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Turktrust SubCA abuse and MITM'ing

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Stephen Schultze

Jan 3, 2013, 2:08:14 PM1/3/13

Reed Loden

Jan 3, 2013, 2:20:38 PM1/3/13
On Thu, 03 Jan 2013 14:08:14 -0500
Stephen Schultze <> wrote:

> Radio silence over here:

Just took a little bit longer to post.



Phillip Hallam-Baker

Jan 3, 2013, 2:21:56 PM1/3/13
to Stephen Schultze,
Hmm, what is there to discuss? The nature of the breach seems clear enough.
There is a well established set of controls that could and should have been
deployed to mitigate it.

So the question I would like to have an answer to is why the auditor didn't
spot the lack of those controls. I would also like to know exactly how the
issue occurred and why the certs had the cert signing bit set.

Another question is if they tried to install the certs on a server and if
so why it accepted a cert signing cert as an end-entity cert. They are
meant to be mutually exclusive roles.

On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 2:08 PM, Stephen Schultze <> wrote:

> So, are we discussing this?
> http://googleonlinesecurity.****
> enhancing-digital-certificate-**security.html<>
> security-advisory-2798897-**released-certificate-trust-**list-updated.aspx<>
> Radio silence over here:
>**security/ <>
> ______________________________**_________________
> dev-security-policy mailing list
> dev-security-policy@lists.**<>


Stephen Schultze

Jan 3, 2013, 5:17:17 PM1/3/13
From the blog post:
"We have also suspended inclusion of the “TÜRKTRUST Bilgi İletişim ve
Bilişim Güvenliği Hizmetleri A.Ş. (c) Aralık 2007” root certificate,
pending further review."

I only see these two Turktrust root certs in NSS, neither of which
matches that name:

I see, however, that the "2007" CA cert is listed here as the new root
approved for EV:

Evidently this has not even made its way into production yet?

Was this the root that the SubCAs in question were issued from, or were
they issued from one of the two DV certs? What is the rationale for
revoking trust in the non-production "2007" EV CA cert but not the other
DV certs?

Is there a private bugzilla bug for tracking this issue that can now be
made public?


Kathleen Wilson

Jan 3, 2013, 5:30:56 PM1/3/13
On 1/3/13 2:17 PM, Stephen Schultze wrote:
> From the blog post:
> "We have also suspended inclusion of the “TÜRKTRUST Bilgi İletişim ve
> Bilişim Güvenliği Hizmetleri A.Ş. (c) Aralık 2007” root certificate,
> pending further review."
> I only see these two Turktrust root certs in NSS, neither of which
> matches that name:
> I see, however, that the "2007" CA cert is listed here as the new root
> approved for EV:

The newer root cert had been included in Firefox 18. However, while we
made the change to distrust the two mis-issued certs, we backed out the
code change for the new root cert inclusion.

> Evidently this has not even made its way into production yet?

This update had been in Firefox 18 beta for a while. The other root cert
changes in bug #795355 are still happening. But the code has been
updated to not include the newer TURKTRUST root cert.

> Was this the root that the SubCAs in question were issued from, or were
> they issued from one of the two DV certs? What is the rationale for
> revoking trust in the non-production "2007" EV CA cert but not the other
> DV certs?

No. The mis-issued certs were signed by one of the older TURKTRUST root

We want to discuss this case before adding trust to another TURKTRUST
root. There are various options to consider, including:
a) Add the new TURKTRUST root in a future FF release, and allow EV
b) Add the new TURKTRUST root in a future FF release, but don't allow
the EV treatment.
c) Add a new TURKTRUST root that has been name constrained to *.tr and
*.ir in a future FF release.
d) Don't add a new TURKTRUST root cert to NSS. The old TURKTRUST root
certs expire in March 2015. (the old roots are not EV-enabled)
e) Remove all TURKTRUST root certs from NSS.
d) other?

> Is there a private bugzilla bug for tracking this issue that can now be
> made public?

Yes. I'll check.


Jan 3, 2013, 5:53:27 PM1/3/13
to,, Stephen Schultze
Please find some critical points below about the root cause of the instance:

• The case occurred in August 2011 during a software migration operation, before the first successful ETSI TS 102 042 audit which took place in November 2011. The sequence of events that led to the mistaken issuance of two certificates can be best summarized as follows:
• Prior to June 2011, the certificate profiles on the production system were exported to the test system, containing a particular number of certificate profiles.
• For the sake of testing purposes, 2 more profiles were added that contain CA extensions.
• In the meantime, the production system was also updated to meet the need of demand to contain 3 more SSL certificate profiles. Hence the production system and the test system appeared to have different number of profiles by one, and the two sets matched only in the profiles at the date of the first data migration.
• The tests were completed before June 30, 2011. It was the unfortunate event that the production system was patched with the profiles in the test system, which had happened to contain 2 wrong profiles and lacked 3 correct profiles.
• The wrong profiles were only used on August 8, 2011 to issue those two faulty certificates which were certainly not intended to be sub-CA certificates.
• A certificate request on the 10th of August had called the use of one of the missing profiles, which was drawn to attention by a thrown exception. In order to fix this the whole set of certificate profiles was this time replaced to contain all correct profiles. Therefore the problem had been fixed once and for all although the unfortunate event that the certificates were mistakenly issued remained hidden.
It is assured that, this clearly identifies the root cause that led to the generation of faulty certificates. All related data resides in archives, and the sequence was all traced back to understand what really had happened. The system had been finally updated on October 17, 2011 and went through a successful ETSI TS 102 042 audit by KPMG on November 2011.
Although the system is now immune to any such kind of errors, further preemptive measures are implemented as described below:
One is a post process control for the certificates issued; the other is a run time control checking the certificate profile for end users.
Via the post process control, the validity period, basic constraints, CRL distribution point, Authority Info Access (AIA) and the other profile details are checked after certificate generation according to the certificate requirements coming from respective certificate policies before the certificate is delivered to the end customer. The post process control is planned as a separate and independent service from the certificate generation module of the CA software.
Via the run time control, the basic constraints are restricted to the end user certificates.
Both controls have already been implemented.
All OCSP requests and CRL data have already been analyzed to detect any anomaly during the entire period. The data revealed no anomaly at all.

The following issues are also worth considering at the moment:
1) One of the mistakenly issued certificates has been revoked before putting into use upon the request of the customer.
2) The other certificate was reported to sign a fraudulent certificate (* on December 6, 2012.
3) Before the December 6, 2012, the certificate was installed on an IIS as a web mail server.
4) On December 6, 2012, the cert (and the key) was exported to a Checkpoint firewall. It was the same day as the issuance of the fraudulent certificate (*
5) The Checkpoint firewall was said to be configured as MITM. It appears that the Checkpoint automatically generates MITM certificates once a CA cert was installed (
6) The second certificate was immediately revoked as soon as it was brought to TURKTRUST’s attention by Google on December 26, 2012.
7) The available data strongly suggests that the * cert was not issued for dishonest purposes or has not been used for such a purpose.
8) There is certainly not a bit of data to show an evidence of a security breach on TURKTRUST systems.

Message has been deleted

Ned Ulbricht

Jan 3, 2013, 9:24:27 PM1/3/13
On 01/03/2013 02:21 PM, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

> Another question is if they tried to install the certs on a server and if
> so why it accepted a cert signing cert as an end-entity cert. They are
> meant to be mutually exclusive roles.

Naturally, I appreciate the few technical details provided to this list
by Mert Özarar. In relation to your question, I note with interest, his

> 3) Before the December 6, 2012, the certificate was installed on
> an IIS as a web mail server.

Do all versions of IIS accept cert signing certs as end-entity certs?

I'm afraid that I have no experience at all in operating IIS.

Ned Ulbricht

Stephen Schultze

Jan 3, 2013, 9:26:43 PM1/3/13
Why would a certificate intended for end-entity SSL use (albeit actually
enabled for CA use) be installed on a "firewall"? What was the system
administrator's intent? What is the Checkpoint device model that it was
installed on? The link that you provided shows a video in which MITM is
a feature of Checkpoint devices that must be explicitly enabled.

On what network was this Checkpoint device installed, and what set of
users were being MITM'ed? Specific IP blocks would be helpful.

I presume that the SubCA cert in question is the one for *.EGO.GOV.TR,
so you can answer these questions with respect to what the sysadmin for
the government of Turkey was intending to do.

Did your OCSP requests show no requests at all for If so,
this is troubling, given the evidence that at least one request for by a Chrome browser was MITM'ed. What happened to the OCSP
request? How many OCSP requests appear in your logs for domain names for
which Turktrust has not issued certificates? None? If more than none,
which domains and how many requests?

Where is your KPMG audit memorialized? Kathleen has your auditor listed
in her spreadsheet as BTK (the Turkish government), and I see only BTK
audits attached to your bugzilla bugs.

To be clear, I'm not making accusations, but a bit of professional
paranoia is in order.

Phillip Hallam-Baker

Jan 3, 2013, 9:45:30 PM1/3/13
to Stephen Schultze,
Thinking off the top of my head, wouldn't an SSL VPN use an end entity SSL

I can think of endless reasons for putting SSL certs on things. In fact I
don't think I have ever come across a device with a 32 bit CPU that could
not benefit from at least one in some way.

What strikes me as bizarre is the idea that you feed it a CA cert and it
starts playing Big Brother. Isn't that a rather serious legal liability?
Not to mention a security vulnerability.

On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 9:26 PM, Stephen Schultze <> wrote:

> Why would a certificate intended for end-entity SSL use (albeit actually
> enabled for CA use) be installed on a "firewall"? What was the system
> administrator's intent? What is the Checkpoint device model that it was
> installed on? The link that you provided shows a video in which MITM is a
> feature of Checkpoint devices that must be explicitly enabled.
> On what network was this Checkpoint device installed, and what set of
> users were being MITM'ed? Specific IP blocks would be helpful.
> I presume that the SubCA cert in question is the one for *.EGO.GOV.TR, so
> you can answer these questions with respect to what the sysadmin for the
> government of Turkey was intending to do.
> Did your OCSP requests show no requests at all for If so, this
> is troubling, given the evidence that at least one request for gmail.comby a Chrome browser was MITM'ed. What happened to the OCSP request? How
> many OCSP requests appear in your logs for domain names for which Turktrust
> has not issued certificates? None? If more than none, which domains and how
> many requests?
> Where is your KPMG audit memorialized? Kathleen has your auditor listed in
> her spreadsheet as BTK (the Turkish government), and I see only BTK audits
> attached to your bugzilla bugs.
> To be clear, I'm not making accusations, but a bit of professional
> paranoia is in order.
> On 1/3/13 5:53 PM, wrote:
>> a CA cert was installed (**communities/19714<>
>> )
>> 6) The second certificate was immediately revoked as soon as it was
>> brought to TURKTRUST’s attention by Google on December 26, 2012.
>> 7) The available data strongly suggests that the * cert
>> was not issued for dishonest purposes or has not been used for such a
>> purpose.
>> 8) There is certainly not a bit of data to show an evidence of a
>> security breach on TURKTRUST systems.

