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Migrating dev-tech-js-engine-internals to Discourse

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Jan de Mooij

Mar 31, 2021, 2:33:19 AM3/31/21
to JS Internals list
Hi all,

tl;dr - Mozilla is overhauling its mailing list infrastructure and moving
away from legacy custom-patched mailman software. This list will be
decommissioned in the coming days; the SpiderMonkey team has decided to use
Discourse going forward:

I'm going to shamelessly copy/paste the message Ted sent to a while ago, because it also applies to this list:
Over the next few months, this mailing list (and
its sibling are being phased out. We
still want to hear your questions and the development team has agreed to
migrate to the Mozilla Discourse instance instead.

Discourse is a web-based forum that can still be accessed directly by email
if that is your preference. Please continue to ask your questions there. I
expect this should bring in more people from the current team to help with
answers and advice as well.

I will also take this opportunity to point out that the project now
maintains a website at with the goal of keeping
links to relevant and current information there.

The development team has a public Matrix chat channel for real-time chat
for those who prefer it.

This current mailing list is actually a Usenet/NNTP group fused to email
via GNU Mailman and also to Google Groups. The setup is quickly showing its
age and due in for a modernization.

SpiderMonkey will turn 25 this year and the team is excited for what is in
store, so come join us on Discourse or Matrix!
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