> I agree that the "not your employer" rule should be abolished. But I
> also
> think that we should put additional safeguards in place to make sure
> that
> organizational group-think does really not occur.
> How about requiring that someone employed by an organization, who is
> requesting commit access, must have been employed by this organization
> for at least two (or three) months before he is granted commit
> rights for
> mozilla-central or comm-central. That way we would make sure that the
> person has had enough time to acquaint himself with the code he's
> working
> on and has had time to engage with the community.
> The scenario I'm trying to prevent with such a rule would be commit
> requests like "X has started at Y on Monday and needs commit access
> now
> that he's here" with people from company Y feeling obliged to vouch
> for X
> because they are working in the same company.
While I recognize what you're trying to accomplish here, I think the
groupthink problem isn't solved by a waiting period. Nor does this
rule necessarily make sense as-is (consider someone who's been a great
community contributor, to the extent that someone hires them to
continue their work before they get commit access).
I think that if someone gets vouched for by a superreviewer and two
module owner/peers, but haven't built up a viable track record, we
have a serious leadership issue, and who gets commit access is one of
the least of my worries. I'm inclined to go with Mitchell's proposal,
which is to not have any restrictions like this and see how it works.
If we hit a failure state, we'll have to examine how to prevent it
again, but I am against creating rules unless we believe that without
those rules we will have problems. Right now, I think we need to try
to trust our module owners/peers/superreviewers to act according to
their conscience and in the best interests of the project.
-- Mike
> On 05/22/09 02:54, Mitchell Baker wrote:
>> Against this we need to weigh the very real harm we're causing
>> ourselves
>> today, where the "not your employer" rule prevents respected hackers
>> from getting commit access because there aren't enough module owners/
>> peers not employed by Mozilla to review their code and make this
>> evaluation.
> Instead of completely abolishing the employer rule, perhaps you could
> just change it a bit, in the sense that one voucher needs to be
> employed
> at a different _place_ than the candidate. That way people from
> Mozilla
> Japan or Mozilla Toronto could vouch for people at Mozilla Hq, so you
> should get enough judges for every candidate.
> This would make sure that the candidate is not only selected by his
> immediate superiors (and people who know that he exists which I guess
> is important, too) but has gained enough visibility in the project so
> that others outside his office can judge his capabilities, too.
In many cases, immediate supervisors aren't in the same location. In
reality, this would mostly target the Mountain View office, nowhere
else is there a self-contained team that could vouch like that (given
the SR requirement especially). Again, we should only create rules
where we believe they are necessary, IMO.
-- Mike
> I understand the importance of not having rules that are not obviously
> necessary. However, I would like to make the following suggestion for
> a rule I believe could be necessary:
> I don't see any codification of a process for evaluating the removal
> of commit access. I think a rule to this effect would allow the
> removal of the restriction that is currently harming the project while
> still providing a control mechanism to the community such that there
> is a documented way of correcting the grant of commit access to people
> who are deemed by the community to be not yet ready for it.
> Such a rule might state that anyone with sufficient merit could flag
> (anonymously?) a user with commit access. If the user receives enough
> flags (maybe one from anyone, maybe some greater number if the pool of
> people who can flag is very broad), a voucher from someone not
> employed by the same company must be made or the person would lose
> commit access.
I think I would want to tread very carefully in creating a rule like
this. Is this a probationary thing, or would people be able to call
anyone out? The former makes sense, and the latter makes me uneasy.
I think this would only make sense where there was abuse, though if
people were being prematurely granted access that feedback should be
directed to the policy owner for commit access to intervene and/or
tighten policy.
To me, whoever owns the commit policy would be the person responsible
for arbitrating any request to strip commit access from a user. That
individual may delegate discussion (i.e. to superreviewers@ etc) but
ultimately someone has to make a final call. I think the policy owner
should be the person to make that call.
