Firefox updates are live as of 4:15 PM PDT.
Thanks to everyone who helped make this release happen! Special thanks
to Mark Mentovai for working on a last-minute Mac JEP patch over the
weekend, and everyone in QA for spending the weekend testing it.
Thunderbird will be shipping tomorrow as scheduled.
And SeaMonkey 1.0.3 just went live as well - thanks to everyone who
helped in doing that!
Robert Kaiser
We have found a serious bug with See bug 346167. We
considering a urgent next week :(
...and once again the SeaMonkey team keeps up with the 1.8.0 releases
and is preparing a SeaMonkey 1.0.4 along with that.
Robert Kaiser
>> We have found a serious bug with See bug 346167. We
>> considering a urgent next week :(
> ....and once again the SeaMonkey team keeps up with the 1.8.0 releases
> and is preparing a SeaMonkey 1.0.4 along with that.
Perhaps next time SeaMonkey can be released one week after Firefox so
that we can see if anything breaks badly in the Firefox release.
Philip Chee <phi...@aleytys.pc.my>, <phili...@gmail.com>
http://flashblock.mozdev.org/ http://xsidebar.mozdev.org
Guard us from the she-wolf and the wolf, and guard us from the thief,
oh Night, and so be good for us to pass.
[ ]And my special thanks to the Other Forty-Nine!
* TagZilla 0.059
That's no solution, as then people would say we are much slower in
adopting security fixes. I rather release same time with the same bugs
as not having those security issues fixed "in time".
The real solution to such problems is that more people need to test
candidate builds in daily useage situations, then they capture such
problems before we release either of the applications with the bug.
Yes, that means YOU (all)!
Robert Kaiser
> The real solution to such problems is that more people need to test
> candidate builds in daily useage situations, then they capture such
> problems before we release either of the applications with the bug.
> Yes, that means YOU (all)!
Yep, <http://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey:QA> says it all. Pick a branch
or the trunk and download nightly builds every so often to spot
regressions like this before release.
Did too many testers move to the trunk, or like I did a few weeks ago,
to the 1.8 branch? Maybe we should have a sign-up sheet to see which
branch each tester is testing. Then testers who aren't sure which branch
to test could choose the one that has the fewest testers. Of course,
we'd have to somehow make sure the list is kept up-to-date.