Stephen Schultze

Jan 3, 2013, 10:01:24 PM1/3/13
On 1/3/13 9:45 PM, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
> What strikes me as bizarre is the idea that you feed it a CA cert and it
> starts playing Big Brother. Isn't that a rather serious legal liability?
> Not to mention a security vulnerability.

Indeed, it seems hard to imagine that a device would be designed to do
this. Furthermore, the Checkpoint product materials do not seem to
indicate that this is this case.

Stephen Schultze

Jan 3, 2013, 11:51:24 PM1/3/13
My commentary on what we know so far:

As a bonus, I link to the openssl output of the SubCA cert that issued
the cert. I don't think that this has been published publicly
so far.

Rob Stradling

Jan 4, 2013, 3:04:02 AM1/4/13
to Stephen Schultze,
On 04/01/13 02:26, Stephen Schultze wrote:
> Did your OCSP requests show no requests at all for If so,
> this is troubling, given the evidence that at least one request for
> by a Chrome browser was MITM'ed. What happened to the OCSP
> request?


Firstly, OCSP requests don't contain domain names.

Secondly, although I haven't seen the fake cert, I would be
very surprised if it states as the
AIA->OCSP URL, given that it was generated by a Checkpoint firewall
rather than issued by Turktrust.

Rob Stradling
Senior Research & Development Scientist
COMODO - Creating Trust Online

Ned Ulbricht

Jan 4, 2013, 6:08:12 AM1/4/13
On 01/03/2013 11:51 PM, Stephen Schultze wrote:

> As a bonus, I link to the openssl output of the SubCA cert that issued
> the cert. I don't think that this has been published publicly
> so far.

Thank you.

Of course when I first heard the news, in my own personal browser, I
immediately removed the trust bits from Turktrust's root certificates.

Which again leaves the vexing question, what action should I take to
protect my users?

Madell, William

Jan 4, 2013, 6:55:06 AM1/4/13
to Rob Stradling, Stephen Schultze,
Rob's right - no AIA extension (or CRLDP, for that matter) in the bad EE cert:

0:d=0 hl=4 l=1455 cons: SEQUENCE
4:d=1 hl=4 l=1175 cons: SEQUENCE
8:d=2 hl=2 l= 3 cons: cont [ 0 ]
10:d=3 hl=2 l= 1 prim: INTEGER :02
13:d=2 hl=2 l= 16 prim: INTEGER :0A889040CE126E6557AEC2427B4AC1FB
31:d=2 hl=2 l= 13 cons: SEQUENCE
33:d=3 hl=2 l= 9 prim: OBJECT :sha1WithRSAEncryption
44:d=3 hl=2 l= 0 prim: NULL
46:d=2 hl=2 l= 110 cons: SEQUENCE
48:d=3 hl=2 l= 11 cons: SET
50:d=4 hl=2 l= 9 cons: SEQUENCE
52:d=5 hl=2 l= 3 prim: OBJECT :countryName
57:d=5 hl=2 l= 2 prim: PRINTABLESTRING :TR
61:d=3 hl=2 l= 15 cons: SET
63:d=4 hl=2 l= 13 cons: SEQUENCE
65:d=5 hl=2 l= 3 prim: OBJECT :stateOrProvinceName
70:d=5 hl=2 l= 6 prim: UTF8STRING :ANKARA
78:d=3 hl=2 l= 15 cons: SET
80:d=4 hl=2 l= 13 cons: SEQUENCE
82:d=5 hl=2 l= 3 prim: OBJECT :localityName
87:d=5 hl=2 l= 6 prim: UTF8STRING :ANKARA
95:d=3 hl=2 l= 12 cons: SET
97:d=4 hl=2 l= 10 cons: SEQUENCE
99:d=5 hl=2 l= 3 prim: OBJECT :organizationName
104:d=5 hl=2 l= 3 prim: UTF8STRING :EGO
109:d=3 hl=2 l= 24 cons: SET
111:d=4 hl=2 l= 22 cons: SEQUENCE
113:d=5 hl=2 l= 3 prim: OBJECT :organizationalUnitName
118:d=5 hl=2 l= 15 prim: UTF8STRING :EGO BILGI ISLEM
135:d=3 hl=2 l= 21 cons: SET
137:d=4 hl=2 l= 19 cons: SEQUENCE
139:d=5 hl=2 l= 3 prim: OBJECT :commonName
144:d=5 hl=2 l= 12 prim: UTF8STRING :*.EGO.GOV.TR
158:d=2 hl=2 l= 30 cons: SEQUENCE
160:d=3 hl=2 l= 13 prim: UTCTIME :121206085515Z
175:d=3 hl=2 l= 13 prim: UTCTIME :130607194327Z
190:d=2 hl=2 l= 102 cons: SEQUENCE
192:d=3 hl=2 l= 11 cons: SET
194:d=4 hl=2 l= 9 cons: SEQUENCE
196:d=5 hl=2 l= 3 prim: OBJECT :countryName
201:d=5 hl=2 l= 2 prim: PRINTABLESTRING :US
205:d=3 hl=2 l= 19 cons: SET
207:d=4 hl=2 l= 17 cons: SEQUENCE
209:d=5 hl=2 l= 3 prim: OBJECT :stateOrProvinceName
214:d=5 hl=2 l= 10 prim: PRINTABLESTRING :California
226:d=3 hl=2 l= 22 cons: SET
228:d=4 hl=2 l= 20 cons: SEQUENCE
230:d=5 hl=2 l= 3 prim: OBJECT :localityName
235:d=5 hl=2 l= 13 prim: PRINTABLESTRING :Mountain View
250:d=3 hl=2 l= 19 cons: SET
252:d=4 hl=2 l= 17 cons: SEQUENCE
254:d=5 hl=2 l= 3 prim: OBJECT :organizationName
259:d=5 hl=2 l= 10 prim: PRINTABLESTRING :Google Inc
271:d=3 hl=2 l= 21 cons: SET
273:d=4 hl=2 l= 19 cons: SEQUENCE
275:d=5 hl=2 l= 3 prim: OBJECT :commonName
280:d=5 hl=2 l= 12 prim: T61STRING :*
294:d=2 hl=3 l= 159 cons: SEQUENCE
297:d=3 hl=2 l= 13 cons: SEQUENCE
299:d=4 hl=2 l= 9 prim: OBJECT :rsaEncryption
310:d=4 hl=2 l= 0 prim: NULL
312:d=3 hl=3 l= 141 prim: BIT STRING
456:d=2 hl=4 l= 723 cons: cont [ 3 ]
460:d=3 hl=4 l= 719 cons: SEQUENCE
464:d=4 hl=2 l= 32 cons: SEQUENCE
466:d=5 hl=2 l= 3 prim: OBJECT :X509v3 Extended Key Usage
471:d=5 hl=2 l= 1 prim: BOOLEAN :0
474:d=5 hl=2 l= 22 prim: OCTET STRING [HEX DUMP]:301406082B0601050507030106082B06010505070302
498:d=4 hl=4 l= 664 cons: SEQUENCE
502:d=5 hl=2 l= 3 prim: OBJECT :X509v3 Subject Alternative Name
507:d=5 hl=2 l= 1 prim: BOOLEAN :0
510:d=5 hl=4 l= 652 prim: OCTET STRING [HEX DUMP]:30820288820C2A2E6
1166:d=4 hl=2 l= 15 cons: SEQUENCE
1168:d=5 hl=2 l= 3 prim: OBJECT :X509v3 Basic Constraints
1173:d=5 hl=2 l= 1 prim: BOOLEAN :255
1176:d=5 hl=2 l= 5 prim: OCTET STRING [HEX DUMP]:3003010100
1183:d=1 hl=2 l= 13 cons: SEQUENCE
1185:d=2 hl=2 l= 9 prim: OBJECT :sha1WithRSAEncryption
1196:d=2 hl=2 l= 0 prim: NULL
1198:d=1 hl=4 l= 257 prim: BIT STRING

Here's the PEM of the cert, itself, for those interested:


dev-security-policy mailing list

Erwann Abalea

Jan 4, 2013, 7:08:10 AM1/4/13
Le vendredi 4 janvier 2013 12:55:06 UTC+1, Madell, William a écrit :
> Rob's right - no AIA extension (or CRLDP, for that matter) in the bad EE cert:

Accessible here:

I think the original certificate were to be used on
The long list of dnsNames seems to be the same as what is found on the legitimate certificate for

Erwann Abalea

Jan 4, 2013, 7:28:49 AM1/4/13
There's also no basicConstraints:pathlen on the issuing CA, which could have mitigated the failure (on decent validation path implementations).
That's probably not a new idea, but could Mozilla (or any other browser vendor) ask for basicConstraints:pathlen=0 for CAs intended to issue end-entities?

Jan 4, 2013, 7:42:52 AM1/4/13
Hi Kathleen,

> We want to discuss this case before adding trust to another TURKTRUST
> root. There are various options to consider, including:

For me personally it's very unclear, how a certificate can be _mistakenly_ issued as CA instead of EE certificate (as the google blog post is stating [1]). Does it means, someone enabled the appropriate extension within the profile used to issue certificates?
In this case I wonder, why there are only 2 of those certs. Wouldn't that mean that someone discovered the mistake and change the profile back as it should be? Next question coming to my mind is, why didn't someone check for mis-issued certs when they changed the profile?

Best regards,


Carsten Dahlenkamp
T-Systems International GmbH
Trust Center Applications
Untere Industriestraße 20, 57250 Netphen, Germany
+49 271 708-1643 (Tel.)

Message has been deleted


Jan 4, 2013, 10:25:20 AM1/4/13
* We try to answer related questions while representing TURKTRUST.

On Friday, January 4, 2013 4:26:43 AM UTC+2, Stephen Schultze wrote:
> Why would a certificate intended for end-entity SSL use (albeit actually
> enabled for CA use) be installed on a "firewall"? What was the system
> administrator's intent? What is the Checkpoint device model that it was
> installed on? The link that you provided shows a video in which MITM is
> a feature of Checkpoint devices that must be explicitly enabled.
> On what network was this Checkpoint device installed, and what set of
> users were being MITM'ed? Specific IP blocks would be helpful.

* It was installed on the customer side. We are certainly not in position to answer these questions to full extent. However, it is almost apparent that the agency has wanted to configure the firewall as a MITM proxy for their internal users. Our thorough OCSP analysis has also supported this in the sense that almost 96% of OCSP requests stemmed from the EGO domain.

> I presume that the SubCA cert in question is the one for *.EGO.GOV.TR,
> so you can answer these questions with respect to what the sysadmin for
> the government of Turkey was intending to do.

* There was a misunderstanding. There is nothing related directly to Turkish Government. EGO is an agency working for the Municipality of Ankara to give services about electricity, gas and transportation. They have
changed their firewall vendor/model and this case happened. Odds are too low that there is a malicious intent on their side. There is also no evidence at all any other malicious use of the faulty cert.

