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Apr 28, 2012, 5:48:08 PM4/28/12
Sábado, 28 de Abril, año 2012 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo,
Guayaquil, Ecuador - Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)


The Holy Spirit baptized with fire and power Mount Sinai as
our heavenly Father descended over it with His supreme
celestial sacrifice of His Son's atoning-blood shed from the
creation of the world thus to create heaven and earth for
human life to live forever blessed. In due time, our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach said to Moses: I Am the Lord is sending you
to Israel.

Just tell them that I Am is sending you to them, so they may
do my will, our Lord Jesus Christ manifested to Moses as our
heavenly Father's Chosen Lamb slain from the foundation of
the world over Mount Sinai's summit so he may liberate Israel
from the power of sin and death at last for a new world to
come. And our heavenly Father did this great mercy through
His Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so Israel may become
filled with the Holy Spirit of the blessed name and Eternal
Ten Commandments that will give them a new birth not only
worthy to enter the Promise Land and conquer it but also to
ascend immediately into eternity forever saved.

For our heavenly Father had descended over Mount Sinai's
summit with the SHEKINAH cloud filled with the eternal love
of salvation and the endless glories of His blessed name, so
every man, woman and child within Israel and the nations as
well will eventually become baptized from the Holy Spirit
that gives life in abundance forever to live a blessed life
everlastingly. This is the birth from the Holy Spirit that
every one must go through, beginning with Adam and Eve in
paradise, by eating from the fruit of life, our Lord Jesus
Christ, so our heavenly Father's image to live according to
His likeness forever in us may nourish properly from the
living-water and the bread of life from heaven.

Definitely, this is the new life that Israel needed to
receive immediately thus to do our heavenly Father's will
through the manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ supreme
celestial sacrifice of his atoning-blood shed within the Holy
of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai's summit, so the
eternal rock will give them living-water to ease their thirst
for a new life. Furthermore, our heavenly Father needed
Israel to drink from the eternal rock injured initially in
heaven by Him, so it may shed living-water so the thirst and
hunger of His image in us to live according to His likeness
in heaven may nourish accurately to grow normally always thus
to attain new glories and honors for Him immediately for

Therefore, the living-water from the eternal rock that had
received in early time within the Holy of Holiest in heaven
and over Mount Sinai our heavenly Father's Chosen Lamb as the
first sacrifice of the sacred body to shed the atoning-blood
that blesses perpetually the earth and humankind with the
baptism of the Holy Spirit, then the Israelites drank it
abundantly. In truth, this is the glorious life that our
heavenly Father descended from heaven and over Mount Sinai's
summit after offering His blessed Son as the perfect
sacrifice to shed the Holy Spirit that will give birth to a
new superb life for Israel but also for everyone within the
nations, for the world to become a paradise at last

Really, with our heavenly Father within the SHEKINAH cloud
and over Mount Sinai's summit to manifest to Moses and Israel
His blessed Son Jesus Christ as the Chosen Lamb for the
salvation of Israel and the nations, in reality He was
pouring the Holy Spirit of eternal life for every man, woman
and child to be baptized into eternal life immediately.
Because, for every one to reenter eternal life in heaven,
then they must be born again not from the spirit of error
from the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good
and evil but only from the fruit of the tree of life, our
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so eternal life may prosper
eventually everywhere into all eternity.

Truly, this is the only way possible for our heavenly Father
to liberate and save Israel from the spirit of error leading
them into eternal destruction in Egypt to die a terrible
death in hell, without ever knowing that they could have been
born again from the Holy Spirit of eternal life to reenter
paradise sealed with eternal life forever. Because, for
Israel or any nation to escape the spirit of error from Adam
and Eve in this world, then they must be reborn from the Holy
Spirit that leads into eternal life in heaven, paradise and
The New Jerusalem from heaven above so they may return to
life with the true Spirit of life, and this is the Holy

That is why that our heavenly Father descended over Mount
Sinai's summit seating gloriously on His Great White Throne
over the SHEKINAH cloud, so He may pour abundantly the Holy
Spirit of life emanating from His supreme celestial-sacrifice
of His Son's atoning-blood from the creation of the world, so
men could be reborn from the Holy Spirit to reenter heaven
immediately. This is something that Moses did as he believed
within his heart for justice to confess before our heavenly
Father with his mouth for salvation that our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach is Lord of all on earth and in heaven for all
eternity to come, so a new angelic world for angels and men
may begin as soon as possible.

