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[]: glitches with en/firefox/privacy/book.ftl

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Peiying Mo

Nov 20, 2020, 9:31:34 PM11/20/20
to localization, Mozilla
Hello Localizers,

There have been quite a few new, migrated and updated pages for the site in
recent weeks. Chances are, you have noticed two notifications in Pontoon of
99 strings from the project. Both notifications refer to this
file: en/firefox/privacy/book.ftl

The *en/firefox/privacy/book.ftl* file is only meant for a couple of
locales (and covered by Mozilla staff), not for all the locales. After a
few tries, the technical glitches couldn't be resolved. The issue of file
level configuration would be looked at when everyone comes back from the
Thanksgiving holiday.

Some of you had started working on the file before it was removed from
Pontoon both times. Your work would be stored in the TM.

Thank you again and have a wonderful weekend,
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