Watchpoints are enabled in all channels (bug)!
Julian made the “Show content messages” setting persistent in the Browser Toolbox — Bug 1603389
Rutaraj fixed a message crash when accessing the Timing Panel of a network message in the console — Bug 1601911
Thiago fixed Websocket message in Console and Netmonitor — Bug 765651
We now show parameter of logged functions — Bug 1370826
There’s a WIP patch to include the expression context variables in the autocomplete popup — Bug 1604411
WebSocket Inspector supports SignalR protocol. It now parses SignalR packets and displays the as an expandable tree (bug)
Removed DebuggerClient connect and close callback params since they return a Promise — Bug 1602769 & Bug 1602709
Removed custom target front property `activeConsole` in favor of `getFront(“console”)` — Bug 1566850
EventEmitter.on now returns an “unsubscribe” function so the consumer does not have to keep the target reference around — Bug 1603035
Functions from async-storage.js now properly reject an exception when an error occurred — Bug 1603126