Jeff, I don't think this is a good look, either:
Our opinion is just to go with a trusted, private browser with a track
record of delivering a great experience across devices. In a
head-to-head comparison, it’s really no contest at all. {
-brand-name-firefox } is hands down the winner across all assessment
categories. If you do find yourself at Nana’s house firing up {
-brand-name-ie }, maybe you want to do Nana a favor and <a { $attrs
}>download { -brand-name-firefox }</a> for her.
Comment Variables: $attrs (string) - link to /firefox/download/thanks/
with additional attributes for analytics "Nana" is a common nickname for
a grandmother in many English-speaking countries. Use a similar name for
a grandmother in your language or culture. "firing up" is slang for
starting an engine, and here means starting a web browser. Alternative:
"starting up"
Resource Comment URL:
Context compare-ie-our-opinion-is-just-to-go-with
I know of grandmothers who wouldn't be impressed with this type of
Ein barn ni yw ei ddefnyddio gyda phorwr preifat dibynadwy y mae ganddo
hanes o ddarparu profiad gwych ar draws dyfeisiau. Mewn cymhariaeth,
does dim cystadleuaeth. Yn syml, { -brand-name-firefox } yw'r gorau ar
draws pob categori asesu. Os byddwch chi'n cael eich hun yn nhŷ ffrind
sy'n defnyddio { -brand-name-ie }, byddwch yn gwneud cymwynas fawr â nhw
drwy <a { $attrs }>lwytho { -brand-name-firefox } i lawr</a> ar eu cyfer.