> Did your OCSP requests show no requests at all for If so,
> this is troubling, given the evidence that at least one request for
> by a Chrome browser was MITM'ed. What happened to the OCSP
> request? How many OCSP requests appear in your logs for domain names for
> which Turktrust has not issued certificates? None? If more than none,
> which domains and how many requests?

* The faulty certificate has neither OCSP nor CRL pointers. Hence OCSP and CRL logs are followed from the misissued certified that havesigned the faulty one. As we have just said, almost all requests stemmed from the EGO domain. There is no OCSP request from any domain that we have not issued a certificate.

> Where is your KPMG audit memorialized? Kathleen has your auditor listed
> in her spreadsheet as BTK (the Turkish government), and I see only BTK
> audits attached to your bugzilla bugs.

* is our BSI-certificate. We may also share with you the lead auditor's coordinates of the KPMG of the Netherlands if you are interested in contacting with him.

Florian Weimer

Jan 4, 2013, 2:36:58 PM1/4/13

> * It was installed on the customer side. We are certainly not in
> position to answer these questions to full extent. However, it is
> almost apparent that the agency has wanted to configure the firewall
> as a MITM proxy for their internal users. Our thorough OCSP analysis
> has also supported this in the sense that almost 96% of OCSP
> requests stemmed from the EGO domain.

Does this mean that the certificate was actually used for interception

> * is our
> BSI-certificate. We may also share with you the lead auditor's
> coordinates of the KPMG of the Netherlands if you are interested in
> contacting with him.

Can we blacklist BSI Group The Netherlands B.V. as auditors because
they didn't catch this?

Kathleen, I think in


the audit links for TÜRKTRUST are wrong, they refer to qualified
electronic signatures which aren't relevant for web usage.

Jan Schejbal

Jan 4, 2013, 4:07:30 PM1/4/13
Am 2013-01-04 20:36, schrieb Florian Weimer:
> Does this mean that the certificate was actually used for interception
> purposes?

Yes - a false certificate issued for a google domain was how this entire
issue was discovered:

Kind regards,

Please avoid sending mails, use the group instead.
If you really need to send me an e-mail, mention "FROM NG"
in the subject line, otherwise my spam filter will delete your mail.
Sorry for the inconvenience, thank the spammers...
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

Ned Ulbricht

Jan 4, 2013, 5:37:01 PM1/4/13
On 01/04/2013 10:25 AM, TURKTRUST wrote:

> * It was installed on the customer side. We are certainly not in
> position to answer these questions to full extent. However, it is
> almost apparent that the agency has wanted to configure the firewall
> as a MITM proxy for their internal users.

I can certainly appreciate that you are not in position to fully answer
questions about your customer's operations.

>From the "HTTPS Inspection FAQ" at the Checkpoint Security Support
Center, I'm reading:

| Can I replace the gateway's CA with a different CA?
| A: Yes, you can import any CA certificate to be used for HTTPS
| inspection.
| To import a CA certificate:
| 1. Open SmartDashboard.
| 2. Right-click a gateway object and select Edit.
| 3. Click HTTPS Inspection > Import HTTPS Inspection.
| Or, from the HTTPS Inspection > Gateways pane of a supported blade,
| click the arrow next to Create Certificate and select Import
| certificate from file.

Without actually using this UI myself, I am still inferring from this
that your customer knew that they were in possession of a subCA
certificate and intended to install that CA cert for "HTTPS Inspection".

You seem to be telling us that you've reached that same conclusion
regarding your customer's level of knowledge and intent--at the time
they installed the certificate on the Checkpoint firewall.

Again, I really appreciate Turktrust's responsiveness and disclosure
regarding this issue.

Ned Ulbricht

Jan 5, 2013, 8:32:50 AM1/5/13
On 01/04/2013 04:07 PM, Jan Schejbal wrote:

> Yes - a false certificate issued for a google domain was how this entire
> issue was discovered:

It occurs to me --perhaps I am slow immediately after the holidays--
that while MitM appliances may not be able to prevent Google's Chrome
browser from detecting a MitM CA, the vendors will nevertheless develop
countermeasures. Even if Chrome detects a MitM attack, a MitM appliance
is position to block Chrome's report of that attack to Google. An arms
race between Google and the MitM appliance vendors may bloom.

Sitting here on the sidelines as we are here, that will bring up an
interesting set of policy questions. We should perhaps all think about
those in advance.

Ned Ulbricht

Jan 5, 2013, 9:09:37 AM1/5/13
On 01/03/2013 05:53 PM, wrote:
> 4) On December 6, 2012, the cert (and the key) was exported to a
> Checkpoint firewall. It was the same day as the issuance of the
> fraudulent certificate (*

This indicates a two-and-a-half week delay from the Dec 6, 2012
generation of the MitM CA certificate until Google's detection of the
attack on Dec 24, 2012.

I am presuming that this delay is due to the use of browsers other than
Google's Chrome on the intercepted network. The cert may have been
generated on the MitM appliance due to browsing activity using Microsoft
IE, Apple Safari, or using Mozilla Firefox.

Jan 5, 2013, 10:30:44 AM1/5/13
We have verified that EGO started the firewall set-up on the 6th of December. MITM proxy feature service started on the 21st of December. Chrome browsers in the LAN had started access errors to Google site on the very same day. This information is based on the declaration of the firewall vendor and EGO. We believe that it is most likely that the faulty certificate was automatically generated by the firewall on the 21st of December (cloning all attribues but few, worth reminding that the faulty certificate differ from the true Google certificate only in a few fields). The likelihood of a malicious usage is indeed barely above zero.

ps. We have put it to our web site, as well.


On Friday, January 4, 2013 11:19:46 PM UTC+2, TURKTRUST wrote:
> Dear All,
> The press release and especially technical details are being posted on our official web site (available in Turkish at and in English at Some links we believe that would help understand the situation better are also made available.
> As of now, the current data strongly suggests that the faulty certificate has not been used maliciously. Please check the technical details document for a discussion of MITM certs on a firewall and Google's "public key pinning" implementation.
> The second document and the links shall be kept updated as new information become available. We'll let you know when the site is updated.
> Best Regards,

Jan 5, 2013, 10:30:44 AM1/5/13

Phillip Hallam-Baker

Jan 5, 2013, 10:34:55 AM1/5/13
to Ned Ulbricht,
Well lets just forget the particular incident here and instead focus on the
fact that this is now the second time that one of these issues has come to
light because of the policy enforcement in Google Chrome.

I think that what we should be urgently considering right now is how to
extend that capability so that it covers more domains and so that it is
more robust. I proposed a scheme of that sort with Ben Laurie at Google in
the first version of CAA but those parts got stripped out because another
group had a turf war.

I think there will be no shortage of people piling on to heap criticism on
Turktrust, I think we should also consider ways we can reinforce the system
with technical measures.

On Sat, Jan 5, 2013 at 8:32 AM, Ned Ulbricht <> wrote:

> On 01/04/2013 04:07 PM, Jan Schejbal wrote:
> > Yes - a false certificate issued for a google domain was how this entire
> > issue was discovered:
> It occurs to me --perhaps I am slow immediately after the holidays--
> that while MitM appliances may not be able to prevent Google's Chrome
> browser from detecting a MitM CA, the vendors will nevertheless develop
> countermeasures. Even if Chrome detects a MitM attack, a MitM appliance
> is position to block Chrome's report of that attack to Google. An arms
> race between Google and the MitM appliance vendors may bloom.


Phillip Hallam-Baker

Jan 5, 2013, 10:35:33 AM1/5/13
to Ned Ulbricht,
"Well lets just forget the particular incident here" FOR A MOMENT

oops, left out an important caveat.


Jan 5, 2013, 10:37:46 AM1/5/13
On Friday, January 4, 2013 9:36:58 PM UTC+2, Florian Weimer wrote:
> > * It was installed on the customer side. We are certainly not in
> > position to answer these questions to full extent. However, it is
> > almost apparent that the agency has wanted to configure the firewall
> > as a MITM proxy for their internal users. Our thorough OCSP analysis
> > has also supported this in the sense that almost 96% of OCSP
> > requests stemmed from the EGO domain.
> Does this mean that the certificate was actually used for interception
> purposes?

Well again, that cannot be said with full confidence. We tend to interpret the OCSP data from a different perspective: Since the faulty firewall certificate had neither OCSP address nor CRL Distribution Point, the requests came for the mistakenly issued certificate. Having a very large majority of requests stemming from their domain is a strong indication that the mistakenly cert was used only by EGO.


Jan 5, 2013, 10:37:46 AM1/5/13
On Friday, January 4, 2013 9:36:58 PM UTC+2, Florian Weimer wrote:
> > * It was installed on the customer side. We are certainly not in
> > position to answer these questions to full extent. However, it is
> > almost apparent that the agency has wanted to configure the firewall
> > as a MITM proxy for their internal users. Our thorough OCSP analysis
> > has also supported this in the sense that almost 96% of OCSP
> > requests stemmed from the EGO domain.
> Does this mean that the certificate was actually used for interception
> purposes?

Well again, that cannot be said with full confidence. We tend to interpret the OCSP data from a different perspective: Since the faulty firewall certificate had neither OCSP address nor CRL Distribution Point, the requests came for the mistakenly issued certificate. Having a very large majority of requests stemming from their domain is a strong indication that the mistakenly cert was used only by EGO.


David E. Ross

Jan 5, 2013, 11:27:19 AM1/5/13
Please stop sending your messages to both the E-mail mailing list
<> and the newsgroup
[]. Also stop sending to the same E-mail
address as both To: and Cc:. Your messages are appearing multiple times
since the mailing list and newsgroup feed into each other.

Erwann Abalea

Jan 5, 2013, 12:41:15 PM1/5/13
Le samedi 5 janvier 2013 16:30:44 UTC+1, a écrit :
> We have verified that EGO started the firewall set-up on the 6th of December. MITM proxy feature service started on the 21st of December. Chrome browsers in the LAN had started access errors to Google site on the very same day. This information is based on the declaration of the firewall vendor and EGO. We believe that it is most likely that the faulty certificate was automatically generated by the firewall on the 21st of December (cloning all attribues but few, worth reminding that the faulty certificate differ from the true Google certificate only in a few fields). The likelihood of a malicious usage is indeed barely above zero.

If the certificate was installed on Dec 6th but the MITM feature was only activated on Dec 21st, it means that this activation wasn't automatic, as opposed to what you wrote on Jan 3rd. You then also wrote that the * certificate was generated on Dec 6th, and now on Dec 21st. Which date is the good one?

If this activation isn't automatic, then it's manual (obviously), and it can be considered a malicious usage. Next question is "who did something malicious?".

If this activation is automatic and started on Dec 6th, then other services and users have been MITMed, undetected. Next question is "was it a malicious action, or an error?".

Stephen Schultze

Jan 5, 2013, 1:15:20 PM1/5/13
On 1/5/13 10:34 AM, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
> I think that what we should be urgently considering right now is how to
> extend that capability so that it covers more domains and so that it is
> more robust. I proposed a scheme of that sort with Ben Laurie at Google in
> the first version of CAA but those parts got stripped out because another
> group had a turf war.

