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[]: New Nav bar and updated footer

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Peiying Mo

Nov 6, 2020, 7:48:23 PM11/6/20
to localization, Mozilla
Hello Localizers,

We have a few new and updated files for the footer and navigation.

*File names*:


*Testing server*:

- *navigation_v2.ftl* will replace *navigation.ftl* at some point though
no solid deadline is provided. You should be able to leverage some of the
strings to the new file. As soon as v2 reaches 80% completion, it will be
activated, thus replacing the old version. The complete switch over for all
locales will take place in the future. When that happens, I will send out a
notice in advance.
- *footer.ftl*. There are quite a few obsolete strings in the file but
because only a handful new strings are added, we decide to keep the same
file. Luckily, there are only a few updates, so please complete the file
- de, fr locales will be covered by Mozilla staff.

Thank you everyone and have a wonderful weekend!

Michal Stanke

Nov 16, 2020, 12:19:07 PM11/16/20
to Mozilla projects web content localization
Hi Peiying.

I guess I found an error in the import for footer.ftl file. There are two
strings - footer-follow-mozilla and footer-follow-firefox. Currently they
contain reference to { -brand-name-mozilla } and { -brand-name-firefox },
however I think they shouldn't. There are cases when the local version of
the brand name might differ, e.g. when declension is used. Instead I
believe the string should contain @mozilla and @firefox explicitly, because
that are the names of the Twitter accounts.
Michal Stanke

so 7. 11. 2020 v 1:48 odesílatel Peiying Mo <> napsal:
> _______________________________________________
> dev-l10n-web mailing list


Nov 16, 2020, 1:35:48 PM11/16/20
to Mozilla projects web content localization, Michal Stanke
Hello Michal,

Thank you for your email and for raising good questions. This is how I
interpret why they should be treated as brands:

- I believe the official Twitter accounts from MoCo are @Mozilla and

- As brands, both should be left unchanged, which was the conclusion
from the last brand discussion.

- As for the local versions where declensions are used, are they the
official Twitter accounts from the company? If yes, I will check with
marketing. I believe on the site, the intent is to direct
user/reader to the official channels. Having said that, the posts are
likely in English only.

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