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Firefox 10 and Source View

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Janina Sajka

Feb 29, 2012, 3:04:27 PM2/29/12
I'm disappointed at the removal of View Source in FF 10. Maybe I'll get
over it if the new tools prove more useful, but at the moment they're
not working for me.

Under "Web Developer Tools" in the Tools menu I see the Inspect option.
It says it's unchecked. I can't seem to check it no matter what I try.
And, it says it's invoked with Shift-Ctrl-I, but that does nothing.

So, is it me?

Meanwhile, back to lynx. At least lynx gives me source.



Janina Sajka, Phone: +1.443.300.2200

Chair, Open Accessibility
Linux Foundation

Chair, Protocols & Formats
Web Accessibility Initiative
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Chris Ilias

Feb 29, 2012, 4:25:31 PM2/29/12
On 12-02-29 3:04 PM, _Janina Sajka_ spoke thusly:
> I'm disappointed at the removal of View Source in FF 10. Maybe I'll get
> over it if the new tools prove more useful, but at the moment they're
> not working for me.
> Under "Web Developer Tools" in the Tools menu I see the Inspect option.
> It says it's unchecked. I can't seem to check it no matter what I try.
> And, it says it's invoked with Shift-Ctrl-I, but that does nothing.

* You're in luck, because View Source was not removed. It was moved to
the Web Developer menu. It's called "Page Source". :)

* I don't know why Inspect is not working for you. If you go to
Firefox-->Help-->Restart_with_Add-ons_Disabled, does the problem still
occur? If not, the cause is probably an extension. See

By the way, I don't see how this is related to accessibility. In case
you didn't know, there is Firefox support list at

Chris Ilias <>
Mailing list/Newsgroup moderator
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