This work is already well underway, and I agree that we should support
it. Whatever your interpretation of how the pinning proposal in CAA got
stripped out, DNS-based pinning is now clearly defined in DANE (RFC
6698), which is an IETF Proposed Standard Protocol. So, for the DNS
path, that would seem to be a clear choice.

There are also trust-on-first-use proposals that are in advanced stages:

- draft-ietf-websec-key-pinning is on Standards Track, and work is
underway to implement it in NSS:

- See also Moxie's TACK, also Standards Track:

So, yeah, these should be supported and implemented. Of course, getting
to the bottom of this Turktrust issue can continue in parallel.


Jan 5, 2013, 2:12:40 PM1/5/13
* First a clarification: The modification of dates or any information concerning the firewall is only due to the new information that is made available to us by Turkish representative of the firewall and their client EGO. Both parties have been very cooperative until now to discuss the issue and help us understand what had actually happened.

* What follows is the series of events according to the available information at the present:
- On 6th of December, the new firewall was installed. MITM (SSL Inspection) was certainly not enabled. Therefore the faulty certificate generation was not a question on the 6th of December.
- MITM was enabled manually on the 21st of December by making the relavant configuration. The mistakenly issued sub-CA cert was certainly being installed on the same day and was checked for SSL inspection. This is confirmed once more via a phone call with the firewall representative.
- Hence the firewall (on the fly) generated the faulty google cert.
- We are certainly not in a position to tell wheter they were really aware of what they had been actually doing. Our feeling, however, is that their action was most probably not intended to generate a faulty certificate.

* We do not like to comment on whether configuring a MITM server can be considered a malicious usage.

John Wilander

Jan 5, 2013, 2:42:05 PM1/5/13
to Stephen Schultze,
I'd just like to add my support for two questions that have been asked but are still not answered afaik:

1) Turktrust, why did you not immediately check the config of all certs issued during the fairly small time window with faulty profiles from the test system? It seems an obvious thing to do for a professional CA discovering a serious misconfig.

2) Mozilla, the effectiveness of Chrome's cert pinning is proving itself. Recently Firefox started using Chrome's whitelist of pre-configured HSTS domains. Why not start cert pinning in Firefox following the same pattern? With the popularity of Google's services we would get a good increase in detection capability _and_ we would get more transparency.

Regards, John

My music
CV or Résumé

5 jan 2013 kl. 19:15 skrev Stephen Schultze <>:

> On 1/5/13 10:34 AM, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
>> I think that what we should be urgently considering right now is how to
>> extend that capability so that it covers more domains and so that it is
>> more robust. I proposed a scheme of that sort with Ben Laurie at Google in
>> the first version of CAA but those parts got stripped out because another
>> group had a turf war.
> This work is already well underway, and I agree that we should support it. Whatever your interpretation of how the pinning proposal in CAA got stripped out, DNS-based pinning is now clearly defined in DANE (RFC 6698), which is an IETF Proposed Standard Protocol. So, for the DNS path, that would seem to be a clear choice.
> There are also trust-on-first-use proposals that are in advanced stages:
> - draft-ietf-websec-key-pinning is on Standards Track, and work is underway to implement it in NSS:
> - See also Moxie's TACK, also Standards Track:
> So, yeah, these should be supported and implemented. Of course, getting to the bottom of this Turktrust issue can continue in parallel.

Erwann Abalea

Jan 5, 2013, 2:57:15 PM1/5/13
Le samedi 5 janvier 2013 20:12:40 UTC+1, TURKTRUST a écrit :
> * First a clarification: The modification of dates or any information concerning the firewall is only due to the new information that is made available to us by Turkish representative of the firewall and their client EGO. Both parties have been very cooperative until now to discuss the issue and help us understand what had actually happened.

I understand that.

> * What follows is the series of events according to the available information at the present:
> - On 6th of December, the new firewall was installed. MITM (SSL Inspection) was certainly not enabled. Therefore the faulty certificate generation was not a question on the 6th of December.
> - MITM was enabled manually on the 21st of December by making the relavant configuration. The mistakenly issued sub-CA cert was certainly being installed on the same day and was checked for SSL inspection. This is confirmed once more via a phone call with the firewall representative.
> - Hence the firewall (on the fly) generated the faulty google cert.

But based on evidence found here:
the faulty Google certificate was generated on Dec 6th. And this certificate correctly chains up to your "TURKTRUST_Elektronik_Sunucu_Sertifikasi_Hizmetleri_s2" root CA included in Mozilla.
Is that Dec 6th date a bogus one? Or does it correspond to anything else?

> - We are certainly not in a position to tell wheter they were really aware of what they had been actually doing. Our feeling, however, is that their action was most probably not intended to generate a faulty certificate.

If MITM was manually activated, it means they were aware of what they were doing. It also means the generation of faulty certificates was deliberate (that cannot be separated from the MITM goal).

> * We do not like to comment on whether configuring a MITM server can be considered a malicious usage.

Under a private root, it's not malicious. Under a public one, it's malicious. Easy.

Erwann Abalea

Jan 5, 2013, 3:03:46 PM1/5/13
Le samedi 5 janvier 2013 20:57:15 UTC+1, Erwann Abalea a écrit :
> But based on evidence found here:
> the faulty Google certificate was generated on Dec 6th. And this certificate correctly chains up to your "TURKTRUST_Elektronik_Sunucu_Sertifikasi_Hizmetleri_s2" root CA included in Mozilla.

Sorry, copied/pasted the wrong name. The root this MITM chains up to is named
"CN=TÜRKTRUST Elektronik Sertifika Hizmet Sağlayıcısı, C=TR, L=Ankara, O=TÜRKTRUST Bilgi İletişim ve Bilişim Güvenliği Hizmetleri A.Ş. (c) Kasım 2005"
(UTF8 combined with completely foreign names is hard to deal with)
Message has been deleted


Jan 6, 2013, 10:16:43 AM1/6/13
It appears that Dec 6th date is a bogus one. It seems that the firewall had replicated the true google cert at as soon as the MITM was activated on 21st of December.

Not really wanted to be a part of a discussion about whether their action was delibarate or not to issue a faulty cert, but let us share with you what they (EGO and the firewall representative) have confirmed to us yesterday: They had first tried to use the internal CA on the firewall. The internal clients (obviously) had given trust warning, so they had decided to export the trusted cert on the web mail server. They should, of course, have chosen to install trust for the internal CA into their clients in the domain.

Jan Schejbal

Jan 6, 2013, 10:25:55 AM1/6/13
Am 2013-01-05 20:57, schrieb Erwann Abalea:
> But based on evidence found here:
> the faulty Google certificate was generated on Dec 6th.

The certificate bears a notBefore validity date of Dec 6th. This does
not necessarily mean it was generated on that day. I have no experience
with Checkpoint MitM, but they might simply copy the validity date of
the original certificate.

Erwann Abalea

Jan 6, 2013, 10:46:49 AM1/6/13
Le dimanche 6 janvier 2013 16:25:55 UTC+1, Jan Schejbal a écrit :
> Am 2013-01-05 20:57, schrieb Erwann Abalea:
> > But based on evidence found here:
> > the faulty Google certificate was generated on Dec 6th.
> The certificate bears a notBefore validity date of Dec 6th. This does
> not necessarily mean it was generated on that day. I have no experience
> with Checkpoint MitM, but they might simply copy the validity date of
> the original certificate.

That's plausible. Start and end dates are identical on the real and the fake certificates.
So this Dec 6th is a bogus date.

Ned Ulbricht

Jan 6, 2013, 10:57:13 AM1/6/13
On 01/06/2013 10:16 AM, TURKTRUST wrote:

> It appears that Dec 6th date is a bogus one. It seems that the
> firewall had replicated the true google cert at
> as soon as the MITM was activated on
> 21st of December.

The 21st of December, 2012 was a Friday.

I'm unfamiliar with typical working practices in Turkey. Would it have
been usual for IT maintainance activities to take place on Friday?

Most of the other workers would have had the Friday off?

> Not really wanted to be a part of a discussion about whether their
> action was delibarate or not to issue a faulty cert

You have consistently told us that the initial events of August 2011
resulted from simple configuration mistakes. To be crudely blunt, I am
not sure that configuration mistakes are more trivial than --say-- for
wild hyperbolic effect, "Penetration by Iranian- or Syrian- sponsored
intelligence operations." If you play against nation-state level
adversaries, then sometimes you might lose. It happens. Insert coin
and play again. But if you just have sloppy testing procedures....

OTOH, I sincerely appreciate that simple mistakes in testing protocols
occur, and are much more likely to bite people and organizations than
wild, implausible Hollywood scenarios which lack any shred of supporting
evidence. Mistakes happen, simply and more frequently than anyone would

Jan 6, 2013, 10:58:15 AM1/6/13
The team had got stuck with a missing profile, they had not considered the possibility of having any wrong profiles at all. After all, a mistake is a mistake. Being professional and making mistakes, we do not really want to comment on that.

Erwann Abalea

Jan 6, 2013, 11:01:33 AM1/6/13
Le dimanche 6 janvier 2013 16:16:43 UTC+1, TURKTRUST a écrit :
> Not really wanted to be a part of a discussion about whether their action was delibarate or not to issue a faulty cert, but let us share with you what they (EGO and the firewall representative) have confirmed to us yesterday: They had first tried to use the internal CA on the firewall. The internal clients (obviously) had given trust warning, so they had decided to export the trusted cert on the web mail server. They should, of course, have chosen to install trust for the internal CA into their clients in the domain.

I don't think we can avoid that discussion. You're a public CA, this has been made public, so the whole resolution has to be made public. If it appears that at the end, a succession of errors were made and nobody can be considered malicious, right, but it still has to be discussed first.
It can be discussed on the public CABForum mailing list (openly, between CAs and Browsers), or here (because Mozilla and CAs communicated exactly one year ago on the MiTM subject). Either one seems fine.

Let me rephrase what you wrote. EGO had an internal CA, and used it for MiTM purpose on the CheckPoint HTTPS inspection stack. That raised warnings on their internal clients. On the same day, they discovered they had a public CA certificate instead of a classic server certificate, exported it from their server and imported it on the firewall to stop the warnings while doing HTTPS inspection. Is that right?

Mert Özarar (TÜRKTRUST)

Jan 6, 2013, 12:05:29 PM1/6/13
Rephrasing is right.

As regards to the discussion, we are certainly open to provide as much
information as possible as we did in the last couple of days. We'll
continue to cooperate that way until the issue is fully cleared. The
sooner the outcome is reached, the better condition we'll be in.
Nevertheless, what we meant in the last communication was that
inferring the purpose of their action was just difficult (i.e. EGO and
their service provider, the firewall representative). To help the
discussion, we will continue to supply any available information
coming to us from EGO.


Jan 6, 2013, 12:17:02 PM1/6/13
Monday through Friday are the working days of the week in Turkey. Well, practising a firewall maintenance on a working day is, of course, up to the action taker.