-- Mike
> Mike Connor wrote:
>>> How about requiring that someone employed by an organization, who is
>>> requesting commit access, must have been employed by this
>>> organization
>>> for at least two (or three) months before he is granted commit
>>> rights
>>> for mozilla-central or comm-central. That way we would make sure
>>> that
>>> the person has had enough time to acquaint himself with the code
>>> he's
>>> working on and has had time to engage with the community.
>>> The scenario I'm trying to prevent with such a rule would be commit
>>> requests like "X has started at Y on Monday and needs commit access
>>> now that he's here" with people from company Y feeling obliged to
>>> vouch for X because they are working in the same company.
>> While I recognize what you're trying to accomplish here, I think the
>> groupthink problem isn't solved by a waiting period. Nor does this
>> rule necessarily make sense as-is (consider someone who's been a
>> great
>> community contributor, to the extent that someone hires them to
>> continue their work before they get commit access).
> I see this risk, I'm just not sure how applicable to real-life it
> really
> is. Personally I know nobody, who was an accepted long-time community
> contributor, who only got his commit access once he was hired by MoCo.
Depends on your definition of long-time, the most recent example that
comes to mind is Dao Gottwald.
-- Mike
> Robert Kaiser wrote:
>> Axel Hecht wrote:
>>> IIRC, we replace staff@ with .governance in most places, but in this
>>> case, going with the policy module would be good. I don't think
>>> that it
>>> should be "the owner and ...", I'd prefer to have an explicit
>>> group of
>>> peers of the policy module to lead the discussion with the
>>> committer in
>>> question. Just a known small group so that having them on an email
>>> thread is fine while still being able to alleviate mismatches in
>>> communication between just two individuals.
>> What about the module ownership group? Not sure if it's the right
>> fit, it intention is to oversee the list of modules and their
>> owners, but this might be related to that topic, actually.
>> Robert Kaiser
> Yes, the Module Ownership module is close, since the peers there are
> the people who will address issues with module owners if and when
> necessary. I hesitate a bit to make another module with the same
> people. I suppose we could note that the module owner of the commit
> access policy is likely to look to the module ownership peers if an
> issue comes up.
I've been going back and forth on the idea of "the buck stops here"
staff@ vs. explicit groups for each area. Aside from the legitimate
concerns around centralization of power, I think the model where we
have a clear group of leaders tasked with making the project run
smoothly is generally best/easiest/most transparent. I am a little
concerned that we'll end up with a meaningless balkanization of areas,
especially since the people who care most about oversight are likely
to be part of multiple groups.
The model I've been pondering privately for a while is a staff-like
group responsible for resolving issues under policy, and ensuring that
the project runs smoothly, combined with policies with explicit
owners. In this model, individuals (who may or may not be part of the
staff-like group) would be responsible for creation/evolution of
necessary policies within the open and transparent mozilla.governance
framework, which I believe is the right way to create policy in this
organization. This group (call it project-oversight or staff or what
have you) would exist to enforce these policies and mediate in
disputes, preferably in private discussions, to minimize divisive and
damaging conflicts wherever possible. Obviously they would delegate
responsibility for various tasks (i.e. to drivers for various product
releases, security-group for handling security issues) where viable.
I absolutely believe the idea of having a trusted group to handle
issues in private is critical. After recently watching a friend go
through a public challenge process in another major project, I
strongly believe that disputes must be handled in the most humane and
least divisive way possible. They were effectively forced to resign
and walk away rather than continue to deal with the divisive and
abusive mess that was the dispute process. Disputes and accusations
need not be dealt with in public to be resolved to everyone's
satisfaction, as I think we've shown over the years (most people
aren't even aware of many of these disputes, which is the best outcome
for the project).
Ideally, this group would be largely passive, and intervene only when
asked or when the situation is not going to resolve itself on its
own. But I think that it's preferable to trying to write policy that
enumerates every possible situation.
-- Mike
That model does indeed sound very familiar :-) I think you are right
that a trusted group who is able to handle contentious and/or personnel
issues with discretion is important.
> Disputes and accusations need not be dealt with in
> public to be resolved to everyone's satisfaction, as I think we've shown
> over the years (most people aren't even aware of many of these disputes,
> which is the best outcome for the project).