And the only way to reenter heaven these days, it is still
through our Lord Jesus Christ's supreme sacrifice of his
atoning-blood over the eternal rock within the Holy of
Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai's summit finally to
manifest at Jerusalem's holy hill, so we may be baptized with
Holy Spirit and fire into a new divine birth in heaven.
Because, once you become baptized with the Holy Spirit and
fire from our Lord Jesus Christ, then you will abandon
immediately the spirit of error that came out from Satan into
Adam and Eve finally to manifest within you and your loved
ones in this earth so you may become born again into eternal
life to live forever blessed in heaven.

This also means that once you are born from the Holy Spirit
that baptized initially with power and fire Mount Sinai as
our heavenly Father blessed Moses, Israel and the entire
human race with the mighty baptism of the Holy Spirit to
become born again into eternal life, then you have become
God's child and a citizen of heaven into eternity. And once
you are born from the Holy Spirit of God by invoking before
our heavenly Father our Lord Jesus Christ as your personal
savior, then you know it immediately that saved you are
because remarkable changes take place that you can feel
throughout your body, mind, soul and human spirit: indeed you
have become liberated eternally as citizen for heaven.

Frankly, this is the Holy Spirit's mighty baptism that our
heavenly Father needed to introduce into Israel immediately,
so Israel may become an eternal nation of Gods and priests
for the service of His supreme celestial-sacrifice of His
Son's atoning-blood shed from the creation of the world, so a
new world from the Holy Spirit may be born for humankind at
once. And this is a new world in heaven touching earth with a
new earth and a glorious heaven filled with divine glory from
the Holy Spirit that now moves through the heart, soul, mind,
body and human spirit of every man, woman and child that has
accepted and believed forever in His Son's atoning-blood for
an everlasting perfect salvation into eternity.

This is Mount Sinai trembling mightily from horizon to
horizon because our heavenly Father had baptized it with the
Holy Spirit of His blessed name and glorious commandments, so
it may flow abundantly from its eternal rock living-water to
quench the thirst of His image in the life of His everlasting
children: thus the earth shook with the Holy Spirit's baptism
into eternity. This baptism of the Holy Sprit would not only
liberate Israel from Egypt's captivity but also empowered
them to conquer the Sinai's desert thus to enter the Promised
Land to possess it and receive our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach's
glorious virgin birth through one of David's daughter, so
perfection and holiness may thrive abundantly forever for
Israel and the nations.

This is how our heavenly Father had planned to introduce
perfection and holiness not only into Israel but also into
every man, woman and child from all the families of the
nations of the world, so the entire earth may be filled with
the glory of the baptism of the Holy Spirit for a new age to
come into existence soon. Certainly, this is the only way
possible that our heavenly Father was going to introduce into
humankind the eternal life needed to return to heaven
moreover filled with love, perfection and holiness that would
never die but continue to exist well into all eternity to
come, so at last Satan's lies and darkness may be defeated on
earth and in paradise.

It is with this glorious rebirth from the Holy Spirit that
descended over Mount Sinai's summit with our heavenly Father
and His blessed Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach that is going to
abandon your problems, difficulties, infirmities and threats
of death in the eternal slavery of Egypt for a new life for
the entire human race in a new land from heaven above. A new
world from heaven above filled with our heavenly Father's
Holy Spirit that loves dearly our Lord Jesus Christ's perfect
salvation work within the hearts of angels and of saved men
on earth to live forever blessed and without the spirit of
error because Satan and his fallen angels can no longer enter
into our presence into all eternity.