Madell, William

Jan 6, 2013, 6:35:21 PM1/6/13

>> Let me rephrase what you wrote. EGO had an internal CA, and used it for MiTM purpose on the CheckPoint HTTPS inspection stack. That raised warnings on their internal clients. On the same day, they discovered they had a public CA certificate instead of a classic server certificate, exported it from their server and imported it on the firewall to stop the warnings while doing HTTPS inspection. Is that right?<<

That's not how I interpret Mert's statement regarding the Checkpoint.

I believe he said that the initial SSL cert for the firewall was generated by the firewall's own internal CA - this resulted in an untrusted EE cert from the viewpoint of the browser clients. So, the thinking on EGO's part, appears to be: that SSL cert is untrusted, so let's import an SSL cert onto the firewall that we know is publicly trusted (i.e. the one we've already got on a web server). Now, not knowing that this "SSL" cert was actually a "CA" cert, by installing it on the firewall they inadvertently initialised an 'automated' process by which the firewall says, "hey look, a new CA cert has just been imported....let me automatically issue an SSL cert from this one in order to enable the HTTPS MitM proxy service".

Of course, I'm only assuming that's how the Checkpoint reacted to the import of a new CA cert based on what Mert has shared about that product....others may understand the features of this firewall better than me.


Jan 4, 2013, 5:54:45 AM1/4/13
Am Freitag, 4. Januar 2013 05:51:24 UTC+1 schrieb Stephen Schultze:
> My commentary on what we know so far:
> As a bonus, I link to the openssl output of the SubCA cert that issued
> the cert. I don't think that this has been published publicly
> so far.

Thanks, nice article. Are the two mis-issued intermediate certificates publicly available somewhere?

Jan 4, 2013, 5:52:20 PM1/4/13
As I noted in my comments to Stephen Schultze's blog post last night ( and as discussed in Turktrust's latest documents, it appears likely that the sub-CA and MITM in question were discovered by Google as a result of their unique (to my knowledge) public key pinning mechanism ( and Chrome's diagnostic/metrics system, which is capable of reporting pinning failures back to Google. This system only reports failures when users attempt to connect to a site within a whitelist of Google-owned domains, so it is unclear what other certificates may have been issued by the sub-CA.

On the brighter side, if Google does have key pinning failure logs that were used to identify this situation, it stands to reason that Google will be shed some light on the scope of the sub-CA abuse based on the logged data. I'm curious whether anyone from Google can share more about how this was discovered. This may help provide some independent confirmation as to whether any interception attempts occurred outside of the network if Google associates user IP addresses with these logs.

Note that a really clever MITM attack would block Chrome's diagnostic reporting back to Google and/or avoid interfering with SSL traffic to the whitelisted domains.

I also have some confusion about Turktrust's account of this incident. According to Turktrust:
* Turktrust's trusted root CA mistakenly created two sub-CAs on August 8, 2011, both were issued to customers.
* One was revoked. The other was installed on a web server to facilitate SSL access to a corporate webmail system.
* Sometime after December 6, 2012, the sub-CA was copied from the web server to a Checkpoint "firewall" (perhaps an inappropriate label for a device that is intentionally performing active manipulation of the data stream, but in any event...), intending to configure a MITM proxy.

For the web server application, Turktrust's customer would have wanted a standard run-of-the-mill end entity SSL certificate. However, for the firewall/MITM use, the network administrator must have known that he needed to upload a CA, typically a corporate controlled self-signed CA, to the device, as the device needs a CA (with corresponding private key) to issue certificates. Why then would he try to install the certificate from the web server as a CA on the Checkpoint device unless he knew that he was actually in possession of a trusted sub-CA? It would seem that the customer knew exactly what it was doing here.



Jan 4, 2013, 5:52:20 PM1/4/13

Chris Palmer

Jan 7, 2013, 2:05:40 PM1/7/13
to Stephen Schultze,
On Sat, Jan 5, 2013 at 10:15 AM, Stephen Schultze
<> wrote:

> There are also trust-on-first-use proposals that are in advanced stages:

I don't get why people call HPKP and TACK "TOFU". It is more accurate
to call them "trust fewer after first use". In case it isn't clear,
means that the Host MUST serve a certificate chain that chains up to a
trust anchor the UA already trusts (i.e. the cert chain must be valid
according to the current rules for certificate validation).

> - draft-ietf-websec-key-pinning is on Standards Track, and work is underway
> to implement it in NSS:

See in particular
We intended reporting mode to be a way for site operators to learn how
tightly they can set their pin sets ("Gee, who all does issue for our
sites?"), but it could also serve as a fraudulent certificate
reporting feature as we have in Chrome for Google sites.

Phillip Hallam-Baker

Jan 7, 2013, 2:37:48 PM1/7/13
to Chris Palmer,, Stephen Schultze
What I have been saying about all these proposals from the start is that
90% of the value comes from reporting and 95% of the problems are due to
blocking on false positives.

So using these schemes in a report only mode has a lot of value with little

Which I why I gave up on a certain IETF proposal after the WG insisted that
they were going to do yet another crypto-perfectionist approach that will
fall flat on its face when dealing with real world administrators.
> _______________________________________________
> dev-security-policy mailing list


Kathleen Wilson

Jan 7, 2013, 3:09:42 PM1/7/13

>> Is there a private bugzilla bug for tracking this issue that can now be
>> made public?
> Yes. I'll check.

Jan 7, 2013, 6:26:38 PM1/7/13
On Thursday, January 3, 2013 6:24:27 PM UTC-8, Ned Ulbricht wrote:
> On 01/03/2013 02:21 PM, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
> > 3) Before the December 6, 2012, the certificate was installed on
> > an IIS as a web mail server.
> Do all versions of IIS accept cert signing certs as end-entity certs?
> I'm afraid that I have no experience at all in operating IIS.

I have no experience with IIS either, but I just ran a simple experiment to try this on IIS 7 in a Windows 7 VM I had handy. I generated a self-signed root CA on my Mac (using OS X's Certificate Assistant in fact) and created a sub-CA off that root. I did not create any actual end-entity certificates from either CA. I was able to successfully import the sub-CA to the Windows certificate store and to configure IIS to serve https using the sub-CA. IIS and IE 9 didn't seem to care that I was using a CA certificate instead of an end-entity certificate.

Based on this test, it doesn't seem implausible that someone could be using a cert signing cert as an end-entity cert under IIS 7 without realizing it. Of course, it appears that someone likely did realize exactly what he had when he setup the Checkpoint MITM device last month.

Interestingly, Firefox did throw up a 'sec_error_inadequate_key_usage' when accessing the IIS test server (with the root certificate trusted, naturally). I suspect that I could have avoided this error if I spent more time twiddling the key usage extension bits, but I didn't go down that road.

My biggest question is what Google observed in its diagnostic logs that presumably led to the identification of this situation. That information may be able to provide some degree of independent confirmation as to the number of users impacted and what network(s) they were using at the time.


Gervase Markham

Jan 7, 2013, 6:45:44 PM1/7/13
to Erwann Abalea
On 04/01/13 12:28, Erwann Abalea wrote:
> There's also no basicConstraints:pathlen on the issuing CA, which
> could have mitigated the failure (on decent validation path
> implementations). That's probably not a new idea, but could Mozilla
> (or any other browser vendor) ask for basicConstraints:pathlen=0 for
> CAs intended to issue end-entities?

This is currently a SHOULD in the Baseline Requirements. There is
discussion about making it a MUST.


Erwann Abalea

Jan 8, 2013, 5:14:36 AM1/8/13
to, Erwann Abalea
BR 1.1, Appendix B, Subordinate CA Certificate
D. basicConstraints
This extension MUST be present and MUST be marked critical. The cA field MUST be set true. The pathLenConstraint field MAY be present.

The field MAY be present, and nothing is recommended about its value.

Gervase Markham

Jan 8, 2013, 7:48:50 AM1/8/13
On 08/01/13 10:14, Erwann Abalea wrote:
> BR 1.1, Appendix B, Subordinate CA Certificate ----- D.
> basicConstraints This extension MUST be present and MUST be marked
> critical. The cA field MUST be set true. The pathLenConstraint
> field MAY be present. -----
> The field MAY be present, and nothing is recommended about its
> value.

I'm sorry; I misread the HTML-converted-to-plain-text patch someone sent
to the mailing list. One proposed new wording is this:

"This extension MUST be present and MUST be marked critical. The cA
field MUST be set true. The pathLenConstraint field SHOULD be present.
For Subordinate CAs which are used only to sign Subscriber Certificates,
OCSP certificates or responses, and CRLs, it is RECOMMENDED that the
pathLenConstraint field be present and set to zero."


Phillip Hallam-Baker

Jan 8, 2013, 2:23:08 PM1/8/13
to Stephen Schultze,
If the browser providers would support hard fail on CRLs, most of the
problems we are discussing here would either not be problems or be a lot
easier to solve.

So given the refusal to support hard fail on CRLs, I find it rather
unlikely that the same browser providers will support hard fail on DANE
policy advice. Particularly since that involves an experimental
infrastructure (DNSSEC) that can be subject to MITM denial of service
attack by anyone who has MITM capability on TLS.

Take out the mandates and the insistence on making DANE a 100%
crypto-perfectionist solution and I could support it. But right now its a
fragile proposal that solves one problem by creating another.

Solving the reporting problem might eventually lead to a mechanism that
permits client enforcement. But client enforcement has much higher demands.

Now I have to take a look at the DANE TLS for SMTP proposal...

On Sat, Jan 5, 2013 at 1:15 PM, Stephen Schultze <> wrote:

> On 1/5/13 10:34 AM, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
>> I think that what we should be urgently considering right now is how to
>> extend that capability so that it covers more domains and so that it is
>> more robust. I proposed a scheme of that sort with Ben Laurie at Google in
>> the first version of CAA but those parts got stripped out because another
>> group had a turf war.
> This work is already well underway, and I agree that we should support it.
> Whatever your interpretation of how the pinning proposal in CAA got
> stripped out, DNS-based pinning is now clearly defined in DANE (RFC 6698),
> which is an IETF Proposed Standard Protocol. So, for the DNS path, that
> would seem to be a clear choice.
> There are also trust-on-first-use proposals that are in advanced stages:
> - draft-ietf-websec-key-pinning is on Standards Track, and work is
> underway to implement it in NSS:
> functionality<>
> - See also Moxie's TACK, also Standards Track:
> So, yeah, these should be supported and implemented. Of course, getting to
> the bottom of this Turktrust issue can continue in parallel.
> ______________________________**_________________
> dev-security-policy mailing list
> dev-security-policy@lists.**<>


Erwann Abalea

Jan 8, 2013, 3:49:32 PM1/8/13
Le mardi 8 janvier 2013 20:23:08 UTC+1, Phillip Hallam-Baker a écrit :
> If the browser providers would support hard fail on CRLs, most of the
> problems we are discussing here would either not be problems or be a lot
> easier to solve.