Quite so. A dispute process which runs in public is necessary only when
there is no trust in those in authority. In other cases, it hinders, for
the reasons you give.
That's quite a few scary words for one sentence. Given the current
nature of MoCo/MoFo (taken together) as a public benefit organization
rather than a company with shareholders to please, I think this is
far-fetched - certainly much, much more so than when Netscape was the
entity concerned.
But let's grant the possibility for a moment. So I ask: if someone
believes that this is a risk, is this check really such a comfort anyway?
Remember, the check is about getting commit access, not about a
particular bit of code. If MoCo has "invisible corporate motives", and
has employed someone to write code to implement their "polluting" plans,
then if this rule "protected" the tree by not giving that person commit
access, then evil-MoCo would just task another developer they employ to
check the evil code in on behalf of evil-developer. It's not really any
roadblock even in this highly unlikely case.
And if there is such little trust in the good motives and intentions of
MoCo, then the project is in serious trouble anyway.
> The suggestion of formalizing the revocation policy and naming a body
> to be in charge of enforcing that policy is actually a critical piece
> of the puzzle. If the community could object to someone's commit
> access but there was no party able to actually do something about the
> problem then there is little benefit.
Having a formal policy is not required for there to be someone able to
actually do something about the problem. I'm sure that, were it
necessary, brendan (as overall technical dude) would be able to
authorize removal of commit privileges. Or do you mean that the policy
would need to be run by a non-MoCo/MoFo person?
In the past, I seem to remember Mitchell explaining our attitude to
formal policy as something like "policy only when proved necessary". And
I think that's a good rule.
I would suggest an "optimistic" strategy for preventing organizational
group-think. We assume that everything goes right almost all the time,
but we publicise the name of the person you are supposed to email if you
are concerned about another person's track record of poor quality code
and/or another person's regular review of that code. (I suspect the
contact would be someone like shaver or brendan, but let's leave the
Hopefully, that should give those still concerned about groupthink and
over-optimistic commit-access grants a clear way in which to raise their
specific concerns as and when they see problems occurring, but without
burdening us with extra process in the normal case.
I'm sure that shaver/brendan etc. are willing ("happy" seems the wrong
word) to listen to such concerns, politely expressed and backed up with
evidence, anyway. But it does no harm to call out specifically that they
have that role.
On 26-May-09, at 7:20 AM, Daniel E wrote:
> My biggest concern is that there is significant difference between
> requesting that someone get an external voucher, and requesting that
> some policy body revoke commit access from a person.
> If the policy body required membership of some number of non-MoCo
> employees, and one of those members had the qualifications to be able
> to vouch for a commit access request in the same way as the current
> policy, and the body explicitly stated that people could request
> external vouching in addition to requesting revocation of access, then
> I guess it would work as a replacement for my suggestion, but looking
> back at all those qualifications, it seems a bit more burdensome, and
> the whole purpose of this discussion is to relieve burden, not shift
> it elsewhere.
First, I think that any sort of explicit requirement on membership
makeup is tricky. I don't think that's really necessary, if we have a
group of trusted and respected people, though the current module
ownership group is well-distributed across multiple projects/companies.
But let's back up for a moment here. Simply having a single person
from another company vouch does not really act as an effective check
and balance against "invisible corporate interests" leading to bad
things happening. If there is real cause for concern on that front,
we should be escalating and investigating the module owners and
superreviewers who are being indirectly accused of being tainted/
acting against the best interests of the project. Ultimately, my
opposition to the employer rule is that it is a far greater problem to
have "tainted" people in positions of authority and responsibility in
the project, compared to someone getting commit access too early.
-- Mike
I actually used the wrong phrase in that paragraph. Elsewhere I used
the phrase "invisible corporate influence" but I accidentally said
"motives" here. I have seen only a small number of people who suspect
the motives of Mozilla Corporation at the moment, and most of those
people seem to be more interested in just complaining rather than
being involved with guiding the project.