Indeed, this is our heavenly Father's perfect and must holy
victory as He personally baptized and filled with the Holy
Spirit of His blessed name and glorious commandments Mount
Sinai so it may tremble mightily for ages to come within the
hearts of the children that love, revere and exalt Him
through His supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son's atoning-
blood, Jesus Christ! Rightfully, everyone's eternal life for
Israel and the nations had descended over Mount Sinai's
summit with the astonishing manifestation of the SHEKINAH
cloud to let Israel know that power to escape Satan's lies
and his terrible darkness had arrived to stay with them
forever in this life and in the next one to come, if they can
only believe it.

Power from the Holy Spirit Israel needed to escape from the
roots of darkness that were holding their feet chained to the
grounds of slavery within Egypt so they may die never knowing
that our heavenly Father had prepared a glorious land where
they would learn to love, serve and glorify Him forever
through His Son's celestial sacrificed sacred-life. And this
is a sacrificed divine life that they needed to take it by
faith from Mount Sinai's summit to carry it over their heads
within the SHEKINAH cloud through the desert defeating our
heavenly Father's enemy nations finally to enter Canaan and
lift the eternal sacrifice of the atoning-blood over
Jerusalem's holy hill for the nations to accept it eternally.

In truth, it was our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach with his arms
lifted high towards heaven and over Israel that the
Israelites carry over their heads within the SHEKINAH cloud
to defeat our heavenly Father's ancient enemies, so they may
conquer the Promised Land also to conquer on the third day
everyone's salvation with a secured resurrection into eternal
life. For this sacrificed life from the creation of the world
would not only manifest over Mount Sinai's summit to Moses
and Aaron as the only faithful witness before Israel and the
nations to what happen there initially, but also it would
finally manifest over Jerusalem's holy hill for resurrection
day to come alive for every one's eternal salvation into all

These are the sacrifices that our heavenly Father had
manifested to Moses so he may tell it to the Egyptians and to
the Israelites, sacrifices that had to be erected over
Jerusalem's holy hill for the end of sin, and the beginning
of brand new eternal life on the third day that will never
end for any one that believes perpetually. Resurrection day
forever: this is a glorious life to live on earth and in
heaven today because our heavenly Father will wipe away all
lies, curses and threats of death that we may have received
from Adam and Eve as both ate from the forbidden fruit
instead of eating from the fruit from the tree of life, our
Lord Jesus Christ!

And as we all eat and drink from our Lord Jesus Christ,
because by taking the bread from the table on his hand and
lifting up to our heavenly Father in heaven, he said: this is
my body, eat from it all of you so you may never hunger
again. Then he lifted the cup of wine to our heavenly Father
that is in heaven, and said: this is my blood shed for you
from the creation of the world and the heaven for life to
thrive throughout creation forever. This is your only
possible salvation from sin, cruses, sicknesses and death
thus to live forever blessed and saved into all eternity to
come on earth and in heaven.

Drink from it all of you so you may never thirst again in
this life and in the next one to come in heaven, for whoever
eats from my flesh, then he is eating true bread, and whoever
drinks from my blood, he is drinking eternal life never to
thirst again forever into all eternity to come in heaven. And
this bread of life with the cup of wine from our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach is available every hour to any one that is willing
to eat the bread from heaven and drink from the cup of life,
so he may never hunger again nor thirst forever into eternity
to come before our heavenly Father that is in heaven.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, the only bread of life that descended
from heaven, who was slain initially from the creation of the
world because of he loved us, so we may eat and drink from
him to escape Satan forever thus to live blessed and saved by
our heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit of grace that blesses
us continuously always. Therefore, it was important for our
heavenly Father to manifest to Moses and Israel over Mount
Sinai's summit the infinite glories of the Holy Spirit of His
blessed name and eternal commandments, so Israel may become
born again into a new world of grace from heaven above where
they will learn to love, serve and glorify Him as Gods and

Really, this is the world of grace that our heavenly Father
manifested over Mount Sinai's summit as His SHEKINAH cloud
opened before Moses and Israel, so His Holy Spirit may become
part of the life of Israel with a new baptism and birth thus
to enter into a new celestial life from heaven above that
will never end into eternity. Moreover, this is the new
celestial life that our heavenly Father has chosen divinely
from His faithful Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, to reign
forever from Jerusalem into eternity with all the angels from
heaven and all the families of the nations as well with the
purpose to love, serve and glorify His blessed name and
eternal commandments into eternal perfection.

