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[]: firefox/new/download.ftl

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Peiying Mo

Jul 29, 2020, 6:57:47 PM7/29/20
to localization, Mozilla
Hello Localizers,

If you have completed this page, you can stop reading this email.

I am writing to you regarding one of the higher priority pages that need to
be completed soon. *firefox/new/download.ftl *is the replacement and an
updated page of two pages on an old template in .lang file format. The old
templates will be obsolete as early as this Friday (July 31) or as late as
next Monday (August 3). If the completion is under 80% by the time of the
switch, your locale will be default to English.

I have also revised the "star rating" on the priorities of all the pages
after speaking with the mozorg team. I hope this will help you balance the
pending tasks between this project and others according to their deadlines
and priorities.

Thank you,
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