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Entrust Root Certification Authority - G4 Inclusion Request

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Wayne Thayer

Jul 26, 2019, 5:25:13 PM7/26/19
to mozilla-dev-security-policy
This request is to include the Entrust Root Certification Authority - G4 as
documented in the following bug:

* BR Self Assessment is here:

* Summary of Information Gathered and Verified:

* Root Certificate Download URL:


* This request is for Websites and Email trust bits. EV treatment is
** EV Policy OID: .16.840.1.114028.10.1.2

* Test Websites:
** Valid:
** Expired:
** Revoked:



* Audit: Annual audits are performed by Deloitte according to the WebTrust
for CA, BR, and EV audit criteria.
** WebTrust for CAs and EV:
** BR:

I’ve reviewed the CPS, BR Self Assessment, and related information for the
Entrust Root Certification Authority - G4 inclusion request that is being
tracked in this bug and have the following comments:

* I’m pleased to see the “Other Matters” section of this and last year’s
audit reports.
* This root was signed in 2015, but there is no evidence that it has been
used other than to sign test certificates, and I can find no evidence of
misissued certificates chaining to this root.

* Entrust has had some compliance issues recorded during the life of this
root certificate that are now resolved:
** Metadata in ST and OU fields [1] [2]
** OCSP responding “good” for unknown certificates. [3]
** IP address in dNSName form [4] and [5]
** Late revocation of misissued certificates [6]
** Question marks in certificate O and L fields [7]
** Issued certificates to incorrect organization [8]
** AffirmTrust Issuing CA Impacted by EJBCA Serial Number Issue [9]
** Late revocation of underscore certificates [10]
* External RAs are permitted, but the CPS I originally reviewed (version
3.2) did not make it clear that domain validation will not be delegated as
required by BR section 1.3.2. Entrust addressed this in the current version.
* BR section 2.2 requires section 4.2 of a CA’s CP and/or CPS to “clearly
specify the set of Issuer Domain Names that the CA recognises in CAA
"issue" or "issuewild" records as permitting it to issue.” The Entrust CPS
instead references section where the Issuer Domain Name is listed.
* CPS section 9.12.3 is blank. Mozilla recommends against this [11].

* Entrust self-reported a bug in which they had improperly encoded an IP
address in a certificate. [4] In March 2018, they indicated in the bug that
they would implement pre-issuance linting, but not until early 2019. It was
ultimately implemented in May 2019. While pre-issuance linting is not a
requirement, it is certainly a best practice and taking over a year to
implement it is discouraging. It appears [12] that at least one other
misissuance would have been prevented if pre-issuance linting had been
implemented sooner.
* Entrust’s current and prior [13] BR audit reports contain a qualification
for failing to address critical vulnerabilities within 96 hours. Entrust
engaged Deloitte to confirm the the problem had been remediated in
September 2018. [14] The current period-of-time report confirms that the
issue was remediated as of 30-June 2018.
* The most recent BR audit report lists two additional qualifications
related to the Network Security requirements:
** During the Period, there were instances of some Certificate Systems not
undergoing a Vulnerability Scan at least every three (3) months.
** During the Period, there were instances where a technical control to
restrict remote access to only those devices owned or controlled by Entrust
did not operate effectively.
* Entrust has the following open CA compliance bugs (as of 25-June):
** Outdated audit statement for intermediate cert [15]
** Certificate issued with incorrect Country Code [16]
** Certificate issued with validity greater than 825 days [17]
** SHA-1 Issuance and other misissuance while testing [18]
* CPS version 3.2 section appeared to limit liability to $1000 USD
per Subscriber, but EVGL section 18 sets a minimum of $2000 USD. Entrust
addressed this in the current version.

This begins the 3-week (minimum) comment period for this request [19].

I will greatly appreciate your thoughtful and constructive feedback on the
decision to include this root certificate.

- Wayne


Ryan Sleevi

Jul 26, 2019, 5:45:06 PM7/26/19
to Wayne Thayer, mozilla-dev-security-policy
(In a personal capacity, as normally noted but making sure to extra-note it

Hi Wayne,

It wasn't clear to me from the inclusion request, did Entrust give a reason
for the requested addition? For example, do they plan to stop issuing from
one of the included roots and have it removed?

