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Style System module updates

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Cameron McCormack

Feb 3, 2021, 11:38:08 PM2/3/21
to, Emilio Cobos Álvarez, Bobby Holley, Xidorn Quan

I'm proposing some changes to the Style System module.

First, I'm currently the owner of the module, but since I won't be in a position to contribute going forward, a new owner will be needed. Emilio Cobos Álvarez has done fantastic work on the style system, not only during the Stylo project, but in the years since. He has been leading the technical direction of the module recently. I think it would be appropriate to recognize this by nominating him to be the new owner, and he has agreed to take on this responsibility. I will then move myself to Owner Emeritus. Thank you Emilio!

Second, after consulting with them, I'll be moving David Baron and Boris Zbarsky to Owner Emeritus and Peer Emeritus, respectively. Thank you David and Boris for all your efforts in this area.

Barring objections, I'll make these changes on the wiki in a day or so.



Cameron McCormack

Feb 4, 2021, 11:52:41 PM2/4/21
On Thu, Feb 4, 2021, at 3:37 PM, Cameron McCormack via governance wrote:
> Barring objections, I'll make these changes on the wiki in a day or so.

I've made the changes:
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