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Mar 11, 2012, 11:30:24 AM3/11/12
Sábado, 10 de Marzo, año 2012 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo,
Guayaquil, Ecuador - Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

All day long I have held out my hands towards my people that
walk in ways that are lost in darkness forever, pursing
always their own imaginations within their own hidden
thoughts of their strayed hearts without ever consulting me
to see which way they should go if it should be to the left
or to the right. Instantly, Moses and Aaron were over Mount
Sinai's summit holding our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach's (The
Lord Jesus Christ) stretched out arms over Israel so they may
receive the anointment of the Holy Spirit's blessed name and
the eternal Ten Commandments that is filled with blessings,
healing and supernatural powers thus to escape darkness and
the evils of the Sinai's desert.

These are eternal powers and blessings needed every day that
Israel had to receive immediately directly from our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach so they may be vested with supernatural
powers and authorities to defeat Satan and his hidden evils,
so they may defeat also very powerful enemy nations on their
way to the Promised Land. This is the reason that our
heavenly Father told Moses and Aaron, for example, that He
was going to pull Israel from Egypt's slavery so they may go
to the place where they will "serve Him" just as He is served
in heaven by His holy angels around His continuous celestial-
sacrifice of His Son's atoning-blood.

For our heavenly Father needs to be blessed and exalted by
every creature that He has created in heaven and on earth
through His Son's sacrificed life over the eternal rock
within the Holy of Holiest in heaven, over Mount Sinai's
summit and Jerusalem's holy hill, so Satan's lies may die for
truth and justice to thrive throughout His vast creation.
Undeniably, that is why that our heavenly Father had Israel
at Mount Sinai's foot thirsty for three days, because, they
needed to drink from the injured-rock where our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach had been slain within the Holy of Holiest in
heaven of the blessed name and the commandments, so he may
finally pour pristine-life on earth to thrive abundantly
everywhere forever.

That is to say, also that our Lord Jesus Christ is the
beginning of all life in heaven with the angels and on earth
with every man, woman and child, including all the animal and
birds kingdoms that have existed, that exist these days, and
those that will exist in the future as well. Moreover, this
is an eternal thirst of water that the lost souls in hell
live with every moment of their tormented lives because while
they lived on earth then they failed to eat and drink from
the fruit of life just as Adam and Eve did in paradise,
causing our heavenly Father's anger to soar against them and
their children forever.

Meaning also that because of Adam and Eve's sin against the
fruit of life as they failed to eat from it as our heavenly
Father commanded them to do so, so they may live and never
die to the curses of the fruit from the tree of knowledge of
good and evil, then we thirst for the fruit of life every
day. Definitely, this is a constant thirst for the fruit of
life that we are all born with from our mother's womb crying
out loudly so someone may take us immediately to the injured-
rock to have our drink from its living-water, living-water
that will give us abundant life on earth and in heaven as
well forever.

Living-water that will calm our thirst instantaneously, so we
may no longer thirst but, instead feel refresh with our
heavenly Father and His celestial-sacrifice of His Son's
atoning-blood, our Lord Jesus Christ, who laid down his
divine sacrificed-life from the creation of the world, so
life may thrive everywhere forever, for our heavenly Father's
blessed, anointed and glorious name. And as our Lord Jesus
Christ's arms were raised by Moses and Aaron, so he may bless
Israel with power and authorities against the evil forces
keeping them captive and ready to obliterate them from the
face of the earth because the Egyptian feared them since they
were increasing to become bigger than ever, then salvation-
power descended over them immediately.

Moreover, this power that liberated Israel from Egypt's
captivity also helped them to cross the Red sea in dry ground
where no one has ever walked before, including angels from
heaven, except our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and
the Holy Spirit, of course, so they may serve our Father
everlastingly through His celestial-sacrifice of His Chosen
Lamb's atoning-blood. For this is the mountaintop from where
our heavenly Father most be served by any one on earth
beginning with Israel, because for this reason our heavenly
Father founded Israel to become a nation of Gods and priests
for the every day service to His Chosen Lamb's atoning-blood
shed from the creation of the world for light to shine over
darkness forever.

