The debugger now defers fetching call stack frames, which will be a nice perceived performance improvement bug 1594861
Fixed autocompletion issue when the user accepts a completion (with Enter, Tab or right arrow) shortly after typing a letter — Bug 1595068
You can now use console.table with Typed arrays — Bug 1595594
Raymond added an “Open in new tab” context menu entry on links in the console output — Bug 1214556
Console.table improvements
Table is no longer impacted by later alterations on argument — Bug 1326182
Should now work with performance.getEntries() result — Bug 1536523
Column limit was bumped to match Chrome implementation — Bug 1067710
Empty string console.* arguments are rendered as <empty string> — Bug 1375752
Presented feature at the mozilla developer roadshow. Received positive feedback and people were eager to use it.
Patches are in review. Goal remains to land what we have before the end of the year in Nightly.
Progress on bug 1306198.
The debugger now defers fetching call stack frames, which will be a nice perceived performance improvement bug 1594861