In general, my thoughts as it applies to any new root inclusion is to ask
about the value provided to the community. I think there is exceptional
value in retiring roots that may have existed prior to the Baseline
Requirements, or which had a significant number of compliance issues. I
think a transition to a 'clean' root helps restore confidence and trust in
the organization level, by reducing the risk at the certificate-level.
Similarly, additions for algorithm agility may also be beneficial to the
community, by helping ensure robust and consistent support. It wasn't clear
to me if either of these applied.

Put differently, will Entrust be retiring one or more of its existing roots
in support of adding this new root? I can think of several ways they might
be able to do so seamlessly, as demonstrated by other CAs, so it would seem
a useful exercise to consider.

With respect to the compliance matters, as captured on the bugs, I am
concerned, both about the nature of the issues and the detail provided.
Comparatively, other CAs have been much more descriptive in their analysis
and evaluations, and that's helped restore faith in the organization after
an incident has occurred. For example, I've highlighted on other CAs'
incidents quality responses like [1], or highly detailed responses like
[2]. I note that many of the incidents you've noted don't really rise to
that level of detail, and thus some lingering concerns remain. I'm
wondering if whether the present root inclusion request provides an
opportunity to improve that situation, without discouraging the reporting
of incidents. I'm not sure I have something concrete on how to do that
right now, but wanted to highlight it for possible consideration and

> _______________________________________________
> dev-security-policy mailing list


Jul 26, 2019, 8:29:04 PM7/26/19
On Friday, July 26, 2019 at 1:45:06 PM UTC-4, Ryan Sleevi wrote:
> (In a personal capacity, as normally noted but making sure to extra-note it
> here)
> Hi Wayne,
> It wasn't clear to me from the inclusion request, did Entrust give a reason
> for the requested addition? For example, do they plan to stop issuing from
> one of the included roots and have it removed?

The purpose of the inclusion request is to add a 4096-bit RSA root which will be used to support larger keys as we move ahead. We are not looking at this root to replace our current roots, but plan to migrate to the new root as the demand for larger keys grows. We are not planning remove any of our roots at this time.



Jul 29, 2019, 9:22:19 PM7/29/19
On Friday, July 26, 2019 at 1:25:13 PM UTC-4, Wayne Thayer wrote:

> ==Meh==

> * BR section 2.2 requires section 4.2 of a CA’s CP and/or CPS to “clearly
> specify the set of Issuer Domain Names that the CA recognises in CAA
> "issue" or "issuewild" records as permitting it to issue.” The Entrust CPS
> instead references section where the Issuer Domain Name is listed.
> * CPS section 9.12.3 is blank. Mozilla recommends against this [11].

We will update section 4.2 and 9.12.3 in the next release of the CPS.

Ryan Sleevi

Aug 1, 2019, 6:51:35 PM8/1/19
to Bruce, mozilla-dev-security-policy
On Fri, Jul 26, 2019 at 4:29 PM Bruce via dev-security-policy <> wrote:

> On Friday, July 26, 2019 at 1:45:06 PM UTC-4, Ryan Sleevi wrote:
> > (In a personal capacity, as normally noted but making sure to extra-note
> it
> > here)
> >
> > Hi Wayne,
> >
> > It wasn't clear to me from the inclusion request, did Entrust give a
> reason
> > for the requested addition? For example, do they plan to stop issuing
> from
> > one of the included roots and have it removed?
> The purpose of the inclusion request is to add a 4096-bit RSA root which
> will be used to support larger keys as we move ahead. We are not looking at
> this root to replace our current roots, but plan to migrate to the new root
> as the demand for larger keys grows. We are not planning remove any of our
> roots at this time.

It seems like it should be technically possible to use this root to replace
an existing root, which seems like it would align well with the goal of
ensuring larger key support going forward.

For example, if "tomorrow" (hypothetically; I know it takes time) you:
1) Cross-signed the 4K root with an existing root
2) Issued a new issuing intermediate under the 4K root
3) Issued all new certificates going forward from that new issuing

Then it would seem like there's a path to ensure that all clients which
support your existing, legacy roots, would automatically support your 4K
root, building a path to your legacy root. Clients which installed/shipped
the 4K root would build shorter paths, and without the intermediate
signature from the legacy root to the 4K root. Once all of your existing
"Legacy" certificates expire (that is, those issued from your old legacy
issuing intermediate) - which, admittedly, would likely be 825 days from
"tomorrow" - clients could remove support for the "Legacy" certificate
without breaking any existing certificates.