Historically, this is the mountaintop where Moses and Aaron
lifted first our Lord Jesus Christ's arms high towards heaven
and over Israel in sign of victory, so Israel may become
liberated from the chains and shackles of the Egyptian
slavery, furthermore where our heavenly Father told Moses
that no one else could ascend to the mountaintop to see the
Lord savior. For our heavenly Father needed to keep the
entire mountaintop as holy as possible only to have two men
from Israel and His blessed Son Jesus Christ with his arms
lifted towards heaven and over Israel for victory over
darkness, so power may flow from him thus to empower Israel
and the nations to escape Satan's lies at last forever.

Therefore, our heavenly Father was determined to kill any one
that may try to ascend Mount Sinai including those that would
normally approach him as priests, for example, however only
Moses and Aaron were allowed up to the mountaintop because
this as a prophetic moment for justice and salvation that
could not be disturbed by anyone, including strayed animals.
With our heavenly Father's command in Moses' mind and heart,
then he personally commanded the Israelites never to attempt
to ascend to the mountaintop to see the Lord savior, our
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, that is, because He will charge
against them immediately, including their strayed animals, if
they ever attempted to disobey his authority.

This was a spiritual scene that had to remain holy, perfect
and undisturbed for generations until our Lord Jesus Christ
would be born from David's daughter virgin womb to give us
the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood of our
eternal life that would fulfill successfully the Holy Spirit
of the name and of the commandments, so we may return to
heaven soon. This was our heavenly Father's holy seed that
needed to replenish the earth so He may have sons and
daughters that will be Gods and priests to serve Him
perpetually around His celestial-sacrifice of His blessed Son
Jesus Christ's sacrificed life within the Holy of Holiest in
heaven, over Mount Sinai and Jerusalem's holy hill, for the
glory of His name.

Consequently, our heavenly Father only allowed Moses and
Aaron to Mount Sinai's summit to meet with our Lord Jesus
Christ, because he is the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac
and the God of Jacob in this life and in the next one to
come, so His Chosen Lamb may be slain over Jerusalem's holy
hill for everyone's eternal salvation. And these two are
eternal witnesses before Israel and the nations for what our
heavenly Father did with His Son Jesus Christ over Mount
Sinai's summit, so he may liberate Israel from Egypt's
captivity by lifting his arms high towards and over Israel
thus to embrace them forever with his eternal salvation-love
that will never die in eternity.

That is why that our heavenly Father manifested to Moses that
no one was ever to forget what happened over Mount Sinai's
summit and all the things that were done there with Moses,
Aaron and our Lord Jesus Christ as he lifted his arms towards
heaven and Israel, so Israel may receive salvation power to
become liberated immediately from darkness forever. In due
time, two Israelis would also be next to him as witnesses,
one in his left and the other on his right, nailed to their
respective crosses, however, our Lord Jesus Christ would be
nailed to Adam and Eve's crosses so he may impart upon them
the holy-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood for their
children's salvation celestial-bodies to reenter heaven

Meaning also that our Lord Jesus Christ as he was nailed to
Adam and Eve's crossed trees, because of their sin to believe
Satan's lies against the fruit of life, God's Chosen Lamb
slain from the creation of the world, then he granted us
forever his sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood
that will dress our eternal-souls to reenter heaven anyday
into eternity. Here is where our heavenly Father forgave our
sins because finally He was showing to Israel and the nations
how His Son Jesus Christ had been slain within the Holy of
Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai's injured rock from
the creation of the world, so He may grant us eternal life to
return to heaven forever saved.

This was something that our heavenly Father needed to do with
two men and His Son Jesus Christ over Mount Sinai's summit
and over Jerusalem's holy hill to show to Israel and every
man, woman and child within the families of the nations for
how much He had to pay to forgive their sins and saved them
for heaven forever. For this final sacrifice of our heavenly
Father with His Chosen Lamb, priest and King of Israel, to be
nailed to Adam and Eve's crossed trees over Jerusalem's holy
hill, then the Holy Spirit of the eternal life of the
commandments would be satisfied finally before Him, so every
man, woman and child may return to heaven eternally saved.

