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Primary Password to replace Master Password

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Jeff Beatty

Jul 17, 2020, 12:39:06 PM7/17/20
to dev-l10n
Hi everyone,

As you've seen in the news, many tech companies are working diligently to
replace English terms within their products that make direct and indirect
references to racial oppression and discrimination. The Mozilla UX Content
Strategy team has been working to identify problematic terms in our
products and will begin landing string changes to replace old
racially-based terminology with neutral terminology. The first term to go
is "Master Password." The UX team has added the following metadata for the
new term, "Primary Password" as follows:

*EN_US Term:* Primary Password
*Part of Speech: *Noun
*Definition:* A Primary Password is a password that unlocks the other
passwords saved locally in Firefox. Primary passwords are not synced
between profiles or devices.
*Usage:* Please enter your Primary Password to view saved logins &
*Notes: *Primary Password was formerly called Master Password. In English,
the term “master” has a racist connotation. Firefox no longer uses this

This will be updated within the terminology project in Pontoon to ensure
consistent use of this new term.

We ask that all localizers keep these implications in mind when you are
translating, and that you evaluate the current translations you have for
"Master Password" in this light. If you identify other terms in your
localizations or in the en-US version of our products that you feel are
based in racial connotations, please raise the issue in bugzilla and CC any
of the l10n-drivers.

Please let us know if you have any questions.


Emin Mastizada

Jul 17, 2020, 12:58:39 PM7/17/20
to Jeff Beatty, dev-l10n
We already use "Mother Password" in Azerbaijani, somehow same is used
instead of "primary" for most phrases, like "Mother News" which is Main
News. I noticed same for Turkish language too
> _______________________________________________
> dev-l10n mailing list

Michael Wolf

Jul 17, 2020, 2:26:34 PM7/17/20
Emin Mastizada schrieb:
> We already use "Mother Password" in Azerbaijani, somehow same is used
> instead of "primary" for most phrases, like "Mother News" which is Main
> News. I noticed same for Turkish language too

Hi Emin,

you discriminate against fathers. :-D

I use "main password" for Sorbian languages.


Rhoslyn Prys

Jul 22, 2020, 11:10:37 AM7/22/20
Jeff, I don't think this is a good look, either:

Our opinion is just to go with a trusted, private browser with a track
record of delivering a great experience across devices. In a
head-to-head comparison, it’s really no contest at all. {
-brand-name-firefox } is hands down the winner across all assessment
categories. If you do find yourself at Nana’s house firing up {
-brand-name-ie }, maybe you want to do Nana a favor and <a { $attrs
}>download { -brand-name-firefox }</a> for her.

Comment Variables: $attrs (string) - link to /firefox/download/thanks/
with additional attributes for analytics "Nana" is a common nickname for
a grandmother in many English-speaking countries. Use a similar name for
a grandmother in your language or culture. "firing up" is slang for
starting an engine, and here means starting a web browser. Alternative:
"starting up"

Resource Comment URL:

Context compare-ie-our-opinion-is-just-to-go-with


I know of grandmothers who wouldn't be impressed with this type of


Ein barn ni yw ei ddefnyddio gyda phorwr preifat dibynadwy y mae ganddo
hanes o ddarparu profiad gwych ar draws dyfeisiau. Mewn cymhariaeth,
does dim cystadleuaeth. Yn syml, { -brand-name-firefox } yw'r gorau ar
draws pob categori asesu. Os byddwch chi'n cael eich hun yn nhŷ ffrind
sy'n defnyddio { -brand-name-ie }, byddwch yn gwneud cymwynas fawr â nhw
drwy <a { $attrs }>lwytho { -brand-name-firefox } i lawr</a> ar eu cyfer.

Jeff Beatty

Jul 22, 2020, 2:12:22 PM7/22/20
to Rhoslyn Prys, dev-l10n
Thanks for pointing this out. We should have caught it before it was
exposed for localization. We'll look into it.

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