The rule we are removing seems to me to be protecting against the
group-think that can unintentionally occur with a group of people
employed by the same company. I was attempting to find a way to still
offer the community the same protection via the same mechanism
(voucher by an outside company) without the bottle-neck problem. The
most clear phrase is probably "unintentional corporate group-think"
and I will use that wording now.
> > The suggestion of formalizing the revocation policy and naming a body
> > to be in charge of enforcing that policy is actually a critical piece
> > of the puzzle. If the community could object to someone's commit
> > access but there was no party able to actually do something about the
> > problem then there is little benefit.
> Having a formal policy is not required for there to be someone able to
> actually do something about the problem. I'm sure that, were it
> necessary, brendan (as overall technical dude) would be able to
> authorize removal of commit privileges. Or do you mean that the policy
> would need to be run by a non-MoCo/MoFo person?
If the person designated to handle resolution of a dispute is employed
by the same company as the person to be evaluated then it is no longer
the same protection as what the policy provided before. That isn't to
say that it wouldn't "work" though.
My comment here was basically pointing to the fact that if someone
disputed a commit access grant and an external reviewer could not
provide a voucher, obviously, someone must still take action to
resolve the dispute. Suggestions subsequent to mine focused solely on
having a party responsible for resolving the dispute but omitted
external voucher part.
Looking at the feedback my suggestion has received, it sounds like
there are two themes of sentiment:
1. "MoCo does not currently have a problem with corporate group think
and is not likely to be susceptible to it in the future. We no longer
need to have any check in the policy to avoid it."
I actually agree with the first part of this. I just think
that once the policy does not explicitly prevent against this problem,
if it ever does crop up, the community must rely on the action of
people within the corporation that are not affected by the group-think
to correct the policy.
2. "A party responsible for resolving disputes is all we need to
protect the tree from unintentional corporate group-think. This party
can be someone employed by MoCo."
Looking at that, I guess it is just a rewording of the first
theme. I feel it is fine for as long as the responsible party is not
affected by corporate group-think.
I won't make any more effort endorsing this suggestion. I laid out my
reasoning as best as I am able and I heard the arguments against it.
These arguments are coming from people much more involved and suited
to the governance of the Mozilla policy than I am. I do have faith
that MoFo and MoCo are capable of selfless acts and will remain so for
a very long time with the current leadership. That will be good
enough for me.
thanks for the thoughtful notes. I agree that avoiding "group-think" is
important. And broader than just a single employer, there are lots of
ways group-think develops -- even friendship! We get some different
perspectives from the competition in much of the technical areas in
which we work, but self- driven review is important as well.
So it remains on my mind in general, even though it doesn't seem
appropriate now to the apply this concern through the "not your
employer" rule for commit access.
*** I think we're set to drop the "not your employer rule. There are
two open items before we do so.+++ Speak up if you have further input on
these. In the meantime, I'll try to redraft the policy. Am at a
conference with a lot of events, so it may take a few days.
1. How to describe the super-reviewer requirement.
mconnor suggests we say it's someone who hasn't ever reviewed a patch
from the candidate. This helps with not knowing the person. Without
the "group-think" motivation it seems a bit odd on its face. But as
long as the policy says *why* we have this requirement so we don't
forget this I think it's fine.
2. Including an explicit way for the review and possible revocation of
commit access.
There's the beginning of a good discussion on a governance and policy
group in general, something a bit broader than specfic modules. I'd
like to continue that discussion but not hold up the commit access piece
in the meantime.
My proposal is: (a) the Commit Access Policy is clear re review and
revocation; (b) we make the Policy Module I proposed long ago, but
didn't execute (see thread called Proposed "Policy" Activities Module
started by me on Jan 7 2009); and (c) we continue with the discussion of
a review group broader than a single policy.
That leaves me as the owner of the Policy Access module. That's not
ideal in some ways as I'm not in the code -- and of course have long
relationships with any of the mozilla employess -- but part of these
discussions is to develop broader groups of people interested /
knowledgable and involved in this aspect of the project. If we should
end up in some brutally contentious place I expect Brendan and I to make
a final definitive call, but we all want these settings to be as few as
possible and the number of people who can resolve problems to grow.