It is with this glorious atoning-blood rain heavily from the
creation of the world within the Holy of Holiest in heaven
and over Mount Sinai's summit (Gn 1:2) that our heavenly
Father could write not only the commandments but also the new
life and the names of every man, woman and child in the book
of life, so they may live forever blessed. In truth, this
blessed atoning-blood shed from the creation of the world
within the Holy of Holiest in heaven, over Mount Sinai's
summit and over Jerusalem's holy hill has written the
glorious eternal life of every one that has ever existed on
earth and that will be born in future generations to return
to heaven saved at once.

For this reason, our heavenly Father needed to keep Mount
Sinai's summit as holy as possible because it represented the
prophetic image of how two Israelis witnesses were going to
be nailed to their crosses over Jerusalem's holy hill next to
our Lord Jesus Christ nailed to Adam and Eve's crossed trees,
so he may impart salvation everlastingly worldwide to
everybody. Therefore, our heavenly Father could have never
allowed any one to ascend to Mount Sinai's summit to meet our
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, except Moses and Aaron, so both of
them may lift before Him the arms of our Lord Jesus Christ
towards heaven and over Israel to attain eternal salvation
for everyone everywhere forever into all eternity to come.

This was a very holy site indeed that could have never been
allowed to be disturbed by men or animals because our
heavenly Father needed to write the Holy Spirit of the
commandments and of the names of every man, woman and child
that would be born again from the Holy Spirit of the
commandments to reenter heaven soon. Now, if Israel had
pushed their way up to the mountaintop to meet our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach without our heavenly Father's consent, then
they would have committed a very grievous sin, indisputably
more serious then the sin that Aaron committed with them as
they fashioned a golden calf to call it the God that saved
them from Egypt's slavery.

This sin, that is, if Israel had pushed their way up to the
mountaintop to see our Lord and savior Jesus Christ just as
Moses and Aaron had seeing him earlier, then they would have
committed an unpardonable sin that could never be forgiven in
this life or the next one, because Israel could only see him
in the Promised Land. However, for Israel to commit this
terrible sin it was totally impossible, because our heavenly
Father was ready to descend and kill any one, including
animals, if they dare to climb when He had manifested to
Moses that no one was allowed to the mountaintop to meet
Jesus Christ, moreover He had angels to stand against any one
unauthorized coming up.

Furthermore, the possibility for anyone, including animals,
to ascend to the mountaintop to meet our Lord Jesus Christ as
he was with his arms wide opened towards heaven and over
Israel to bless His people with his atoning-blood, so he may
empower them against Satan's darkness and defeat him all the
way to the Promised Land, then it was totally impossible.
This was a sin with serious consequences for Israel that
Satan was eager to blind anyone to sin against our heavenly
Father by ascending rebelliously Mount Sinai to see our Lord
Jesus Christ with his arms wide opened and upheld by Moses
and Aaron as he was imparting blessing upon Israel, so they
may succeed in everything that they may undertake.

Besides, this was a sin that could have happened, however,
our heavenly Father was ready to take on all the measures of
security possible over the mountaintop and at its
surroundings as well, so no one may stray up to meet the Lord
savior thus to destroy/alter/pollute the prophetic-image of
Moses, Aaron, and His Son Jesus Christ humbled before Him.
Amazingly this is a terrible sin that never took place after
all, because our heavenly Father never allowed it, so only
Moses, Aaron and our Lord Jesus Christ may stand consecrated
before Him so, by way of prediction it may repeat this image
over every mountaintop through the Sinai's desert and finally
over Jerusalem's holy hill for everyone's much-needed
salvation-victory over Satan.

Moreover, it is because of this glorious celestial-sacrifice
of our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach that descended from heaven to
manifest himself over Mount Sinai's summit with Moses and
Aaron and later over every mountaintop through the Sinai's
desert finally to raise high for resurrection day from
Jerusalem's holy hill, so, these days we may enjoy
forgiveness, healing and salvation into all eternity.
Certainly, this is the service that our heavenly Father
needed our Lord Jesus Christ to execute righteously over
Mount Sinai's summit and over every mountaintop through the
Sinai's desert by defeating very powerful enemy nations until
finally our eternal salvation may be manifested high above
Jerusalem's holy hill, so Israel with the nations may reenter
heaven to stay forever.

