Firefox 4 is so close I can taste it!
*Planning Update*
Firefox 4 beta 12 went to builds last night (2011-02-22) and will be
delivering our final set of sometimes scary changes to millions of beta
This final (!!!) beta contains fixes to more than 200 hard and soft
If all goes well with QA and nightly feedback, we'll be shipping our
last Firefox 4 beta early next week; Monday or Tuesday would be ideal.
After today's round of triage, we stand at 26 remaining blockers for
Firefox 4 RC. Over half of those have patches in some state of evaluation.
Mozilla engineering priorities look like this: final+ hardblockers
*Must Read Blogs & News*
Dietrich Ayala � "Tracking Firefox UI Response Time"
Chris Atlee � "self-serve builds!" (and yes, Chris does
get a lot of mentions here; he's awesome!)
Ehsan Akhgari � "Bugzilla Tweaks getting some attention again!"
*A Taste of Awesome*
I've been remiss in these early Engineering Newsletters, neglecting all
the fantastic work going on with Mobile Firefox 4. I am going to include
more Mozilla Mobile content in upcoming newsletters, I promise. Because
it's awesome, and not just because I owe them one, this week's Taste of
Awesome is Mozilla Firefox 4 for Android. The team just today shipped
their final beta: Get it and give it a spin. It's
kind of amazing.
Facebook's HTML5 Games Benchmark has been updated and Firefox 4 has
taken a commanding lead
First there was Are We Fast Yet?
Then there was Are we Pretty Yet? http://areweprettyyet.comm
& now we've got Can We Ship Yet?