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[mozorg]: WNP#79 + more new and migrated pages

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Peiying Mo

Jul 14, 2020, 1:27:29 PM7/14/20
to localization, Mozilla
Hello Localizers,

We have added 10 files since this past Friday. The most important of all is
the WNP #79 which is due on 17 July:

*File*: firefox/whatsnew_79.ftl
*Demo URL*:
*Long term staging*:
*Deadline*: 17 July (4pm UTC) for P1 locales (required) and the rest (nice
to have)

- P1 locales: de, fr (covered by Mozilla staff); en-CA, en-GB


- `id` is no longer included in the WNP release. Firefox Lite is being
promoted and the Mozilla Taipei office provides the localized marketing

There's some conditional content so not all text is always visible on
the screen.

- If Firefox is already the user's default browser they get an alternate
mobile CTA that opens the send-to-device widget in a modal.
- Mozilla VPN promo is only shown to English locales.
- Facebook Container is NOT shown to zh-CN, who gets the Privacy Promise
blurb in its place.

*Newly migrated firefox/features/*.ftl: *

- The `independent.ftl` has so much update that it is best to create a
new file instead of having old and new co-existing.
- The site restructuring resulted in a new shared file or updated
content throughout.
- Due to site redesign and development work still in progress, the
standard staging server may not be ready when you test your work, please
use the temporary demo URL:[file
name]/ <>
- To test firefox/features/index.ftl and firefox/features/share.ftl,
please use this link:
- Permanent staging:[file
name]/ (i.e.]
- To test firefox/features/index.ftl and firefox/features/share.ftl,
please use this link:

Let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Peiying Mo

Jul 14, 2020, 7:23:13 PM7/14/20
to localization, Mozilla
Hello Again Localizers,

I have some updates regarding WNP#79. The version pushed to Pontoon has
some conditional text that is not available for all languages. They are
broken up in these three groupings: en-* only, zh-CN only, and all locales.

*ALL locales:*
[headline] Get more control over trackers
[subhead]{ -brand-name-firefox } blocks more advertisers and trackers from
following you around than ever before.

[CTA] See your Report

[headline] Keep { -brand-name-facebook } contained[subhead] Get the power
to prevent { -brand-name-facebook } and { -brand-name-instagram } from
tracking you around the web.

[CTA]Add { -brand-name-facebook-container }

*en-* only:*

[headline] Secure your connection
[subhead] With one tap, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } encrypts your
connection to keep your online activity private on any network — safe from
hackers and other prying eyes.

[CTA] Get Started

*zh-CN only: *

[headline] Read our Privacy Promise

[subhead] Take less. Keep it safe. No secrets. Our business doesn’t depend
on secretly abusing your trust.

[CTA] Read more

Peiying Mo

Jul 14, 2020, 7:30:31 PM7/14/20
to localization, Mozilla
Accidentally sent before I finished...

Because of how activation of a new page works normally, for this page, the
activation threshold is 60% (instead of 80%). Focus on your locale specific
content first, you may consider finishing up the rest if you wish. The dev
will explore how to address locale specific content and not expose all
content to all locales.

Thank you,
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