Beta 2 will be after Beta 1, unsurprisingly, likely returning to the 4
week cadence and freezing on Oct 28th.
Alpha 2 builds will be produced using the code from Aug 19, as before,
and we should have a schedule for the build availability and release
pretty shortly. (Likely around Sept 2, if you made me guess. Don't
make me guess.)
Does that make a string freeze for Beta 1 (not the final product string
freeze) to be on the 25th 23:59 PST? Fri-Mon for localization, Tuesday
for shipped-locales?
Maybe, but not for this case -- the discussion was "we propose this,
there will be a dev.planning thread today, if it causes major problems
then please call them out in the thread".
> Does that make a string freeze for Beta 1 (not the final product string
> freeze) to be on the 25th 23:59 PST? Fri-Mon for localization, Tuesday
> for shipped-locales?
I would expect string freeze to shift by 3 weeks as well, unless,
again, that causes problems for some reason. If you're suggesting
that time, then yes, I support your suggestion, but I think l10n makes
that call, so I guess you're informing us! :)
Cool, I'll update .l10n.