This is the new angelic Kingdom that our heavenly Father
descended from heaven with the SHEKINAH cloud over Mount
Sinai's summit to grant to Moses and Israel so they may enjoy
love, peace, glory and happiness with Him within the
astounding powers of the Holy Spirit of His anointed name and
glorified commandments, so Satan's lies may at last vanish
forever. Here is where you can sing victory over Satan's lies
of troubles, difficulties, infirmities and threats of death
against you, because by the startling powers of the Holy
Spirit emanating daily from our heavenly Father's sacrifices
of His Son's sacred life in heaven, over Mount Sinai and over
Jerusalem's holy hill, then He has finally defeated Satan in
you into eternity.

That is the truth these days, our heavenly Father needs to
defeat Satan and his spirit of error within your heart, soul,
mind, body and human spirit with a mighty baptism from the
Holy Spirit of His blessed name and glorified commandments,
so you may become reborn into a new person that will love Him
all over the earth into eternity. Otherwise, there is no way
possible for our heavenly Father to remove Satan with his
spirit of error from every man, woman and child from Israel
and the nations, so He may finally defeat Satan's lies with
the perfect fruit from the tree of life, our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach, slain from the creation of the world to save
humankind at last.

This is the reason that these days you can very well sing
victory over every Satan's lie but also enjoy the great
salvation that our heavenly Father has won over the eternal
rock within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount
Sinai's summit, so you may drink living-water and eat the
bread of life to your living-soul's everlasting holy-
satisfaction. That is correct: Again dinner is served at
Jerusalem's gate just as the King of Salem, Melchizedek,
served Abram and his men of war the bread and the wine, so
they may star a new Pact of Eternal Liife with our heavenly
Father that is in heaven ready to bless our lives to the full
with His Holy Spirit.

Because, eventually you will drink from the injured rock by
Moses' rod at Mount Sinai's foot and eat from the bread from
heaven, so your living-soul will become born again not from
the spirit of error of death but from the Holy Spirit of the
New Jerusalem from heaven above where love, peace and glory
coexist together always blessing you everlastingly. And here
you are with your loved ones in the midst of these battles
between Satan and Jesus Christ before our heavenly Father,
and our heavenly Father has already determined that His Son,
our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, will win over every living soul
from man on earth and in paradise for His new angelic Kingdom
to exist forever victoriously into eternity.

Today, the spirit of error from sin and death reign supremely
within your body and human spirit because you are a direct
descendant from Adam and Eve that sinned against the fruit of
life from paradise by eating rebelliously from the forbidden
fruit, however, our heavenly Father has descended over Mount
Sinai to liberate you from this evil for eternity. And the
only thing that our heavenly Father is requiring from you so
you may become blessed and saved surprisingly from these
terrible evils that afflicts the human spirit since Adam and
Eve left paradise, it will be to believe what He has already
done to save you with His Son's sacrificed life over the
injured-rock from heaven above.

For this is the faith that will remove the spirit of error
from within your heart, body and entire human spirit to grant
you a new birth from the Holy Spirit of eternal life filled
with miracles and marvels signs, so you may enjoy powers from
the fruit of life that liberates you from Satan's lies these
days and forevermore into eternity. For this is the faith
that our heavenly Father has brought from heaven to install
it within the heart of every man, woman and child from Israel
and the nations, so they may believe forever what He has done
with His Son's atoning-blood over the eternal rock from the
creation of the world, so life may thrive throughout the
world today.

