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Firefox 4 URL auto complete changes

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Seth Hicks

Jun 28, 2011, 11:43:19 AM6/28/11
Dear Firefox:

Got a message inviting me to upgrade to Firefox 4 today and declined. Why?
You've ripped the convenience out of Firefox by removing the URL auto
complete feature. Yes, I know I can search through a bunch of arcane web
pages and rip features out of Firefox 4 to get it to act like every previous
version of Firefox (which I liked), but you know what? I can download
Chrome for free much more easily. I'm sure the changes to URL auto complete
have to do with advertisers wanting me to be diverted to a search page to
maybe see their products and services rather than going where you and I both
know I want to go. Cheese weasel move. It will cost you my use of your
product. Don't be dicks. Keep Firefox cool.

Best regards,

Seth Hicks

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