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Announcing Fission Dogfooding

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Nika Layzell

Jun 15, 2020, 2:56:44 PM6/15/20
to dev-platform
*TL;DR* We're looking for brave individuals to enable "Fission", Mozilla's
site-isolation project, to help us test this new browser architecture!

Since the project started, we've been hard at work improving Firefox's core
architecture, making it possible for us to isolate and run each site within
its own process. This work has required us to change the way we load
documents, how the browser UI interacts with web content, update and
improve our tests, and much more.

We've finished many of these changes, and are now at the point where we're
looking for volunteers to test Fission, helping us find bugs, and improve
stability. There's still lots left for Fission, but we can't find and fix
everything without your help!

For the most up-to-date, information on the state of Fission, check the
wiki at We'll do our best to keep
it up to date as Fission improves.

*Enabling Fission*
Fission is still in development, so it can only be enabled in Firefox
Nightly <>. To enable it, change the
'fission.autostart' pref in about:config to 'true', and restart the
browser. It isn't necessary to change any other fission preferences.

You can confirm that fission has been enabled in your browser by loading a
website, and hovering over the active tab. If the tooltip contains a `[F
]`, it means Fission is enabled.
[image: fission_tab_tooltip.png]

If you encounter an issue while using Fission, it is possible to open a
non-fission window within the same browsing session using the "New
Non-Fission Window" item in the hamburger menu. This can be useful to
determine if issues are Fission-specific, or to work around
fission-specific breakage.
[image: new_non_fission_window3.png]

*Known Issues*
We're keeping a list of known issues on the Project Fission wiki page, and
will try to keep it up to date as we discover and fix new issues.

*Reporting Bugs*
If you encounter issues while using Fission, please file bugs on bugzilla
<>, including "Fission" in the bug summary.
We'll catch them during our regular triage, and fix them as soon as

*What's Next?*
We've got a lot planned for Fission in the coming months, including
fleshing out the remaining unimplemented features, and continual resource
usage and stability improvements.

Before we put our heads down & get back to work, I want to give *massive*
congratulations to the entire Fission team, and everyone who has helped
contribute to us reaching this milestone. We couldn't have done it without
your hard work.

*Thank you for testing Fission!*
- Nika Layzell
[image: bitmap2.png]
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