tooltip/status, etc)
Bug 429350 - Unable to delete tags from column list
Bug 430580 - User defined Saved Search should be editable
Bug 432766 - Middle click bookmarks folder in Library replaced current tab.
Bug 433317 - Renamed title of saved search folder isn't updated outside the Library until Firefox is restarted
Bug 435742 - Cant drag-and-drop a page to the last folder in a folder on the bookmarks toolbar
Bug 435845 - DragDrop Indicator broken in menupopup of folder on Bookmarks Toolbar placed on toolbox,when restart Firefox.
Bug 437616 - suppress select events while selecting pasted bookmarks
Bug 438252 - Tag edits do not save when editing bookmark address at the same time.
Ron Hunter rphu...@charter.net