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Easy Cellar Review🏡DIY Nuclear Proof Bunker | Step-by-Step Guide

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leah tristram

Dec 5, 2023, 3:26:29 PM12/5/23
🏡 Easy Cellar Review: Build a Nuclear-Proof Bunker for Under $400

✔️Easy Cellar is a digital program focused on teaching people how to build underground root cellars for surviving disasters, especially nuclear events. With natural disasters and global conflicts on the rise, there is growing interest in disaster preparedness guides like Easy Cellar. This article takes an in-depth look at what Easy Cellar entails, who created it, what you can learn from it, its pros and cons, and whether it delivers on its promises.


✔️What is Easy Cellar?
Easy Cellar is an online program consisting of downloadable ebooks, instructional videos, resource lists, and maps focused on building and utilizing a root cellar for survival purposes. The root cellar design taught is customized to be more spacious and equipped than traditional root cellars so that families can safely stay inside for extended periods of time in the aftermath of different disasters.

The concept draws inspiration from Cold War era backyard fallout shelters while modernizing the features for contemporary use. The end result, according to the program’s promoter, is an underground shelter that blends in discretely with the yard while offering protective lodging to ride out various calamities and their aftermath.

✔️The Concept and its Historical Roots
As the name indicates, Easy Cellar utilizes the concept of an underground root cellar for survival purposes but enhances the traditional root cellar design to double as a discreet backyard bunker for disasters of different magnitudes. Traditional root cellars have long been used for below ground food storage since colonial America, taking advantage of the underground temperatures to preserve produce and cure meats.

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✔️Easy Cellar adapts this traditional concept but incorporates modern construction techniques and equipment to create a more spacious and comfortable bunker that can be occupied for the long term if needed. The influences and historical inspiration for this adapted approach come from 1950s backyard fallout shelters, turning what was once used exclusively for food storage into multipurpose lodging to escape danger.

Beyond a Root Cellar: A Comprehensive Survival Guide
While the root cellar design and construction guidelines form the core of the program, Easy Cellar aims to equip buyers with comprehensive knowledge related to navigating disasters. Additional components focus on whatever essentials, such as food, medical supplies, and tools, should stock the cellar along with survival strategies for various disaster scenarios.

Topics spanning nuclear, chemical, and viral threats intend to ready cellar builders for facing a spectrum of catastrophes. When combined with the instructions for discreetly siting and building the bunker-like cellar, the program attempts to deliver an A-Z solution for weathering disasters in fortified lodging.

✔️About the Author: Tom Griffith 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
According to the Easy Cellar website, the program’s creator is a man named Tom Griffith. He is promoted as an ex-nuclear protection inspector and specialist with detailed insider knowledge of state safety procedures.

Griffith’s professional background is unknown beyond these claims due to the lack of corroborating evidence about his work experience. No additional public information about past employment or engineering credentials raises questions about his authority regarding the technical nuclear disaster response insights referenced in Easy Cellar.


Separating hearsay from substantiated personal history is key when assessing the depth of experience behind the disaster preparedness guidance. Without documentation to support the promoted professional background, relying solely on Griffith’s survival expertise enters questionable territory.

Learning from Easy Cellar
If taken strictly as an educational playbook for equipping and safeguarding a residence against disasters of all magnitudes, Easy Cellar delivers on instructing readers about the necessary toolkit for enduring catastrophe while protecting a family.

By committing to build an underground cellar hardship-ready dwelling following Griffith’s guidelines, adults can gain hands-on experience alongside theoretical crisis response knowledge.

Practical Building Instructions
For those interested in constructing an Easy Cellar exactly to Griffith’s specifications, the program leaves nothing to chance in terms of documenting the entire build process. From sourcing acceptable soil conditions to correctly installing electricity, every construction consideration receives extensive how-to attention tailored towards amateur builders with willingness to learn.

There are tips for disguise and concealment ranging from strategic small vent choice to intentionally distressing external doors so the cellar blends with its surroundings. Advice even extends to masking scents and noises originating from within for additional stealth.


For readers dedicated to fully executing the protective underground lodging build, by the end they should feel equipped to replicate such a cellar construction independently in the backyard.

Disaster Preparedness and Survival Strategies
In addition to the wealth of constructor guidance, Griffith dedicates entire sections of the Easy Cellar program to survival knowledge beyond just shelter itself.

There are directions for gathering and preserving abundant food to see a family through months without new supplies. Instructions address everything from what cooking materials work best for confined quarters to recommended stockpiling methods for tools and medicine.

When it comes to enduring catastrophic events themselves, there are protocols spanning before, during, and after a nuclear detonation event within close range. The same goes for chemical spills, viral outbreaks that might spark martial law, and fallout originating from foreign wars abroad.

Easy Cellar aims not just to fortify users’ surroundings, but impart a library’s worth of application crisis survival skills to employ regardless of the exact emergency circumstances.

Pros and Cons of Easy Cellar
Before deciding if the Easy Cellar program merits your investment, balanced evaluation accounting for key upsides as well as concerning downsides is essential:


Advantages: Accessibility and Practicality
On the plus side, Easy Cellar distills insights some gained only through advanced military training into accessible instructions anybody motivated can act on. The program emphasizes practical, step-by-step guidance for tangibly fortifying users’ homes rather than just espousing theories.

Since all the reference materials come digitally in electronic format, users will have reliable quick access even when electricity and internet infrastructure go down in a real disaster scenario.

The program may feasibly translate to real-world survival outside of doomsday speculation alone. Whether preparing for tornadoes in Tornado Alley or ride out riots, civil unrest, a foreign invasion, or even nuclear fallout descending from abroad, Easy Cellar aims for wide applicability.

Limitations: Lack of Peer Review and Potential Redundancies
Easy Cellar's focus on firsthand experience over formally published peer review raises concerns about information accuracy. Without validation from additional survival experts on the recommended best practices, users cannot easily verify where Griffith's guidance overlaps with or diverges from standards elsewhere.


Some advice inevitably repeats general preparedness ground likely already covered by free online government resources on emergency readiness. Before paying for the full Easy Cellar guide, it is worth confirming that it adds specifics beyond introductory web pages on survival cellars and basic supply checklists available elsewhere without cost.

Does Easy Cellar Work?
Evaluating the tangible value Easy Cellar provides pivots upon the core question of functionality – can an average person without prior professional experience in construction or engineering realistically build an underground bunker-cellar combination using Griffith's outline that offers genuine protection?

Evidence points to cautious optimism tempered with reasonable uncertainty. Easy Cellar bases its method on proven principles utilized by state authorities, military engineers, and survivalists, suggesting prescribed tactics align with expert wisdom.

However, accurately transferring conceptual expertise into functional reality at home according to Griffith’s process lacks guarantees or site-specific fine-tuning. Easy Cellar’s effectiveness likely hinges on the builder’s comprehension skills and resourcefulness at troubleshooting unforeseen build issues particular to their location.

Easy Cellar aims high by attempting to distill highly specialized nuclear survival knowledge into actionable guidelines for ordinary citizens seeking disaster preparedness at home engineered by themselves. While limitations exist and builder-specific customization may be necessary, it endeavor to equip anyone motivated to act with in-depth preparedness insight. For crisis readiness beyond just stocking bottled water, Easy Cellar proves uniquely thorough if finding reliable underground refuge appeals. Weigh its merits against your capability and commitment to undertake the ambitiously hands-on build process before purchasing the full how-to library.
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