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New strings: index.ftl string typo?

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Michele Rodaro

Jun 24, 2020, 7:06:39 AM6/24/20
to Mozilla projects web content localization
Just a question for the last update of
firefox/browsers/compare/index.ftl strings.

We compare 7 browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Safari, Opera, Brave and
Internet Explorer), it has been added Brave.
In this sentence "In this area, all six of the browsers compared here
score points."
the browsers compared are "six".
I suppose it could be a typo. Can someone confirm?

Thanks in advance,


Jun 24, 2020, 12:20:40 PM6/24/20
to Mozilla projects web content localization, Michele Rodaro
Hello Michele,

Thanks for raising the question. This is not a typo. Before adding
Brave, the index file compared six browsers. With the addition of the
Brave page, there are now seven. Notice that the string ID indicates
that this is a "fallback". In fact, there are a few of them in this page
to reflect this change.

This is like tagging in the old format. With Fluent and the 80% rule of
completion, the activation of the new strings will be somewhat different
depending on the logic and there are a few scenarios. I will get back to
this topic and update everyone, as well as the testing doc once we get
some clarity:

If the pages are kept up to date, with each reiteration, the activation
of the strings will be more straight forward. They may not be all at
once, but most likely string by string once the page passes the 80%
completion. Even if it drops to below 80% due to updates, the page will
remain activated on production. For this update, it is not time
sensitive, so there is not a window to switch from old to new, but
driven by the completion of each community.

Thank you,

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Michele Rodaro

Jun 25, 2020, 4:16:18 AM6/25/20
Hello Peiying,
It is I who must thank you for the quick, clear and exhaustive response.

I hadn't noticed that the string ID indicated that it was a "fallback" and I was misled by the previous string "Seven of the best browsers in direct comparison".

Thanks again,
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