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Nov 12, 2011, 9:33:57 AM11/12/11
On 12/11/2011 1:52 AM, Bill & Chris Strickland wrote:
> I'm just commenting as a new tb user, not a seasoned Mozilla-ite, and
> seems like somebody asked for comments.
> Thus, I commented. For me, these items were problems -- problems that
> did not have to be obstacles to using the software, save for somebody
> not thinking nor fully testing the product. Rigorous pre-release
> testing should have uncovered that these items do happen, and they could
> have been fixed or at least made more intuitive. Instead, one has to
> hunt around in numerous forums and zines and elsewhere to try and find
> answers, which seems like a lot of time wasted to me.


I suggest you post your comment about FF's usability on Many of the comments here (including this one)
might have more effect if posted there (and on mozilla.general). If more
average users comment on what they find difficult, glitchy, or just
plain annoying, theer might be improvements.

I agree, thorough testing etc should be done, but keep in mind that
Mozilla developers are mostly volunteers. AFAICT, when a change is
proposed, it is discussed, but there seems to be no protocol for to
ensure all possible ramifications are considered. There have been too
many fixes to what ain't broke, too much bling, and too few fixes of
annoyances and short-comings (especially in the new reading task).

One reason certain add-ons are so popular is that the FF doesn't have
those functionalities. IMO, any add-on that's d/l in the tens of
thousands signals a desirable feature, and the Mozilla organisation
should be working with the extension's author to make it so.

Cross-posted to

Wolf K.
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