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xpidl compiler is not being found after xulrunner2.0

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Vikas Pushkar

Jun 17, 2015, 1:34:55 AM6/17/15
i have a module with uses nshttpauthmanager.idl service. so far i was using an old xulrunner-sdk(i guess 2.0) to create nshttpauthmanager.idl.h and use it. but in the latest sdks i do not find xlidl compiler. in latest gecko-sdk i am able to find xlidl but nshttpauthmanager is not found. if i copy xlidl from gecko-dk it does not work it says "Bad CPU Type In Executable". is there a xulrunner-sdk which has both nshttpauthmanager and xlidl? how do we get .h files from .idl files in the latest xulrunner-sdks? am i missing some changes that has gone through xulrunner-sdk lately?
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