I'd say said option isn't needed, since when you store the file,
Firefox warns you when the download is over.
Alexander Limi · Firefox UX Team · @limi <> ·
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Alexander Limi · Firefox UX Team · @limi <> ·
Either way, (to repeat Limi's very good idea) for files we can preview, we
should just show them in the browser and have a download button at the top
of the tab. It's useful to see what you are downloading either way, and
then we can avoid having the dialog entirely.
On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 8:19 AM, Alexander Limi <> wrote:
> I guess the behavior is different between platforms. It does on the OS X
> system I'm running, at least.
> --
> Alexander Limi · Firefox UX Team · @limi <> ·
> On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 8:07 AM, Ron Hunter <> wrote:
While the file is technically stored before it's opened, it is deleted when Firefox exits -- so it is not really "saved" from the casual user's point of view. This is bug 191239:
> Either way, (to repeat Limi's very good idea) for files we can preview, we
> should just show them in the browser and have a download button at the top
> of the tab.
I came to this newsgroup after re-reading to
say how great this idea is. It sidesteps the problem of whether to
view content in browser vs. view in an external app by providing both!
But what's the UI for deciding what is a "file Firefox can preview"?
If the mimetype is text/anything then I want to preview as text, and
additionally there are other files I'd like to preview as text
regardless of mime type. If it looks like any kind of XML then I'd
like to preview in the expandable colored XML view, but fallback to
text if it has validation errors. If it's a ZIP or OpenDocument
format I'd like to preview its contents using the jar: trick.
Basically when I click something I want to stay in the browser as much
as possible regardless of my default application and mime handler
settings. But a naive user might not be interested and would be
confused by Firefox's ability to present file internals.
Maybe Mr. Limi's [Open with Preview] button should have a context menu
with the advanced functionality, even when the button is grayed out.
I guess I'm hoping the implementation will (magically ;-) ) address
longtime issues such as
11521 - View as different media (mime) type support
57342 - Add "View as Text/HTML/..." option for unknown mime content-
121498 - Need a "Use Mozilla" option on helper apps dialog
??? - view content natively in browser or let plug-in handle it.
Some of these seem to be stuck at bzbarsky's "requires architecture
changes to the URILoader".
Thanks for all you do!