Undeniably, this is a new world with glorious heavens filled
with the eternal life of every one of our heavenly Father's
children that have believed within their hearts for justice
to confess with their lips for salvation that our Lord Jesus
Christ is Lord of all on earth and in heaven for our heavenly
Father's new glories to manifest right away. Meaning also
that the day that our heavenly Father descended over Mount
Sinai's summit seating gloriously over His Great White Throne
within the Holy of Holiest from heaven, then personally He
poured abundantly the Holy Spirit of everyone's eternal life,
including yours and of your loved ones everywhere, so you may
have a victorious life today and in perpetual happiness too.

For these are the children that our heavenly Father had
dreamed to have and granted them to inherit forever into
eternity the glorious blessings to know by heart and confess
with their lips the Holy Spirit of His blessed name and
eternal commandments of a new celestial life that will never
end in this world and in the next one. In other words, the
new world for which our heavenly Father created you in His
image to live according to His likeness is in heaven and with
His fruit of life, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach; this is the
reason that he said publicly to his disciples: I Am that I Am
is speaking to you today, so you may become blessed.

If you do not believe that I Am that I Am is speaking to you
these days, then you will die in your sins to descend to the
terrible forces of the Abyss that have chained you from head
to foot to be their slaves forever into eternity within the
lost world of the lost souls of men, in hell. For this is
reason also that our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach manifested to
the Hebrews openly by assuring them that he is the way, the
truth and the life; and that no one can ever enter into
eternal life much less see our heavenly Father that is in
heaven unless he comes to him first by believing and
confessing his great name.

Truthfully, our heavenly Father was abundantly merciful and
gracious to the Israelites for He had heard their cries of
terrible suffering under the Egyptian's bondage that were
forcing them daily into hard labor, so they may increase in
glory before the nations; and our heavenly Father wanted to
liberate Israel from bondage only with surprising powers from
His Son's atoning-blood sacrifice. And this is the reason
that our heavenly Father is calling you today so you may
accept His invitation to enter into His world of the Holy
Spirit where you will be reborn into His divine-life only to
know mercy, grace, favors and eternal happiness to be rich in
His eternal glories on earth and in heaven above forever into

Indisputably, Israel only knew through the four hundred and
thirty years of service to the Pharaohs complete isolation
from the God of their forefathers, so they lacked the powers
of the Holy Spirit living within their hearts to live a life
that confesses to love, serve and glory our heavenly Father
on earth and in heaven that rewards us always with freedom.
Thereby, Israel was completely dried from the blissful powers
of our heavenly Father's glorious Holy Spirit of the blessed
name and eternal commandments, so as Moses asked our Lord
Jesus Christ for the name that he will manifest to his
brothers to believe blindly in his message, then the Lord
said: Just tell them that I Am have sent you to them.

For this is the mighty name from heaven that the Israelites
needed within their hearts for justice to confess with their
lips for salvation from Egypt's slavery thus to enter into a
new glorious Pact of Life to love, serve and honor only to
our heavenly Father on earth and in heaven each day and
forever within the Promised Land. Honestly, every Israelite
needed to believe within his heart for justice to confess
with his lips for salvation from the Egyptian bondage and
hell too, our Lord Jesus Christ's name given to them through
Moses, and this is that he is the Great I Am from Mount Sinai
with power and fire from the Holy Spirit to liberate anyone
from sin perpetually.

Straightaway, the Israelites, beginning with Moses, needed to
confess this glorious name from heaven above as from Mount
Sinai's summit with its burning bush and ancient sacrifice of
the atoning-blood, so the forces of darkness from Satan's lie
may liberate them first from the underworld to become
liberated from Egypt to seize the Promised Land at last for
eternal blessings. And because of this magnificent name that
our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach manifested to Moses so he may
speak before the Israelites in his name to start our heavenly
Father's Plan of Salvation from Egypt and from the sinful
world of darkness, then liberating powers of the name
manifested remarkably for Israel to possess a new land that
flows milk and honey.