This is the blessing, healing and eternal salvation that our
heavenly Father had prepared for each one of us even before
the creation of the heaven and earth through the sacrifice
life of His Chosen Lamb within the Holy of Holiest in heaven,
so we may become fashioned from head to foot in His blessed
Son, the second Adam! That is to say, also that in Jesus
Christ we have our second Adam (but without sin, born from
our heavenly Father's holy seed), so we may be born again
today by the supernatural powers of the Holy Spirit that
impregnated David's virgin daughter thus to give us eternal
life dressed with a sacred-flesh to live forever saved in

Because, with this sinful-body that we have received by
default through Adam's rebellious-seed in paradise, then we
can never ascend to the mountaintop much less reenter heaven
to see our heavenly Father just as our Lord Jesus Christ with
Moses, Aaron and the millions of saved souls that can see Him
each day of their new lives with the angelic hosts. Today we
need to have our Lord Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh, unbroken-
bones and atoning-blood to liberate ourselves from this
sinful-flesh, broken-bones and ill blood that have offended
through Adam and Eve our heavenly Father and His fruit of
life in paradise, so we may return to our normal life to
enjoy blessings, healing, prosperity and everlasting
happiness through the second Adam, Jesus Christ!

Therefore, these days on earth and in heaven we are fashioned
in His image to live according to His Son's sacrificed life
likeness, so we may become not only His legitimate children
but also we may live His glorious blissful life to the full
always manifesting His fruits of perfection and holiness,
regardless of where we may live in this world. For this is
the reason that our heavenly Father liberated Israel from
Egypt's slavery with the supernatural powers of the Holy
Spirit of His blessed name and eternal commandments, so we
may become reborn again by the Holy Spirit to be exactly as
His Son Jesus Christ is from head to foot on earth and in
heaven for His eternal service.

Because, in the sinful-flesh, broken-bones and ill blood that
we have received initially from Adam's rebellious seed, then
we can never please our heavenly Father much less stand in
His holy presence to serve Him as His Son Jesus Christ serves
Him always with His angelic hosts throughout His creation in
heaven with holy-angels and on earth with saved-men. And this
glorious celestial-sacrifice that manifested our heavenly
Father over Mount Sinai's summit as His blessed Son Jesus
Christ confessed to be the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac
and the God of Jacob, then, he never abandoned them because
our heavenly Father continued to be with Israel with the
SHEKINAH cloud wherever they went within the vast desert.

And within this glorious-cloud our heavenly Father had His
ancient celestial-sacrifice of His Son's immolated life from
the creation of the world, so it may become a protective
cloud from the sun rays in the day and a warm cloud at night,
so the Israelis may never suffer the intense cold of the
Sinai's desert nights that can easily kill any one. That is
to say, also that our heavenly Father always followed Israel
with His celestial-sacrifice of His Son's atoning-blood from
the creation of the world wherever they went through the
Sinai's desert, so He may be honored, exalted and glorified
by the Israelis as they performed before Him religiously the
daily sacrifices of the morning, afternoon and evening.

Therefore, as the Israelites served our heavenly Father,
beginning with their standing at Mount Sinai's foot to drink
living-water from the injured rock, injured from the creation
of the world as our Lord Jesus Christ was slain within the
Holy of Holiest in heaven so Israel may become a powerful
nation, then the sacrificed life of Jesus Christ never
abandoned them. It became part of Israel forever because it
was our heavenly Father's perfect will to be this way.

Moreover, our heavenly Father told Moses: From here I will
not go with you anywhere because you may irritate me with
your evil deeds and constant rebellions, and cause me to
destroy you in the desert on your way to posses the Promised
Land-then, I am sending before you my holy angel. My Holy
Angel will go ahead to lead you to the Promised Land through
the vast hostile desert, so you may conquer powerful nations
on your way to the land of milk and honey that I have
personally chosen for you since the creation of the world, so
you may serve me there with your children for many
generations to come.

Therefore, listen to him to do whatever he may command you
for your own well-being, and do not rebel against his words
because he will punish your rebellions and sins against him
with terrible consequences to your people and children for
generations to come. However, if you listen faithfully to
him, our heavenly Father told Moses, he will bless you just
as I am always willing to bless you for all the things that
you may need to do every day wherever you may go in life-for
he is the perfect protection that I am giving you to posses
today and forever.