The second wrong CA certificate produced didn't have neither the CRLDP extension, nor the AIA:OCSP extension.
Hard fail should treat such cases.

Phillip Hallam-Baker

Jan 8, 2013, 3:59:28 PM1/8/13
to Erwann Abalea,
That is good input to the PKI OPS working group that should be about to be
chartered in IETF.

Even if a browser does not check CRLs or OCSP, it should deep six any cert
that does not have them.

I am not sure if that fits under 'revocation' or not but I will add it to
the list for our document.

On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 3:49 PM, Erwann Abalea <> wrote:

> Le mardi 8 janvier 2013 20:23:08 UTC+1, Phillip Hallam-Baker a écrit :
> > If the browser providers would support hard fail on CRLs, most of the
> > problems we are discussing here would either not be problems or be a lot
> > easier to solve.
> The second wrong CA certificate produced didn't have neither the CRLDP
> extension, nor the AIA:OCSP extension.
> Hard fail should treat such cases.
> _______________________________________________
> dev-security-policy mailing list

Eddy Nigg

Jan 8, 2013, 4:04:24 PM1/8/13
On 01/08/2013 10:49 PM, From Erwann Abalea:
> The second wrong CA certificate produced didn't have neither the CRLDP
> extension, nor the AIA:OCSP extension. Hard fail should treat such cases.

You say it!


Signer: Eddy Nigg, StartCom Ltd.

Ryan Sleevi

Jan 8, 2013, 7:42:52 PM1/8/13
to Erwann Abalea,
On Tue, January 8, 2013 12:49 pm, Erwann Abalea wrote:
> Le mardi 8 janvier 2013 20:23:08 UTC+1, Phillip Hallam-Baker a écrit :
> > If the browser providers would support hard fail on CRLs, most of the
> > problems we are discussing here would either not be problems or be a lot
> > easier to solve.
> The second wrong CA certificate produced didn't have neither the CRLDP
> extension, nor the AIA:OCSP extension.
> Hard fail should treat such cases.

And for certificates that are part of Enterprise PKI deployments, or which
have been installed by a local authorized user - whether self-signed
certificates produced by an end device or even a fake-PKI hierarchy done
by DPI/Firewall/MITM devices?

The Chromium team have already been discussing broadly possible
improvements, such as - but the simple reality is
that there are two types of PKI at play for modern browsers - the Web PKI
and the "local" PKI.

While in my happy and imaginary world, the standards applied to the Web
PKI would apply to the local PKI, and both would be as stringent as
possible, that's not the world we live in.

Sure, hard fail would "handle that". But it'd also break a number of sites
for a number of users on the Internet, and for no good reason/no good
benefit over what they're already doing.

Phillip Hallam-Baker

Jan 8, 2013, 8:18:37 PM1/8/13
to, Erwann Abalea,
What worries me at present is that the loose semantics that are defined for
local PKI seem to have a habit of leaking through and being allowed for PKI
that chains up to embedded trust anchors.

On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 7:42 PM, Ryan Sleevi <
> wrote:

> On Tue, January 8, 2013 12:49 pm, Erwann Abalea wrote:
> > Le mardi 8 janvier 2013 20:23:08 UTC+1, Phillip Hallam-Baker a écrit :
> > > If the browser providers would support hard fail on CRLs, most of the
> > > problems we are discussing here would either not be problems or be a
> lot
> > > easier to solve.
> >
> > The second wrong CA certificate produced didn't have neither the CRLDP
> > extension, nor the AIA:OCSP extension.
> > Hard fail should treat such cases.
> And for certificates that are part of Enterprise PKI deployments, or which
> have been installed by a local authorized user - whether self-signed
> certificates produced by an end device or even a fake-PKI hierarchy done
> by DPI/Firewall/MITM devices?
> The Chromium team have already been discussing broadly possible
> improvements, such as - but the simple reality is
> that there are two types of PKI at play for modern browsers - the Web PKI
> and the "local" PKI.
> While in my happy and imaginary world, the standards applied to the Web
> PKI would apply to the local PKI, and both would be as stringent as
> possible, that's not the world we live in.
> Sure, hard fail would "handle that". But it'd also break a number of sites
> for a number of users on the Internet, and for no good reason/no good
> benefit over what they're already doing.
> _______________________________________________
> dev-security-policy mailing list

Martin Rublik

Jan 9, 2013, 3:46:27 AM1/9/13
On 9. 1. 2013 1:42, Ryan Sleevi wrote:
> While in my happy and imaginary world, the standards applied to the Web
> PKI would apply to the local PKI, and both would be as stringent as
> possible, that's not the world we live in.

How about letting the administrators of local PKI configure the hard-fail /
soft-fail for revocation (with regards of local PKI). They have to import the
local CA into the trust store anyway...


Phillip Hallam-Baker

Jan 9, 2013, 7:30:50 AM1/9/13
to Martin Rublik,
Problem with that approach is that it suggests that deciding how to respond
is the choice of the cert holder, not the client performing the evaluation.

I think that is completely mistaken, the client always makes the decision.
PKIX can tell the client if the cert is valid according to PKIX path math
but only the client can decide whether to accept it or not. This is why I
think DANE was a waste of time in the end, they mandated client behavior
and that is not acceptable.


Ned Ulbricht

Jan 9, 2013, 9:25:31 AM1/9/13
On 01/08/2013 07:42 PM, Ryan Sleevi wrote:

> self-signed
> certificates produced by an end device

The simplest way to get a good feel for the number of devices deployed
with SSL-enabled UIs embedded in firmware or flash is to just break them
all at once and wait for the reaction to hit Slashdot.

Phillip Hallam-Baker

Jan 9, 2013, 9:29:41 AM1/9/13
to Ned Ulbricht,
On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 9:25 AM, Ned Ulbricht <> wrote:

> On 01/08/2013 07:42 PM, Ryan Sleevi wrote:
> > self-signed
> > certificates produced by an end device
> The simplest way to get a good feel for the number of devices deployed
> with SSL-enabled UIs embedded in firmware or flash is to just break them
> all at once and wait for the reaction to hit Slashdot.

This would result in a long slashdot thread complaining about Microsoft
having broken the Ubuntu distribution on the Bamboweenie 4000 and black
helicopter theories thereto and completely ignore the fact that Netflix,
Dish and the electricity distribution of North America were down as a


Eddy Nigg

Jan 9, 2013, 10:24:44 AM1/9/13
On 01/09/2013 02:42 AM, From Ryan Sleevi:
> And for certificates that are part of Enterprise PKI deployments, or
> which have been installed by a local authorized user - whether
> self-signed certificates produced by an end device or even a fake-PKI
> hierarchy done by DPI/Firewall/MITM devices?

Client should not check self-signed certificates (like roots) for CRLs.
But for the rest, why shouldn't a local CA have some way to revoke

Kathleen Wilson

Jan 11, 2013, 2:14:27 PM1/11/13
On 1/3/13 2:30 PM, Kathleen Wilson wrote:
> We want to discuss this case before adding trust to another TURKTRUST
> root. There are various options to consider, including:
> a) Add the new TURKTRUST root in a future FF release, and allow EV
> treatment.
> b) Add the new TURKTRUST root in a future FF release, but don't allow
> the EV treatment.
> c) Add a new TURKTRUST root that has been name constrained to *.tr and
> *.ir in a future FF release.
> d) Don't add a new TURKTRUST root cert to NSS. The old TURKTRUST root
> certs expire in March 2015. (the old roots are not EV-enabled)
> e) Remove all TURKTRUST root certs from NSS.
> d) other?

I would appreciate thoughtful and constructive discussion about this;
not in regards to meting out punishment, but in regards to the steps we
need to take to keep users safe regarding this particular incident.

We've already distrusted the mis-issued intermediate certificates. Now
the question is, what further, specific, action do we need to take to
keep users safe? (again, focus on this incident, and not on redesigning
the internet)

I'd like to amend the list above for this discussion, as follows.

a) Add the new TURKTRUST root in a future FF release, and allow EV
b) Add the new TURKTRUST root in a future FF release, but don't allow
the EV treatment.
c) Add a new TURKTRUST root that has been name constrained to *.tr and
*.ir in a future FF release.
d) Don't add a new TURKTRUST root cert to NSS. The old TURKTRUST root
certs expire in March 2015. (the old roots are not EV-enabled)
e) Remove all TURKTRUST root certs from NSS.
d) Inclusion of the new TURKTRUST root cert is dependent on receiving an
audit statement confirming that all of the necessary steps have been
taken to prevent this type of mistake in the future.
e) Add name constraint control in NSS (so that it doesn't require a
change to the root cert), and name-constrain certs in the TURKTRUST
hierarchies until further evaluation. (This option has been considered
but is not do-able in the near term, so not practical for this case.)
f) other?

My personal opinion is that a very unfortunate and bad mistake was made.
It does not appear to have been malicious nor intentional.

I think this incident validates our work on version 2.1 of Mozilla's CA
Certificate Policy and the eventual white list of
non-technically-constrained intermediate certificates.

This incident demonstrated the need to have CAs regularly scan their
certificate databases for mistakes. I think we should create a wiki page
listing the things that CAs should regularly scan their cert DBs for. I
could also require this scan before starting public discussion for root
inclusion/change requests, and I could include an action to perform this
scan (or give a date when it was last performed) in future CA
Communications. This is on my to-do list, so I'll start discussion about
it in a couple weeks.

This incident also showed that CAs need to be extra diligent in their
pre-processing and post-processing to prevent and catch such mistakes.

My personal opinion is that we should move forward with option d.
"d) Inclusion of the new TURKTRUST root cert is dependent on receiving
an audit statement confirming that all of the necessary steps have been
taken to prevent this type of mistake in the future."
If we decide to go this route, I will create a Mozilla Bugzilla bug to
list the action items, and track them and the audit to completion. The
TURKTRUST root inclusion bug (for their newer root that was previously
approved) would be dependent on this bug.

I look forward to your thoughtful and constructive input about the next
steps we should take to bring this incident to closure.


Eddy Nigg

Jan 11, 2013, 2:31:47 PM1/11/13
On 01/11/2013 09:14 PM, From Kathleen Wilson:
> This incident demonstrated the need to have CAs regularly scan their
> certificate databases for mistakes.

This sounds to me a bit difficult - what exactly are you looking for,
what to scan? Today it was a wrong CA bit flag, tomorrow it might be
something else.

For CAs with higher volumes it might be more difficult to perform such
scans if they are supposed to be meaningful. Self and third party
auditing samples the issued certificates, but that's obviously not a
full scan. But when sampling it's possible examine each and every
certificates carefully, whereas with a scan, only certain parameters
could be checked with an automatic procedure.

Instead I proposed at the CAB Forum to approach organizations and
interest groups that regularly scan, search and collect certificates
from public sites and have them help us to find possible end-user
certificates with CA bits turned on. At least for this specific issue it
might be more effective and efficient, covering a broad range of CAs.