This name of the Great I Am from our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach
manifested first to Moses over Mount Sinai's summit, as the
Israelites believed it within their hearts for justice to
confess with their lips for salvation astonishing powers to
destroy darkness that were making them sick so they may die
in Egypt, then they acquired more powers to escape to Canaan.
Indeed, it was under the acting powers of this ancient name
that our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach has never given it to any
one before, including Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but now he
was giving it to Moses so Israel may have powers to destroy
by faith the powers of sin and darkness that were keeping
them submissive to Egypt's slavery ceaselessly.

Truly, this is the name from heaven that angels and our
heavenly Father's Holy Spirit of the blessed name and eternal
commandments know marvelously to this day thus to honor it
every time anyone confess it with their lips for salvation so
powers may come to his aid immediately for our heavenly
Father's new eternal glories to manifest sooner or later.
That is to say, also that if you are in some sort of
problems, hardship, and difficulties, including sickness and
threats of death, then call upon this lawful name given by
our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach to Moses over Mount Sinai's
summit, then powers from the SHEKINAH cloud will rain upon
your entire life to liberate you immediately from Satan's
hidden darkness.

These revealing powers from our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach as he
manifested himself to Moses as the Great I Am then they were
very important and necessary for Israel to possess and began
to unfold mysteriously for every Israelite man, woman and
child to escape slavery by destroying the chains from the
Abyss that were holding them back in Egypt against their
will. And the same is true these days, supernatural powers
from Satan's lie and hidden darkness of terrible destruction
are always acting against you and your loved ones deceive
fully, including your friends from far away, so they may
steal, kill and destroy your life little by little until you
are completely wipe out from the face of the earth forever.

Certainly, terrible supernatural forces from the Abyss and
Satan were destroyed and rendered useless to hold Israel
captive within Egypt's slavery as they confessed the Great I
Am with their mouths, so they may become liberated from enemy
lands to journey for three days through the desert to the
Promised Land where they would eventually lift our heavenly
Father's Three Sacrifices. These Sacrifices had to be lifted
by the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob within the
Promised Land and over Jerusalem's holy hill for sin, Satan
and the angel of death to die forever cursed, and our Lord
Jesus Christ is in the middle of his two brothers and
witnesses so truth and justice may reign on earth and in
paradise forever.

Moreover, these Sacrifices could not be erected within the
Sinai's desert or any other nation but only within the
Promised Land and over Jerusalem's holy hill, so our heavenly
Father may finally sing victory over Satan's lies from
paradise and death on earth forever for a new world to start
soon in heaven for everyone to live forever saved. And this
is a brand new life compatible with your heart, soul, mind,
body and human spirit that will only enjoy love, service and
glory to manifest every day to our heavenly Father, His
blessed Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, His Holy Spirit and the
many angelic hosts from everywhere around His entire vast

It is here where our heavenly Father had been looking forward
to be since Satan caused Adam and Eve to sin against Him and
His supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son's atoning-blood in
paradise for truth, justice and life to die within the hearts
and living-souls of His children that were born from His
image to live according to His likeness forever blessed. That
is why that our heavenly Father had to manifest immediately
to Adam and Eve that they were going to die forever cursed
because they had disobeyed His command to eat from the fruit
from the tree of life, and, instead they ate from the
forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil
for sin to spread everywhere fast.

This meant that now our heavenly Father's children that were
born from His image to live according to His likeness forever
blessed in heaven they were dying, beginning with Adam and
Eve, therefore He needed to save them through the glorious
celestial-sacrifice of His Son's atoning-blood that had been
slain initially from the creation of the world for this
eternal purpose. Here our heavenly Father could recreate the
life of all of His children within the glorious life of His
blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so they will all be
as perfect and holy as he has been before Him since the early
days of eternity to create at last a new glorious angelic
Kingdom without Satan and his lies.

In truth, our heavenly Father recreated the life of every
man, woman and child on earth, beginning with Adam and Eve
from paradise, within the glorious life of His blessed Son,
our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, and this is something that our
heavenly Father could very well do just as he did it with
Adam and Eve in the beginning. This is the reason that our
heavenly Father needs you to be born again not from the
spirit of error that gave you the sinful-flesh, broken bones
and ill blood from Adam and Eve but from the Holy Spirit that
will give you the sacred-flesh, unbroken bones and atoning-
blood from our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach to reenter eternal
life at once.

