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Mercurial 4.3.2 released

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Gregory Szorc

Sep 18, 2017, 6:34:54 PM9/18/17
to dev-version-control
Normally I wouldn't send an announcement for a mid-cycle Mercurial release.
However, this one didn't occur on the 1st of a month so you probably
weren't expecting it. And, there are a few important bug fixes that make it
worth installing ASAP if you are running 4.3.1:

* Phases could got lost if the repository wasn't generaldelta (this would
impact you if you had an old clone of the Firefo repo). Thanks to MattN for
reporting this upstream.
* I/O errors (such as a detached process) could result in transaction not
being cleaned up properly
* Crash involving a `bytearray` and `struct.unpack_from` when using an
older and buggy Python 2.7 install
* MQ will no longer produce lossy patches with some [diff] configurations
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