> *** I think we're set to drop the "not your employer rule. There
> are two open items before we do so.+++ Speak up if you have further
> input on these. In the meantime, I'll try to redraft the policy.
> Am at a conference with a lot of events, so it may take a few days.
> 1. How to describe the super-reviewer requirement.
> mconnor suggests we say it's someone who hasn't ever reviewed a
> patch from the candidate. This helps with not knowing the person.
> Without the "group-think" motivation it seems a bit odd on its
> face. But as long as the policy says *why* we have this requirement
> so we don't forget this I think it's fine.
It's entirely meant as a check against group optimism, though,
separately from the employment piece, as the current SR requirement
was meant to do (if I'm remembering your rationale correctly from the
last go-round). The old wording was ambiguous and hard to objectively
evaluate, so I think this is still useful for avoiding group-think-
like outcomes.
-- Mike
If it's any comfort, there are plenty of us who are keen to avoid MoCo
ever turning into anything like Netscape. For a few of us, occasionally
perhaps too keen ;-)
Patient MoCo Person: "<sigh> No, Gerv, this is not like what Netscape
did because of the following good reasons: X, Y, and Z."
Gerv: "Ah yes. OK then :-)"
The model I've been pondering privately for a while is a staff-like group responsible for resolving issues under policy, and ensuring that the project runs smoothly, combined with policies with explicit owners. In this model, individuals (who may or may not be part of the staff-like group) would be responsible for creation/evolution of necessary policies within the open and transparent mozilla.governance framework, which I believe is the right way to create policy in this organization. This group (call it project-oversight or staff or what have you) would exist to enforce these policies and mediate in disputes, preferably in private discussions, to minimize divisive and damaging conflicts wherever possible. Obviously they would delegate responsibility for various tasks (i.e. to drivers for various product releases, security-group for handling security issues) where viable.
Ideally, this group would be largely passive, and intervene only when asked or when the situation is not going to resolve itself on its own. But I think that it's preferable to trying to write policy that enumerates every possible situation.
-- Mike
responsibilities: Policies and process for how we distribute authority and govern ourselves; including:
* Development and Implementation of new policies as appropriate for delegation of authority and responsibility
* Management of the source tree
* Balancing different constituencies of the Mozilla project
* Maintaining the Mozilla identity as we take on new activities
> I'm still wary of creating another group that someone interacts with
> current groups. I know you are very eager to have a "mozilla.org
> staff" - like group and I'm less eager to try and overlay another
> layer onto our existing complexity.
I don't necessarily want staff-as-it-existed, but having a group that
can intervene where policy is unclear or situations need to be
resolved is the goal, so I think what you're proposing here is much
better articulated. :)
> So now I believe the each Policy should be a sub-module of
> Governance and the Governance module participants end up doing
> pretty mresponsibilities: Policies and process for how we distribute
> authority and govern ourselves; including:
This makes a lot of sense, and seems to be a better structure than
what we have now.
> Two questions remain: does governance cover everythign about the
> project -- there may be things about keeping the project running
> smoothly that aren't policy or governance exactly.
I think that's simplest. Good governance to me means making sure
things function well and operate in ways that are viable and
successful in the larger sense, not really doing all of it.
> And second, does "peers" convey the right thing, should the
> governance module have "members" ? NSPR does, but that has a
> different meaning.
I believe this is like the module ownership group discussion, and
peers is also the right context here. Peers to me are empowered to
engage with a situation or take action as needed based on their
discretion, subject to final say by the Governance owner. Members
implies part of a group, but not individually empowered in the broader
sense. The Firefox module actually has most responsibility pushed out
to a number of sub-modules, and the peers can take corrective/
oversight action as needed in my stead. I think that's right here,
though obviously contentious/non-obvious issues would be referred to
the larger group or the owner.
-- Mike
Also, it used to be that having commit access was enough to grant r+
on any patch anywhere in the tree, which made restricting commit
access a requisite for restricting who could review code.