With this new birth from the Holy Spirit then you will bury
in the grave the spirit of error that has received from Adam
by default troubles, infirmities, illnesses and the sure
death in the grave somewhere on earth, so you may retake
immediately blessings from heaven because the Holy Spirit
receives only blessings from our heavenly Father that is in
heaven. These days, it is up to you (and not to our heavenly
Father) for you to be a complete happy person on earth ready
to ascend to heaven anyday now by receiving the Holy Spirit
of God that descended with your eternal life over Mount Sinai
later to manifest over Jerusalem's holy hill to seal it
within your heart for salvation.

That is the truth. As you become born from the Holy Spirit,
then you will be burying forever the spirit of error with its
problems, hardships, infirmities and death in the grave
instead of the spirit of error burying you somewhere on
earth, because now you rightfully belong to a different
Spirit, and this is the Holy Spirit of life and blessings
that enriches you always. Therefore, our heavenly Father had
called man from the beginning of time to be perfect as He is
perfect to be holy as He is holy in heaven and on earth
forever and ever, so they may all be called righteously the
children of the Most High God for the glory of His blessed
name and eternal glorious commandments.

And for this to happen within their hearts, souls, minds,
bodies and human spirit then they needed to believe within
their hearts for justice to confess with their lips for
salvation the Holy Spirit of the Great I Am from Mount
Sinai's summit, so they may live forever blessed before our
heavenly Father on earth and in heaven too. Meaning also that
these days every Israelite man, woman and child must be
baptized from the Holy Spirit that descended with our
heavenly Father seating in His Great White Throne of
illuminating powers within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and
over Mount Sinai's summit, so they may be reborn into a new
world that lives and professes only pure divine-love.

And this is true for every family from all the nations,
beginning with Egypt, so they may also receive the Holy
Spirit that descended with our heavenly Father and His Chosen
Lamb slain from the creation of the world to save Israel and
humankind from Satan and his devils from everywhere, so
peace, love and glory may reign at last throughout the earth.
Definitely, the devils from Satan that have risen from the
grave and hell will disappear from your entire life and of
your loved ones too, because the illuminating powers from the
Holy Spirit of the Great I Am from our Living Savior will
work miraculously within your heart, soul, body and human
spirit so you may be liberated to receive blessings always.

Can you imagine that within your heart that you can very well
start receiving blessings from our heavenly Father's Holy
Spirit that descended over Mount Sinai's summit to baptize it
with powers and fire, so you may become born again into the
world of the Holy Spirit that leads you into eternal life
every time you move forward anywhere on earth. Therefore,
stop living within the world of the spirit of error that
attracts constantly problems, difficulties, curses, sickness
and the grave from earth and hell to live immediately by
faith in the world of the Holy Spirit by been born from God
that attracts constantly miracles, blessings every hour into
your life and of your loved ones as well from everywhere.

These days to move from the sinful-life of the spirit of
error that you have received from Adam and Eve, then you must
be born again into the world of the Holy Spirit by believing
within your heart for justice to confess with your lips for
salvation that attracts blessings, prosperity and continuous
happiness always towards you, our Lord Jesus Christ! This is
the life of a wonderful world of the Holy Spirit from heaven
above that our heavenly Father wants you to be born into by
the amazing power of faith to believe in Him for justice to
confess with your mouth for salvation His blessed Son's name:
I Am that I Am from Mount Sinai's summit, our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach! Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man
comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua,
and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead,
then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the
dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your
personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the
NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?

Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the
HE will listen to you AND DO IT:

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and
believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you
will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified,
and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As
the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be
put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and
Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the
same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who
call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord
will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe
that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to
turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my
personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ
as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a
wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better.
Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday.
Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy
Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other
Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple
where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include
me in your prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers
are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how
important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered,
anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on
the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven
in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father,
Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels
hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I
most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the
SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and
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