Did you consider such a transition plan? That would allow clients to
minimize the number of roots a given organization has, which helps reduce
the security risk and maintenance overhead to clients, while still allowing
a smooth and seamless transition. It seems like a win for everyone, and
would be great to know more about those considerations if deciding to
accept this new root.

>From the current description, it sounds like this new root may not provide
clear user benefit, since it's not clear that it's functionally
differentiated from the existing root, which seems to be wholly sufficient
for the cryptographic needs of Firefox users.

Doug Beattie

Aug 2, 2019, 2:00:02 PM8/2/19
to, Bruce, mozilla-dev-security-policy

GlobalSign has been thinking along these lines, but it's not clear how
browsers build their path when a cross certificate is presented to them in
the TLS handshake.

Can you explain how chrome (windows and Android) builds a path when a cross
certificate is delivered? What about the case when the OS (Microsoft
specifically) has cached the cross certificate, is it different?

With this approach, we'd require our customers to configure their web
servers to always send down the extra certificate which:
* complicates web server administration,
* increases TLS handshake packet sizes (or extra packet?), and
* increases the certificate path from 3 to 4 certificates (SSL, issuing
CA, Cross certificate, Root), which increases the path validation time and
is typically seen as a competitive disadvantage

Do you view these as meaningful issues? Do you know of any CAs that have
taken this approach?

-----Original Message-----
From: dev-security-policy <> On
Behalf Of Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy
Sent: Thursday, August 1, 2019 2:51 PM
To: Bruce <>
Cc: mozilla-dev-security-policy
Subject: Re: Entrust Root Certification Authority - G4 Inclusion Request

On Fri, Jul 26, 2019 at 4:29 PM Bruce via dev-security-policy <> wrote:

> On Friday, July 26, 2019 at 1:45:06 PM UTC-4, Ryan Sleevi wrote:
> > (In a personal capacity, as normally noted but making sure to
> > extra-note
> it
> > here)
> >
> > Hi Wayne,
> >
> > It wasn't clear to me from the inclusion request, did Entrust give a
> reason
> > for the requested addition? For example, do they plan to stop
> > issuing
> from
> > one of the included roots and have it removed?

Ryan Sleevi

Aug 2, 2019, 5:49:07 PM8/2/19
to Doug Beattie,, Bruce, mozilla-dev-security-policy
On Fri, Aug 2, 2019 at 9:59 AM Doug Beattie <>

> Ryan,
> GlobalSign has been thinking along these lines, but it's not clear how
> browsers build their path when a cross certificate is presented to them in
> the TLS handshake.

Excellent! Happy to help in any way to make that possible and easier :)

> Can you explain how chrome (windows and Android) builds a path when a
> cross
> certificate is delivered? What about the case when the OS (Microsoft
> specifically) has cached the cross certificate, is it different?

It's unclear the objective of the question. That is, are you trying to
figure out what happens with both paths are valid, or how it handles edge
cases, etc?

At present (and this is changing), Chrome uses the CryptoAPI
implementation, which is the same as IE, Edge, and other Windows

You can read a little bit about Microsoft's logic here:

And a little about how the IIS server selects which intermediates to
include in the TLS handshake here:

The "short answer" is that, assuming both are trusted, either path is
valid, and the preference for which path is going to be dictated by the
path score, how you can influence that path score, and how ties are broken
between similarly-scoring certificates.

Android's selection logic is somewhat simpler, but it supports exploring
multiple variations of an intermediate in the attempt to explore a possible

With this approach, we'd require our customers to configure their web
> servers to always send down the extra certificate which:
> * complicates web server administration,

I'm not sure I understand this; that is, what's different from the existing
need to configure the issuing intermediate? I can understand challenges
faced with, say, IIS (which attempts to automatically send the chain), but
that's only an issue based on how the CA constructs the scoring, and even
that can be overridden.

> * increases TLS handshake packet sizes (or extra packet?), and
> * increases the certificate path from 3 to 4 certificates (SSL, issuing
> CA, Cross certificate, Root), which increases the path validation time and
> is typically seen as a competitive disadvantage

I'm surprised and encouraged to hear CAs think about client performance.
That certainly doesn't align with how their customers are actually
deploying things, based on what I've seen from the data
(suboptimal chains requiring AIA, junk stapled OCSP responses, CAs putting
entire chains in OCSP responses).

