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December's L10n Report is Live

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Jeff Beatty

Dec 22, 2020, 5:14:01 PM12/22/20
to dev-l10n, Mozilla projects web content localization
Hi everyone,

December's L10n Report is now live on the l10n blog[1]!

We want to also send our heartfelt thanks to every one of you. This year
has been a challenge for us, as I know it's been a challenge for many of
you. Our dependence on in-person workshops and the travel restrictions put
in place for the pandemic really hindered our ability to connect with you
this year. Despite that, you all have been incredibly active, and even
helped Mozilla launch a new version of the Firefox for Android browser! It
is a privilege to know you and we're grateful you choose to spend your free
time with us to make the Web more accessible.

Worldwide there are holidays being celebrated this month, so I'll close by
saying happy holidays and thank you!


PS, the Mozilla virtual office will be closed from 24 Dec to 4 Jan and we
will all be spending that time disconnected from online life. For anything
you need, we'll be happy to help when we return on 4 January.

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