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Moving profiles

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Aug 25, 2011, 10:21:43 AM8/25/11
Why is it so complicated to move a profile or tell FF or TB where a
profile is located.

Every time I get a new computer and try to use the profile from my old
computer it is a MAJOR pain.
Plus I want my profile under "My Documents" or "Documents" so it is
easy to back up.

Why can't we put the profile(s) wherever we WANT and have a SIMPLE way
to set up FF & TB by telling them the folder WE have chosen for the

Instead we have to create a new profile and go through a text editing
nightmare (and I'm not a newbie or novice by any means - been using
PCs for 25 years and some consider me a geek but I'm really not that
expert, LOL!). Is path relative 0 or 1? Give me a break.

A SIMPLE "Use this profile located here..." in the preference or tools
menu would be wonderful and easy.
Please make it so in the next update, please, please, please!!! You
will save many people many hours of frustration.

Thank you.

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