As a practical matter, there are understandably tradeoffs. Yet you can
allow your customers the control to optimize for their use case and make
the decision best for them, which helps localize some of those tradeoffs.
For example, when you (the CA) is first rolling out such a new root, you're
right that your customers will likely want to include the cross-signed
version back to the existing root within root stores. Yet as root stores
update (which, in the case of browsers, can be quite fast), your customer
could chose to begin omitting that intermediate, and rely on intermediate
preloading (Firefox) or AIA (everyone else). In this model, the AIA for
your 'issuing intermediate' would point to a URL that contained your
cross-signed intermediate, which would then allow them to build the path to
the legacy root. Clients with your new root would build and prefer the
shorter path, because they'd have a trust anchor matching that (root, key)
combination, while legacy clients could still build the legacy path.

> Do you view these as meaningful issues? Do you know of any CAs that have
> taken this approach?

Definitely! I don't want to sound dismissive of these issues, but I do want
to suggest it's good if we as an industry start tackling these a bit
head-on. I'm particularly keen to understand more about how and when we can
'sunset' roots. For example, if the desire is to introduce a new root in
order to transition to stronger cryptography, I'd like to understand more
about how and when clients get the 'strong' chain or the 'weaker' chain and
how that selection may change over time. I'm understanding to 4K roots -
while I'd rather we were in a world where 2K roots were viable because we
were rotating roots more frequently (hence the above), 4K roots may make
sense given the pragmatic realities that these end up being used much
longer than anticipated. If that's the case, though, it's reasonable to
think we'd retire roots <4K, and it's reasonable to think we don't need
multiple 4K roots. That's why I wanted to flesh out these considerations
and have that discussion, because I'm not sure that just allowing folks to
select '2K vs 4K' for a particular CA really helps move the needle far
enough in user benefit (it does, somewhat, but not as much as 'all 4K', for

My understanding is that both Symantec / DigiCert and Sectigo have pursued
paths like this, and can speak more. ISRG / Let's Encrypt pursued something
similar-but-different, but which had the functional goal of reducing their
dependency on the IdenTrust root in favor of the ISRG root.


Aug 13, 2019, 4:18:39 PM8/13/19
On Friday, July 26, 2019 at 1:25:13 PM UTC-4, Wayne Thayer wrote:

> ==Bad==

> * The most recent BR audit report lists two additional qualifications
> related to the Network Security requirements:
> ** During the Period, there were instances of some Certificate Systems not
> undergoing a Vulnerability Scan at least every three (3) months.
> ** During the Period, there were instances where a technical control to
> restrict remote access to only those devices owned or controlled by Entrust
> did not operate effectively.

Deloitte has issued a Specified Procedures Report to address the above qualified items. The report has been added to



Oct 7, 2019, 4:09:25 PM10/7/19
On Monday, July 29, 2019 at 5:22:19 PM UTC-4, Bruce wrote:

> We will update section 4.2 and 9.12.3 in the next release of the CPS.

The CPS Has been updated to address the above issues, see

Wayne Thayer

Oct 8, 2019, 11:23:45 PM10/8/19
to Bruce, mozilla-dev-security-policy
On Mon, Oct 7, 2019 at 9:09 AM Bruce via dev-security-policy <> wrote:

> On Monday, July 29, 2019 at 5:22:19 PM UTC-4, Bruce wrote:
> > We will update section 4.2 and 9.12.3 in the next release of the CPS.
> I've verified these updates.

This request has been in discussion for quite a while now. Please post any
further comments by next Tuesday 15-October, and I will plan to end the
discussion period at that time.

- Wayne

Wayne Thayer

Oct 18, 2019, 12:15:54 AM10/18/19
to Bruce, mozilla-dev-security-policy
Having received no further comments, I have recommended approval of this
request in bug 1480510.

- Wayne

On Tue, Oct 8, 2019 at 4:23 PM Wayne Thayer <> wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 7, 2019 at 9:09 AM Bruce via dev-security-policy <
>> wrote:
>> On Monday, July 29, 2019 at 5:22:19 PM UTC-4, Bruce wrote:
>> > We will update section 4.2 and 9.12.3 in the next release of the CPS.
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