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Notes from planning meeting on 2/6

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Feb 7, 2008, 1:36:27 PM2/7/08
Present: Chris Ilias, KaiRo, Reed Loden, David Boswell

- Action Items

We reviewed the actions items from the last meeting:

* Make comprehensive list of all projects / contact project owners (no
one owns this currently)
* Start determining new homepage content (Samuel Sidler had put some
initial ideas together)
* Continue work on site structure (David updated the proposed
structure after the last meeting)
* Update proposed History page to bring in more current pages
(fantasai is interested in working on this part and updating the About
content in general)

- Vision

No one commented on about the proposed site
vision after we posted the notes from the first meeting. Since it
looks like we have a consensus here, the plan is to update bug 345664
with the proposed vision and then close it. Closing this bug will
allow us to move on with updating and changing the

- Archiving

We thought it made sense to wait on this for now. Not having an
archive site won't stop us from making progress on updating the site.
There is a concern though that we get an archive site up before we
make large changes to

- Migrating

Since Sheppy wasn't at this meeting we decided to hold off on
discussing this until a future point.

- Site Structure

There have been no objections posted so far about the proposed new
site structure and on the call we only suggested minor tweaks. Unless
there are objections to the current proposed structure or suggestions
for changes, we'll move forward with the plan at

- Next Steps

Now that we have the vision and structure agreed on, we decided that
it made the most sense to try to move things forward incrementally
instead of trying to update the site all at once. We'll see how much
progress we can make this way and then re-evaluate as needed.

- Next Meeting

We thought that having meetings was useful as a way to coordinate, but
we didn't need to have them more than once a month. There was also
agreement that meeting on the phone was better than meeting on IRC.
David will send out a meeting notice for early March in a few weeks.

- New Action Items

* Update vision bug
* Open new bug for modifying the footer links
* Open new bug for updating the Privacy Policy page
* Update planning page on wiki as needed

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