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Opera Mini approved to AppStore

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Pavel Cvrcek

Apr 13, 2010, 4:17:21 PM4/13/10

I have seen today that Opera Mini for iPhone was approved to AppStore.
Can someone describe me why Opera Mini can be available in AppStore and
Firefox (Fennec) cannot be available because license reasons? I expect
that here is some big difference and would like to know it. Many users
will ask.


Pavel Cvrček <>

Mike Beltzner

Apr 13, 2010, 4:46:06 PM4/13/10
to Pavel Cvrcek,
On 2010-04-13, at 1:17 PM, Pavel Cvrcek wrote:

> Hi,
> I have seen today that Opera Mini for iPhone was approved to AppStore. Can someone describe me why Opera Mini can be available in AppStore and Firefox (Fennec) cannot be available because license reasons? I expect that here is some big difference and would like to know it. Many users will ask.

(First: I'm not an employee for Apple, nor an approver for their App Store.)
(Second: I'm not an Opera engineer, and only know what I do about Opera Mini from what I read in the papers.)
(Third: If people are asking questions, they should get those caveats from everyone who answers)

I believe that the difference is that Opera Mini interprets all of the JS on the server side, not on the client, thus not running afoul of the SDK terms of use which prohibits interpreters.



Apr 13, 2010, 7:19:22 PM4/13/10
to Mike Beltzner, Pavel Cvrcek,
Because of this restriction, many JS-intensive pages (like Google Mail)
revert to their old-style interfaces — and you aren't browsing the full web!

-- aza | ɐzɐ --

On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 1:46 PM, Mike Beltzner <> wrote:

> On 2010-04-13, at 1:17 PM, Pavel Cvrcek wrote:

> > Hi,
> >
> > I have seen today that Opera Mini for iPhone was approved to AppStore.
> Can someone describe me why Opera Mini can be available in AppStore and
> Firefox (Fennec) cannot be available because license reasons? I expect that
> here is some big difference and would like to know it. Many users will ask.

> (First: I'm not an employee for Apple, nor an approver for their App
> Store.)
> (Second: I'm not an Opera engineer, and only know what I do about Opera
> Mini from what I read in the papers.)
> (Third: If people are asking questions, they should get those caveats from
> everyone who answers)
> I believe that the difference is that Opera Mini interprets all of the JS
> on the server side, not on the client, thus not running afoul of the SDK
> terms of use which prohibits interpreters.
> cheers,
> mike

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