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Development/fixing of Thunderbird and Postbox plugin (frame for a web-app)

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Bernardo Ferreira

Jun 2, 2014, 11:04:37 AM6/2/14
Hey there!,

We're looking for a talented and passionate programmer who would help us create (finish/fix) two plugins for our web-app:
- A plugin for Mozilla Thunderbird ( )
- A plugin for Postbox ( )

The plugin will be a frame that will simply connect to our web-app allowing the users of our app to access it from within Thunderbird or Postbox. In addition to the basic functionality of opening/hiding and resizing the plugin pane, you would have to implement a way for it to notice what email the user has selected/opened to put the ID of the message into our app and also support some keyboard shortcuts that our app has implemented.

Our app (Todoist) is an online to-do list and the app itself is not the subject of this job, you would only have to create the plugin that would connect to as this app already can add emails as tasks as shown on this video presenting another plugin we have for Outlook:

We already have a version of the plugin for both Thunderbird and Postbox, but they're buggy so currently:
- Linked mails (as tasks in our app) don't open if you're looking at a different inbox
- Postbox email-links open Thunderbird instead
- The plugins can't locate an email added as a task if the mail has been moved to a different location.

That said, most of these issues are problems with the way the plugins communicates with our app.

Required qualifications:
- Experience with XUL and creation of Mozilla add-ons
- Knowledge of JavaScript
- Passion for what you do
- Responsiveness and good communication (in English)

At Doist ( ) we are always looking for building long-term relationship with contractors we hire. That means a well done job here could easily lead to more work for us on a regular basis in the future.

We look forward to hear from you, and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us.

Best wishes,
Bernardo Ferreira
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