Thanks for the great post, Mitchell; explained this much better than I
could have!
I think our general standards of evaluation here should suffice, and
different people are going to have very different rates of acclimation
to our processes and standards; I wouldn't want to guess at a time
that is sufficient or necessary. We have examples-of-work thresholds
that are much more reliable, IMO.
> The scenario I'm trying to prevent with such a rule would be commit
> requests like "X has started at Y on Monday and needs commit access now
> that he's here" with people from company Y feeling obliged to vouch for X
> because they are working in the same company.
What if the person has experience with the project beforehand? If we
hired an experienced Mozilla contributor who qualified for, but hadn't
yet got, commit access, I would definitely want them to get commit
access promptly: I don't want them spending 8 hours a day generating
more checkin-needed competition for other contributors, and I want
them to be able to help process that queue as well.
Speaking only for MoCo Engineering, if you believe that you've seen
(or see in the future) a case of our developers inappropriately
short-circuiting the process for new hires, please bring it
immediately to my attention. People's work here is evaluated
explicitly in the context of being good members of the broader
project, and "you won't have commit access" is part of pretty much
every new hire's orientation since it's a good example of how the
project is primary. I would take a short-circuit of that process for
the sake of convenience extremely seriously, as would I take anyone
using employment pressure (co-worker or reporting relationship) to
distort someone's commit access process.
(We also need to "defend" against such distortions from "I am
so-and-so's friend" or "I worked with so-and-so on another open source
project" or "OMG! It's Simon Paquet of Paquetsoft! How *dare* you ask
him to prove himself?!?", of course, and I think we do so quite
effectively so far. Neither of the two top Valgrind hackers have
commit access to our tree, in spite of both being employed or
contracted by MoCo now, as an example.)
Instead of completely abolishing the employer rule, perhaps you could
just change it a bit, in the sense that one voucher needs to be employed
at a different _place_ than the candidate. That way people from Mozilla
Japan or Mozilla Toronto could vouch for people at Mozilla Hq, so you
should get enough judges for every candidate.
This would make sure that the candidate is not only selected by his
immediate superiors (and people who know that he exists which I guess
is important, too) but has gained enough visibility in the project so
that others outside his office can judge his capabilities, too.
The time and place ideas are interesting, and thoughtful. Right now I
share mconnor's view that they aren't likely to be very meaningful. We
could make someone wait 2 months for example. But that doesn't solve
the problem that even at 2 months, or X months, we need honest
evaluation. The project is unhealthy if some employer hires people
saying "you need to wait 2 months and then you get access." The places
idea is interesting, but as mconnor points out a lot of employee groups
are widely distributed.
Other ideas very welcome. It's really helpful to brainstorm ways to
protect the integrity of the project that reinforce the integrity of our
participants. (If individuals lose that integrity policy will only slow
our decline; individuals are key. But we can set up policies that
reinforce individual commitment.)
I'd like to leave this discussion open for another week or so and see if
new ideas emerge. If we find something that seems like it would
effectively strengthen the commit access evaluation process, great.
Otherwise I'd like to make remove the "not your employer" rule in early
June. There will be a formal announcement before any policy change.
The time and place ideas are interesting, and thoughtful. Right now I
share mconnor's view that they aren't likely to be very meaningful. We
could make someone wait 2 months for example. But that doesn't solve
the problem that even at 2 months, or X months, we need honest
evaluation. The project is unhealthy if some employer hires people
saying "you need to wait 2 months and then you get access." The places
idea is interesting, but as mconnor points out a lot of employee groups
are widely distributed.
Other ideas very welcome. It's really helpful to brainstorm ways to
protect the integrity of the project that reinforce the integrity of our
participants. (If individuals lose that integrity policy will only slow
our decline; individuals are key. But we can set up policies that
reinforce individual commitment.)
I'd like to leave this discussion open for another week or so and see if
new ideas emerge. If we find something that seems like it would
effectively strengthen the commit access evaluation process, great.
Otherwise I'd like to make remove the "not your employer" rule in early
June. There will be a formal announcement before any policy change.
