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Are these features possible to develop with a firefox extention?

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Sep 1, 2016, 10:53:07 AM9/1/16
hello, please i want to create a firefox extention, i would ask for the feasibility of my idea

i have a php page show a list of emails with open on browser link next to it,
when i click that button, the following will happen:
1- create new browser profile on the fly (if it does not already exist)
2- the profile will load the following informations from our application database thru xml or api.
2.1- proxy setings
2.2- user agent
2.3- autofill informations related to that account like username, password, date of birth, and other informations related to that account username.
3- we want to be able to open multiple profiles (tabs) in the same window.
4- is there a limit of profiles that firefox can handle?
5- how long do you thing it will take for an experience extention developer to do this (we provide xml)

please i would know if that possible and the guidelines to do the job.

can someone reffer a developer?

thanx a lot you guys are always so helpful

Jorge Villalobos

Sep 1, 2016, 3:41:51 PM9/1/16
It sounds feasible. However, it's harder to do with the new API
(WebExtensions), which is what we're transitioning to, which doesn't
support profile management. You would probably need to offload most of
the work to an external process, which you can do with the connect
native API:

The question becomes: do you need this to be an extension? It seems like
an easier thing to do with a bash script or something like that.

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