In good time, our heavenly Father gave Israel not only the
holy presence of His ancient celestial-sacrifice of His Son
Jesus Christ's atoning-blood over Mount Sinai's summit and
over the SHEKINAH cloud but also commissioned him to lead
Israel into the Promised Land safely, so they will always
have his secured protection from Satan's lies, curses,
treacherous-attacks, and terrible hidden wilds. And this is a
powerful divine-protection that our heavenly Father never
removed from Israel but Israel, however walked away from it
and from the celestial-cloud too, deceived by terrible people
that never wanted them to attain our heavenly Father's
blessings but, instead the treacherous hidden lies from Satan
so they may die cursed forever into the world of the lost-

Truthfully, this is the divine-protection that our heavenly
Father has confided to us too these days through the
sacrificed-life of His blessed Son, our Lord Jesus Christ,
slain from the creation of the world within the Holy of
Holiest in heaven to manifest gloriously over Mount Sinai's
summit shining brighter than the sun, so Israel and the
nations may escape darkness eventually. Currently, our Lord
Jesus Christ is our constant protection from all evil that
may come our way because he was slain from the creation of
the world, so our heavenly Father may bless us through his
sacrificed life no matter where we may live in this world
only to bring glory and honor to His blessed name and eternal
commandments forever.

That is why that our Lord Jesus Christ said to his disciples:
Ask whatever you may wish in my name to our heavenly Father,
and He will grant it to you immediately, because He cares and
loves you more than what you will ever know-for all the
things that you may ask Him in my name, they are yours
perpetually. In truth, our Lord Jesus Christ said to his
disciples: You are lacking many things in your life always as
if you were poor, because you have not asked in my name to
our heavenly Father, that is why that you are missing many
good things in life that rightfully belong to you since the
creation of all things.

Therefore, ask whatever you may need to have today for you,
your loved ones and friends too, then our heavenly Father
that is in heaven will hear your prayers, and He will grant
you all things in my name, because He is very rich in all
things that you need to have for your every day living and
for all eternity. Moreover, these blessings that we are
asking from our heavenly Father in His Son's name belong to
us since our Chosen Lamb was slain within the Holy of Holiest
in heaven to manifest before us, beginning with Israel, over
Mount Sinai's summit, so we may have supernatural powers
against darkness and have what rightfully belong to us return

Meaning also that if you are suffering problems,
difficulties, infirmities, and even terrible threats of
death, then, rely in our heavenly Father through the glorious
sacrificed life of His Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood
that was slain from the creation of the world, manifested
over Mount Sinai's summit with light over darkness, so you
may finally live always blessed and enriched. For our
heavenly Father is very rich to bless you more than what you
will ever know on earth and in heaven, given that everything
that He has created before you were born from His image to
live according to His likeness, He did it thinking always in
you and your loved ones from everywhere, so He may bless you
richly today.

That is to say, also that our heavenly Father has granted
each one of us supernatural powers within the sacrificed life
of His blessed Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, so we may live our
lives with our loved ones and friends everywhere around the
world filled with blessings, healing, prosperity and the
assurance to return to heaven with salvation before long. And
our heavenly Father has made our ancient celestial-sacrifice
within the Holy of Holiest in heaven manifested gloriously
over Mount Sinai's summit, so Israel may walk liberated from
Egypt to enter into the Promised Land finally to lift
literally our Lord Jesus Christ's arms high towards heaven
and over the nations thus to forgive, heal, enrich everyone
with prosperity and happiness forever.

In truth, this is the forgiveness, healing, prosperity and
salvation that you need to receive through our Lord Jesus
Christ from our heavenly Father that is in heaven waiting
patiently for you to make the correct decision to love, serve
and glorify Him through the glorious celestial-sacrifice that
He started in heaven for you, so you may live today forever
saved. And if you really accept Him through the glorious
sacrificed life of His Son Jesus Christ, then you will be
making the right decision in your life, so our heavenly
Father could receive you today in His world from heaven above
where the SHEKINAH celestial cloud descends upon your life to
do great things for you and your loved ones too.