> My personal opinion is that we should move forward with option d.
> "d) Inclusion of the new TURKTRUST root cert is dependent on receiving
> an audit statement confirming that all of the necessary steps have
> been taken to prevent this type of mistake in the future."

Yes, I think this is reasonable, measured and logical in the current

Erwann Abalea

Jan 11, 2013, 3:05:25 PM1/11/13
Le vendredi 11 janvier 2013 20:31:47 UTC+1, Eddy Nigg a écrit :
> On 01/11/2013 09:14 PM, From Kathleen Wilson:
> > This incident demonstrated the need to have CAs regularly scan their
> > certificate databases for mistakes.
> This sounds to me a bit difficult - what exactly are you looking for,
> what to scan? Today it was a wrong CA bit flag, tomorrow it might be
> something else.

The list of things to check for will evolve for sure. After all, BR evolves, Mozilla policy evolves, audit criteria evolve.
Yesterday it was the wrong CA bit, today we also need to check for serial numbers (uniqueness and supposed entropy), and key sizes related to expiration.

> For CAs with higher volumes it might be more difficult to perform such
> scans if they are supposed to be meaningful. Self and third party

The first scan is costly. Periodical subsequent ones don't need to re-check already checked certificates, unless the criteria changed.
If Google CT, or any similar mechanism, goes live (I hope so), auditors will only have to periodically check new certificates, and verify that the previously checked tree's signature is still valid.

> Instead I proposed at the CAB Forum to approach organizations and
> interest groups that regularly scan, search and collect certificates
> from public sites and have them help us to find possible end-user
> certificates with CA bits turned on. At least for this specific issue it
> might be more effective and efficient, covering a broad range of CAs.

They wouldn't have been able to find the wrong EGO CA certificate because it wouldn't have been accessible from the outside. So they're not sufficient alone.

Eddy Nigg

Jan 11, 2013, 4:08:57 PM1/11/13
On 01/11/2013 10:05 PM, From Erwann Abalea:
> They wouldn't have been able to find the wrong EGO CA certificate
> because it wouldn't have been accessible from the outside. So they're
> not sufficient alone.

Actually I'm assuming this certificate was public facing. Those that do
would be especially vulnerable as others can scan for such certificates
too and can try to break into those machines.

Ned Ulbricht

Jan 11, 2013, 6:15:34 PM1/11/13
On 01/11/2013 02:14 PM, Kathleen Wilson wrote:

> c) Add a new TURKTRUST root that has been name constrained to *.tr and
> *.ir in a future FF release.

This option, contained in a signle sentence, is not detailed enough to
completely evaluate, on either technical or non-technical grounds.

I am, however, strongly opposed to any appearance of allocating
geographical market segments to particular CAs. We do not want to look
like we are imposing a restraint on TurkTrust to the Turkish-Iranian trade.

I suggest that this option should either be immediately dropped from
consideration, or, alternatively, set out in enough technical detail to
obtain a competently-advised opinion.

Erwann Abalea

Jan 11, 2013, 7:01:14 PM1/11/13
Le vendredi 11 janvier 2013 20:14:27 UTC+1, Kathleen Wilson a écrit :
> On 1/3/13 2:30 PM, Kathleen Wilson wrote:
> I would appreciate thoughtful and constructive discussion about this;
> not in regards to meting out punishment, but in regards to the steps we
> need to take to keep users safe regarding this particular incident.
> We've already distrusted the mis-issued intermediate certificates. Now
> the question is, what further, specific, action do we need to take to
> keep users safe? (again, focus on this incident, and not on redesigning
> the internet)
> I'd like to amend the list above for this discussion, as follows.
> a) Add the new TURKTRUST root in a future FF release, and allow EV
> treatment.
> b) Add the new TURKTRUST root in a future FF release, but don't allow
> the EV treatment.

Will probably come to one of these, but in a future timeframe.

> c) Add a new TURKTRUST root that has been name constrained to *.tr and
> *.ir in a future FF release.

They provide certificates to Turkish, Iranian, Syrian websites, but not necessarily only to .tr, .ir, .sy TLDs. Even in these countries, .com is the standard.

> d) Don't add a new TURKTRUST root cert to NSS. The old TURKTRUST root
> certs expire in March 2015. (the old roots are not EV-enabled)

That's a statu quo. No punishment, no promotion, nothing. Not even good for Mozilla.

> e) Remove all TURKTRUST root certs from NSS.

Seems to be asked by the mob, but I don't think they deserve that. My opinion is that TurkTrust made mistakes and were not malicious, but they were cooperative in searching and reporting the extent of these, and didn't try to hide themselves or deny facts.
The complete explanation lacks some points, mostly on EGO's real intentions.

> d) Inclusion of the new TURKTRUST root cert is dependent on receiving an
> audit statement confirming that all of the necessary steps have been
> taken to prevent this type of mistake in the future.

This should be 'f'. Something reasonable. What about the auditor?

> e) Add name constraint control in NSS (so that it doesn't require a
> change to the root cert), and name-constrain certs in the TURKTRUST
> hierarchies until further evaluation. (This option has been considered
> but is not do-able in the near term, so not practical for this case.)

This should be 'g'. This may be irrelevant, but since Mozilla distributed roots are used outside of Mozilla, a pure NSS solution will let those "outsides" without any benefit from these constraints.

> f) other?

This should be 'h'.
Based on information given, I'm not satisfied by EGO actions, the timing, their absence of reporting, etc. But they don't have anything to do with Mozilla so Mozilla can't really do anything against that. And yet they may have played a bad role here...

Erwann Abalea

Jan 11, 2013, 7:07:17 PM1/11/13
Le samedi 12 janvier 2013 00:15:34 UTC+1, Ned Ulbricht a écrit :
> On 01/11/2013 02:14 PM, Kathleen Wilson wrote:
> > c) Add a new TURKTRUST root that has been name constrained to *.tr and
> > *.ir in a future FF release.
> This option, contained in a signle sentence, is not detailed enough to
> completely evaluate, on either technical or non-technical grounds.
> I am, however, strongly opposed to any appearance of allocating
> geographical market segments to particular CAs. We do not want to look
> like we are imposing a restraint on TurkTrust to the Turkish-Iranian trade.

What about imposing constraints on US-based CAs to .us sites? ;)

A geographical segmentation can be fine for ccTLDs. gTLDs are not supposed to be geographically constrained.
Message has been deleted

Ned Ulbricht

Jan 11, 2013, 7:22:23 PM1/11/13
On 01/11/2013 07:07 PM, Erwann Abalea wrote:
> Le samedi 12 janvier 2013 00:15:34 UTC+1, Ned Ulbricht a �crit :

Peter Gutmann

Jan 12, 2013, 3:22:55 AM1/12/13
Kathleen Wilson <> writes:

>My personal opinion is that we should move forward with option d. "d)
>Inclusion of the new TURKTRUST root cert is dependent on receiving an audit
>statement confirming that all of the necessary steps have been taken to
>prevent this type of mistake in the future."

You forgot to add:

"... as long as the auditors aren't KPMG".

(I'm making a serious point here. The CA already successfully passed an audit
saying all was OK, why should we trust the mechanism that failed the last


Peter Gutmann

Jan 13, 2013, 8:49:53 PM1/13/13
Eddy Nigg <> writes:
>On 01/11/2013 09:14 PM, From Kathleen Wilson:
>> This incident demonstrated the need to have CAs regularly scan
>> their certificate databases for mistakes.
>This sounds to me a bit difficult - what exactly are you looking for, what to

Maybe we need to update RFC 3514 to include an evil bit for certificates.
Then CAs could just do a:

SELECT * FROM certificates WHERE evil = 'true'


Gervase Markham

Jan 14, 2013, 8:45:24 AM1/14/13
to Peter Gutmann
On 12/01/13 08:22, Peter Gutmann wrote:
> You forgot to add:
> "... as long as the auditors aren't KPMG".
> (I'm making a serious point here. The CA already successfully passed an audit
> saying all was OK, why should we trust the mechanism that failed the last
> time?).

Do you think that when an auditor does an audit, they should be required
to audit all previous configurations of the CA's systems, or only the
one current at the time of the audit? And should they be required to
audit every certificate issued by the CA in the last period, or just a


Gervase Markham

Jan 14, 2013, 8:47:04 AM1/14/13
to Kathleen Wilson
On 11/01/13 19:14, Kathleen Wilson wrote:
> I think this incident validates our work on version 2.1 of Mozilla's CA
> Certificate Policy and the eventual white list of
> non-technically-constrained intermediate certificates.

I have heard this "white-list of intermediates" idea proposed in outline
form a couple of times in email, but I've never seen a detailed proposal
or a public discussion. Is it time for that yet?

(I fear that, when the details are looked into, this proposal will prove
either to be impractical or to have significant negative side-effects.
But the only way it's possible to analyse whether that's true is with a
concrete proposal.)


Rob Stradling

Jan 14, 2013, 9:48:51 AM1/14/13
to Gervase Markham,, Kathleen Wilson
On 14/01/13 13:47, Gervase Markham wrote:
> On 11/01/13 19:14, Kathleen Wilson wrote:
>> I think this incident validates our work on version 2.1 of Mozilla's CA
>> Certificate Policy and the eventual white list of
>> non-technically-constrained intermediate certificates.
> I have heard this "white-list of intermediates" idea proposed in outline
> form a couple of times in email, but I've never seen a detailed proposal
> or a public discussion. Is it time for that yet?


Given that Mozilla is about to require all CAs to publicly disclose all
non-technically-constrained intermediate certificates, then I say "Yes!"

About a month ago I posted a first stab at a proposal [1] for how CAs
could publicly disclose these intermediates in a machine readable
format. Nobody commented, apart from Kathleen (who said thanks and
indicated that there would need to be discussion and agreement quickly
for this to make it into version 2.1 of the CA Policy).


> (I fear that, when the details are looked into, this proposal will prove
> either to be impractical or to have significant negative side-effects.
> But the only way it's possible to analyse whether that's true is with a
> concrete proposal.)

I think there are 2 steps to this:

1. Putting together a machine readable white-list of all publicly
disclosed intermediates.
2. Writing Firefox/NSS code that uses the white-list in some way.

Even if step 2 never happens, I think there is value in doing step 1.

Let's discuss it!

Rob Stradling
Senior Research & Development Scientist
COMODO - Creating Trust Online

Gervase Markham

Jan 14, 2013, 10:11:48 AM1/14/13
to Rob Stradling, Kathleen Wilson
On 14/01/13 14:48, Rob Stradling wrote:
> Given that Mozilla is about to require all CAs to publicly disclose all
> non-technically-constrained intermediate certificates, then I say "Yes!"

:-) I have no problem with that requirement at all. My concerns come
with the idea that Firefox might embed that list and take trust
decisions based on it. And they are related to the (relative to roots)
emphemeral and changing nature of the list, and the subsequent risks to
SSL cert ubiquity from older versions of the client.

> 1. Putting together a machine readable white-list of all publicly
> disclosed intermediates.
> 2. Writing Firefox/NSS code that uses the white-list in some way.
> Even if step 2 never happens, I think there is value in doing step 1.