Not sure if it belongs into this thread but as this is the only
"anti-group-think" clause left in the proposal, I think it needs to be
said that this is problematic by itself as people with the
super-reviewer hat on are supposed to *not* considers themselves as
belonging to any specific module but as someone overlooking the
interaction and integration of the whole or large parts of the codebase.
Somehow this rule contradicts itself and I heard super-reviewers being
unsure of who to take this rule, actually.
Robert Kaiser
I don't see any codification of a process for evaluating the removal
of commit access. I think a rule to this effect would allow the
removal of the restriction that is currently harming the project while
still providing a control mechanism to the community such that there
is a documented way of correcting the grant of commit access to people
who are deemed by the community to be not yet ready for it.
Such a rule might state that anyone with sufficient merit could flag
(anonymously?) a user with commit access. If the user receives enough
flags (maybe one from anyone, maybe some greater number if the pool of
people who can flag is very broad), a voucher from someone not
employed by the same company must be made or the person would lose
commit access.
... almost agree, I'd like to have an explicit group in charge, though.
I guess in the old staff@ days, the revocation policy was "staff will
resolve it peacefully, or otherwise", i.e., trying to educate a
committer about "bad" behaviour, which most likely would be violation of
tree rules or committer form. Revocation would only happen if the
education piece would fail in flames. I'd like that process to stick,
and I guess it won't need to be more formal.
IIRC, we replace staff@ with .governance in most places, but in this
case, going with the policy module would be good. I don't think that it
should be "the owner and ...", I'd prefer to have an explicit group of
peers of the policy module to lead the discussion with the committer in
question. Just a known small group so that having them on an email
thread is fine while still being able to alleviate mismatches in
communication between just two individuals.
What about the module ownership group? Not sure if it's the right fit,
It probably does make sense to have the commit access policy explicitly
that commit access can be revoked, and a general description of how that
would work. Thanks for pointing this out.
Yes, the Module Ownership module is close, since the peers there are the
people who will address issues with module owners if and when necessary.
I hesitate a bit to make another module with the same people. I
suppose we could note that the module owner of the commit access policy
is likely to look to the module ownership peers if an issue comes up.
This also reminds me that some policies have a clear distinction between
the creation and the implementation of the policy. For example, Frank
is the owner of the policy for how we handle security bugs, but he's not
the implementor. We need to figure out how to note when this is the
case. I'll try to propose something when I return to finalizing the
Policies modules.
/me likes.
The driving force behind my suggestion to codify a way for the
community to be able to flag a committer for needing an external
voucher was to preserve the spirit of the system of checks and balance
the current policy has on invisible corporate influence while still
relieving the pressure that is currently causing difficulty.
Right now, the development community can be assured that no one can
receive commit access to mozilla-central based solely on what company
they work for. Even if they work for MoCo, they are still going to
have to get that external review. Mitchell and others have already
discussed several ways in which that check might not be so important
anymore, and I am inclined to agree, but at the same time, that
doesn't change the fact that the check some comfort to developers that
their work can't be easily polluted by invisible corporate motives.
If the restriction is taken out of the policy and nothing is put in
its place, then members no longer have that insurance, and they must
just trust that the spirit of the community will keep the tree pure
and that the spirit of the community *will not gradually change over
The suggestion of formalizing the revocation policy and naming a body
to be in charge of enforcing that policy is actually a critical piece
of the puzzle. If the community could object to someone's commit
access but there was no party able to actually do something about the
problem then there is little benefit. There is a separate issue of
whether that body is constructed such that it can be provably immune
to invisible corporate influence.
My suggestion revolves around relieving the pressure of needing an
external voucher for every commit access grant while still preserving
the check and balance on invisible corporate influence. If the
community can allow most cases of commit access to be fast tracked but
they know that the policy states that if they feel it is needed, they
can still formally request an external voucher, then they should have
that same comfort from the checks and balance.
I specifically structured my suggestion such that it is a passive
rule. It won't interfere with daily work in the normal case.