Because, it is from the celestial cloud from heaven where our
heavenly Father inhabits as He descends to earth so He may
bless you directly from the place you were born in His image
to live according to His likeness, and from where He also
first conducted His initial celestial-sacrifice for you to
enjoy every day, our Lord Jesus Christ! For this is the
celestial-cloud that descended over Mount Sinai's summit with
the tabernacle's Holy of Holiest from heaven above with His
Son's sacrificed-life and his arms extended towards Israel,
so Israel may receive power to walk out liberated from
Egypt's slavery thus to become a new nation to love, serve
and glorify our heavenly Father thought His Son Jesus Christ.

And as Israel left Egypt and Mount Sinai as well, then this
glorious celestial-cloud never departed from Israel's camp,
because it was a cool shadow during the hot days of the
desert and a warm cloud of fire during the cold nights of the
desert that could kill any life if it was not protected by
God, that is. Furthermore, this is the celestial-cloud from
where our heavenly Father with His Son Jesus Christ guided
Israel through the desert to defeat enemy nations so they may
enter into the Promised Land to conquer it for Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob, so the King Messiah would be born from David's
daughter virgin womb thus to grant us that much needed
eternal life.

Therefore, it was from this celestial-cloud that our Lord
Jesus Christ continued to keep his arms high towards heaven
and over Israel, so to continue to empower every man, woman
and child within Israel to love, serve, honor and glorify our
heavenly Father's anointed name every step through the desert
until they would finally conquer the Promised Land for
eternity. Definitely, from this celestial-cloud our Lord
Jesus Christ extended his arms over Israel, so Israel may
learn to love him first thus to serve, honor and glorify our
heavenly Father that is in heaven waiting patiently and with
much love in His heart for them to return to their celestial
homes in heaven where they will live forever saved into

This celestial-cloud was always faithful to Israel as long as
they would obey and serve our heavenly Father through the
words that He had entrusted to Moses, for example, so they
may not only have a wonderful life through the desert filled
with miracles and great things that He would give them
occasionally but also to defeat their enemies with power.
However, as Israel became rebellious towards our heavenly
Father's word that Moses would present to them from time to
time so they may obey it, then the SHEKINAH cloud would just
simply disappear to return to Mount Sinai's summit until they
would repent of their rebellion against Moses and our
heavenly Father.

In many occasions, the Israelites even though they were
disobedient to our heavenly Father's word through Moses, they
still would go up against their enemies to confront them in
desperate battles, so they may continue on their way to the
Promised Land, but they were defeated miserably each time
since our Lord savior's arms were not extended over them as
usual. And because the celestial-cloud with our Lord Jesus
Christ's arms extended towards heaven and over their camps
where not with them because of their rebellions against
Moses' word and leadership, then they would become defeated
terribly by loosing many of their best men in battle.

However, once Israel would recognize that they had sinned
against our heavenly Father and Moses, then the SHEKINAH
cloud would return to normal duties with our Lord Jesus
Christ's arms extended arms over them, so our heavenly Father
may restore them immediately with all the blessings that they
would receive normally every morning, afternoon and evening
to live victoriously. Nevertheless, without our Lord Jesus
Christ's arms extended over Israel from within the
tabernacle" Holy of Holiest of the SHEKINAH cloud, then our
heavenly Father with His Holy Spirit would just retrieve to
Mount Sinai's summit until Israel again would recognize their
terrible error to offend Him and His continuous celestial-
sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood.

That is why that our Lord Jesus Christ said many times to the
Israelites in the desert: All day long, I extended my arms to
my people that were not willing to listen much less do what
they were told thus to please our heavenly Father's truth and
justice, so He may bless them with His supernatural
salvation-love forever. And whenever our Lord Jesus Christ
would retrieve and drop his arms from within the tabernacle's
Holy of Holiest of the SHEKINAH cloud then Israel was left
alone in the desert to face their enemies, so they may see
what it is (or not) to live secured under our Lord Jesus
Christ's wings extended over them thus to bless them with

Truthfully, as long as our Lord Jesus Christ would keep his
arms over Israel then blessings and protection was secured
for every one and even foreigners too, however as our Lord
Jesus Christ's arms would drop to withdraw the celestial-
cloud from them because of their rebellion, then they were
left opened for their enemies to do as they may please. And
this was something that would happen from time to time
because Israel was always rebellious to Moses, so our Lord
Jesus Christ's arms would drop and the SHEKINAH cloud would
leave them abandoned to their evils, so evil may over take
them as the enemy nations would move against them to engage
them in battles impossible for them to escape.

