Tests made with WXP SP2 and FF 2.0
Thanks for your help.
Best regards,
Christophe Charron
On 25 nov, 09:31, "Christophe Charron"
<christophe.charron....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I note, with the tabs, a small "funny" phenomenon but also
> destabilizing for the user.
> When I hide tabs and that then I show them again, they do not reappear
> any more in the initial order. And even the order of reappearance seems
> random!!
> One can see it
> here(http://test03.christophe-charron.org/public/xul/2006_11_25/marrant_on...),
> for the French version or there
> (http://test03.christophe-charron.org/public/xul/2006_11_25/funny_engl...
> the English version.
> Is this a bad manipulation? Is this a bug? Solutions?
It was a bad maipulation.
Just use "collapsed" instead of "hidden" and it all goes perfect
English :
French :
Sorry !!
Best regards,
Christophe Charron
>Just use "collapsed" instead of "hidden" and it all goes perfect
That won't work; if you focus the tabs with the keyboard then you can
still cycle through collapsed tabs.
I have observed a similar problem with tabs but as yet I don't know what
the cause is.
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