1. sounds great to me.


Eddy Nigg

Jan 14, 2013, 12:28:40 PM1/14/13
On 01/14/2013 03:49 AM, From Peter Gutmann:
> Maybe we need to update RFC 3514 to include an evil bit for
> certificates. Then CAs could just do a: SELECT * FROM certificates
> WHERE evil = 'true' Peter.

ALTER TABLE certificates ADD ENUM('good') DEFAULT 'good' NOT NULL.


Paul Tiemann

Jan 14, 2013, 1:45:13 PM1/14/13
to Gervase Markham, Rob Stradling,, Kathleen Wilson

On Jan 14, 2013, at 8:11 AM, Gervase Markham wrote:

> On 14/01/13 14:48, Rob Stradling wrote:
>> Given that Mozilla is about to require all CAs to publicly disclose all
>> non-technically-constrained intermediate certificates, then I say "Yes!"
> :-) I have no problem with that requirement at all. My concerns come
> with the idea that Firefox might embed that list and take trust
> decisions based on it. And they are related to the (relative to roots)
> emphemeral and changing nature of the list, and the subsequent risks to
> SSL cert ubiquity from older versions of the client.
>> 1. Putting together a machine readable white-list of all publicly
>> disclosed intermediates.
>> 2. Writing Firefox/NSS code that uses the white-list in some way.
>> Even if step 2 never happens, I think there is value in doing step 1.
> 1. sounds great to me.
> Gerv

What about embedding a list of "all the known & trusted sub CAs" to use for detection only?

When a user encounters a sub CA that DOES chain to a built-in root, but is NOT on the known sub CAs list, do something like this:

1. Do a DNS lookup on "[certhash]" (for example) where you
post some kind of hard-to-fake proof for trusted certificates (txt record probably)

a) The entry does exist, but says "This is already known to be bad. Blacklist it."
b) The entry does exist, and says "This is already known to be good. Add it to the known list and don't check for this cert again."
c) The entry does not exist, meaning we do not know if it is good or bad.
c1) Send an anonymous error report to Mozilla
c2) Ask the user whether to trust this not-seen-before sub CA and give the option of sending data to Mozilla for research


Chris Palmer

Jan 14, 2013, 2:05:53 PM1/14/13
to Rob Stradling,, Gervase Markham, Kathleen Wilson
On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 6:48 AM, Rob Stradling <> wrote:

> 1. Putting together a machine readable white-list of all publicly disclosed
> intermediates.
> 2. Writing Firefox/NSS code that uses the white-list in some way.

Sounds great.

> Even if step 2 never happens, I think there is value in doing step 1.


But still, doing #2 is also good, because it would solve the "dark
matter of issuer certs" problem. Now we know, and enforce, who the
issuers are. To Gerv's point about stale clients: Yeah, everybody is
going to have to download diffs of your JSON format from their browser
vendor on a regular basis, or do Paul's "check an online DB in case of
unknown issuer" scheme, or both. (Downloading a diff of the whole DB
obviously protects privacy better, but an online query for a specific
issuer is obviously better than going stale.)

Gervase Markham

Jan 15, 2013, 4:20:18 AM1/15/13
to Paul Tiemann, Rob Stradling, Kathleen Wilson
On 14/01/13 18:45, Paul Tiemann wrote:
> 1. Do a DNS lookup on "[certhash]" (for
> example) where you post some kind of hard-to-fake proof for trusted
> certificates (txt record probably)

Of course problems with out-of-date clients can be solved with enough
engineering effort, using a highly available data store and client
auto-update mechanism (which needs to be designed, written, tested and
maintained). But then the question starts to arise as to whether
shipping all this extra data with Firefox gives you much additional
security. Particularly if we are also going to invent some sort of
lightweight push distrust mechanism which can be used for any cert, not
just an intermediate.


Rob Stradling

Jan 15, 2013, 5:40:16 AM1/15/13
to Chris Palmer, Gervase Markham,, Kathleen Wilson
On 14/01/13 19:05, Chris Palmer wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 6:48 AM, Rob Stradling <> wrote:
>> 1. Putting together a machine readable white-list of all publicly disclosed
>> intermediates.
>> 2. Writing Firefox/NSS code that uses the white-list in some way.
> Sounds great.
>> Even if step 2 never happens, I think there is value in doing step 1.
> Agreed.
> But still, doing #2 is also good, because it would solve the "dark
> matter of issuer certs" problem.


> Now we know, and enforce, who the issuers are. To Gerv's point about stale
> clients: Yeah, everybody is going to have to download diffs of your JSON format
> from their browser vendor on a regular basis,

I was envisaging the browser vendors pulling JSON public disclosure data
from each of the CAs, and then collating the useful (to the end users)
fields into some other, easily-diff'able compact format.
Chrome's CRLset format seems like a good fit (except in this case it'd
contain a whitelist rather than a blacklist).

But this is just a minor implementation detail.

> or do Paul's "check an online DB in case of
> unknown issuer" scheme, or both. (Downloading a diff of the whole DB
> obviously protects privacy better, but an online query for a specific
> issuer is obviously better than going stale.)

Rob Stradling

Jan 15, 2013, 5:56:17 AM1/15/13
to Gervase Markham, Paul Tiemann,, Kathleen Wilson
On 15/01/13 09:20, Gervase Markham wrote:
> On 14/01/13 18:45, Paul Tiemann wrote:
>> 1. Do a DNS lookup on "[certhash]" (for
>> example) where you post some kind of hard-to-fake proof for trusted
>> certificates (txt record probably)
> <snip>
> Of course problems with out-of-date clients can be solved with enough
> engineering effort, using a highly available data store and client
> auto-update mechanism (which needs to be designed, written, tested and
> maintained). But then the question starts to arise as to whether
> shipping all this extra data with Firefox gives you much additional
> security. Particularly if we are also going to invent some sort of
> lightweight push distrust mechanism which can be used for any cert, not
> just an intermediate.

Once Mozilla has become aware of a "bad" cert (and no earlier!), then
yes, you can tell Firefox clients to distrust it. But IIRC, the "bad"
DigiNotar certs went undetected for several months!

So IMHO, we need to improve the "early detection rate" for "bad" certs.
That's where getting clients to enforce a whitelist of intermediates
could really help. (It's also where Certificate Transparency will
really help too).

Chris Palmer

Jan 15, 2013, 3:12:47 PM1/15/13
to Rob Stradling,, Paul Tiemann, Gervase Markham, Kathleen Wilson
On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 2:56 AM, Rob Stradling <> wrote:

> So IMHO, we need to improve the "early detection rate" for "bad" certs.
> That's where getting clients to enforce a whitelist of intermediates could
> really help. (It's also where Certificate Transparency will really help
> too).

And HPKP's reporting mode (he said, self-aggrandizingly). :)

Rob Stradling

Jan 16, 2013, 5:06:05 AM1/16/13
to Chris Palmer, Gervase Markham, Paul Tiemann,, Kathleen Wilson
And CAA's iodef property tag. :)

Gervase Markham

Jan 16, 2013, 5:23:50 AM1/16/13
to Rob Stradling, Paul Tiemann,, Kathleen Wilson
On 15/01/13 10:56, Rob Stradling wrote:
> Once Mozilla has become aware of a "bad" cert (and no earlier!), then
> yes, you can tell Firefox clients to distrust it. But IIRC, the "bad"
> DigiNotar certs went undetected for several months!

And they chained up to what was considered to be a known good
intermediate, AIUI. So this system wouldn't have helped, would it?


Gervase Markham

Jan 16, 2013, 5:23:50 AM1/16/13
to Rob Stradling, Paul Tiemann,, Kathleen Wilson
On 15/01/13 10:56, Rob Stradling wrote:
> Once Mozilla has become aware of a "bad" cert (and no earlier!), then
> yes, you can tell Firefox clients to distrust it. But IIRC, the "bad"
> DigiNotar certs went undetected for several months!

Rob Stradling

Jan 16, 2013, 5:37:11 AM1/16/13
to Gervase Markham, Paul Tiemann,, Kathleen Wilson
On 16/01/13 10:23, Gervase Markham wrote:
> On 15/01/13 10:56, Rob Stradling wrote:
>> Once Mozilla has become aware of a "bad" cert (and no earlier!), then
>> yes, you can tell Firefox clients to distrust it. But IIRC, the "bad"
>> DigiNotar certs went undetected for several months!
> And they chained up to what was considered to be a known good
> intermediate, AIUI. So this system wouldn't have helped, would it?

True. Sorry, bad example.

This system could've helped catch the misissued Turktrust cert sooner

Gervase Markham

Jan 17, 2013, 12:48:47 PM1/17/13
to Rob Stradling, Paul Tiemann, Kathleen Wilson
On 16/01/13 10:37, Rob Stradling wrote:
> This system could've helped catch the misissued Turktrust cert sooner
> though.

Depends how it was coded :-). I can easily imagine an implementation
which did the check on every cert in the chain except the first and the
last. In that case, it would have missed it.


Rob Stradling

Jan 18, 2013, 4:15:37 AM1/18/13
to Gervase Markham, Paul Tiemann,, Kathleen Wilson
On 17/01/13 17:48, Gervase Markham wrote:
> On 16/01/13 10:37, Rob Stradling wrote:
>> This system could've helped catch the misissued Turktrust cert sooner
>> though.
> Depends how it was coded :-). I can easily imagine an implementation
> which did the check on every cert in the chain except the first and the
> last.


> In that case, it would have missed it.

IIUC, the Turktrust mis-issuance was spotted by Chrome's inbuilt CA
pinning for Google's sites. I believe the certificate chain looked like

TurkTrust Root
TurkTrust Intermediate
EGO cert (which incorrect contained basicConstraints:CA:TRUE)
Gmail MITM cert (automatically generated by a Checkpoint Firewall)

As the EGO cert was not the last in the chain, even your imagined
implementation would have spotted it. :-)

Gervase Markham

Jan 18, 2013, 9:17:49 AM1/18/13
On 18/01/13 09:15, Rob Stradling wrote:
> IIUC, the Turktrust mis-issuance was spotted by Chrome's inbuilt CA
> pinning for Google's sites. I believe the certificate chain looked like
> this...
> TurkTrust Root
> TurkTrust Intermediate
> EGO cert (which incorrect contained basicConstraints:CA:TRUE)
> Gmail MITM cert (automatically generated by a Checkpoint Firewall)
> As the EGO cert was not the last in the chain, even your imagined
> implementation would have spotted it. :-)

Right; but once the EGO cert was used for active MITM, there are other
ways of spotting it. Your earlier statement said "sooner"; this is not

To zoom back out: my broad concern is that such a system of dynamic
intermediate checking would be a lot of coding and maintenance effort
for little increase in actual security. If leaf certs are mis-issued
(the more common case), it's normally from a "known good" intermediate.
It only catches intermediate misissuance, which is rarer, and can be
caught by the same pinning stuff used to catch leaf misissuance anyway.


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