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File input field in Firefox 3.0

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Mithgol the Webmaster

Dec 22, 2008, 8:09:54 AM12/22/08
And about 03:19 10 Dec 08 it was written from Mvij...@Gmail.Com to All:

Mv> In firefox 3.0, I couldn't get the file path from a HTML input file
Mv> field using javascript.

Mv> If i browse and select a file and use javascript to retrieve the full
Mv> file path using document.getElementById('id').value, I'm just getting
Mv> the file name

Mv> for ex: sample.txt

Mv> but in earlier versions of firefox we get this as "c:\sample.txt"

Mv> I very well know that, getting the full file path is not necessary,
Mv> but for my purpose it is.

Mv> Pls Do anyone solve this problem....!

Getting the file path is considered a violation of user's privacy and thus this
feature has been removed from Firefox.

With best Fidonet 2.0 regards,
Mithgol the Webmaster.

.. How few! yet how they creep through my fingers to the deep! (C) E. A. Poe

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