Therefore, the battle strategy of Israel's enemy nations in
the desert was a simple one, and this was that they would
wait to see when they would rebel against our heavenly Father
and Moses, and whenever this happened, then our Lord Jesus
Christ's arms over them would be removed with the celestial-
cloud, and this meant that they could attack. That is to say,
also that Israel's enemies the only thing that they had to
do, it was to see that the celestial-cloud was no longer over
them to shadow with coolness during the hot desert days and
warm them with fire during the night, so then they could
immediately attack them because they could be easily killed
into the thousands.

However, as the SHEKINAH cloud would return to cover Israel
with our Lord Jesus Christ's extended wings, then the enemy
nations would be filled with fear and retrieve to where they
would no longer be a danger to Israel's existence-and as our
Lord Jesus Christ would normally return to Israel, it would
be always because our heavenly Father had forgiven them.
These days, our heavenly Father would come over your head to
cover and protect you with our Lord Jesus Christ's wings
extended over you, your loved ones and friends too, so the
evil that the enemy may want to do against you will fail thus
to find at last the coolness and the constant warm of our
Lord Jesus Christ's divine-fire.

This is a glorious fire that it will not burn you at all
because it is to protect you from the powers of your enemies,
so you may escape the wild fires of the hot ovens of the
earth and of hell too, remember, for instance, Shadrach,
Meshach and Abednego that escaped the hot oven fires with
Jesus Christ standing with them. Or the fire that burned
continuously in front of Moses' face and it did not harm him
at all, because it was our Lord Jesus Christ in the midst of
the celestial-sacrifice of His atoning-blood before our
heavenly Father and over the eternal rock that was there to
liberate him and Israel from Egypt's captivity.

Or, also, the fire within the SHEKINAH cloud that burned
through the cold desert nights so Israel may sleep well under
constant protection from all enemy nations that could have
very well attacked them while they were sleeping, but the
powerful light of the celestial-cloud kept them away in a
safe distance so they could never do anything against them.
Moreover, while our Lord Jesus Christ was in Israel, then he
said many times to the Hebrews: I have extended my arms to
gather you under my wings just as a hen would gather her
chicks to bless and protect them with her warn love for them,
and you did not want to because you still fall short to come
to me.

Now, because you failed to know the day that your God visited
you, then you are left alone yet again without the protection
that our heavenly Father had sent to you, so you may live
protected from all evil, moreover you will not see me again
until you say: Bless is he that comes in the name of LORD!
These days, if you are willing to receive our Lord Jesus
Christ's arms extended over your entire life thus to bless
and enrich your life with your loved ones and friends from
anywhere around the world, then our Lord Jesus Christ will
come in person over your life with his SHEKINAH cloud to do
wonderful things in your life for eternity.

However, for this to happen, then you have to stand before
our heavenly Father, believing within your heart for justice,
confessing with your lips for salvation, our Lord Jesus
Christ, and finally say: Bless is he that comes in the name
of the LORD! And as you say these words of faith in prayer,
then the Holy Spirit of the blessed name and of the glorified
commandments in the resurrected-life of our Lord Jesus Christ
will give you a new birth, so he may become your second Adam
that grants you his sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-
blood to receive eternal life with blessings and unending

Indeed, you will become the new person that our heavenly
Father intended you to be as you came out from Him fashioned
in His image to live according to His likeness on earth and
in heaven where the SHEKINAH cloud with our Lord Jesus Christ
with his wings opened towards you is ready to receive you,
and this time forever. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man
comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua,
and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead,
then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the
dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your
personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the
NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?

Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the
HE will listen to you AND DO IT:

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and
believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you
will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified,
and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As
the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be
put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and
Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the
same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who
call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord
will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe
that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to
turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my
personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ
as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a
wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better.
Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday.
Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy
Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other
Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple
where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include
me in your prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers
are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how
important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered,
anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on
the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven
in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father,
Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels
hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I
most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the
SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and

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